Another entry in the Loch Death project as Warren plays around with adding those extra little details to the table bringing it to life.
Happy Sunday! Welcome to another episode of The Weekender XLBS where we talk all things hobby related this weekend and delve into what we have planned for Hobby Lab and more...
In part two of this How to Paint tutorial from Games Workshop Duncan Rhodes shows us what to do with all the armour, silver, brass, pipes and also the fabric of Thanquol & Boneripper.
Your followers of Nurgle are going to want some cool looking bases to stand on and in an additional tutorial Games Workshop's Duncan Rhodes takes you through how to paint up an awesome foetid Swamp Base that will be perfect for your Blightkings.
In this episode of Dust to Dust our resident Tank God takes us through the process of making run down, rusty, metal armour and plating for your battle hardened miniatures! What do you think of the technique?
In this episode of Dust to Dust we're showing you a super fast way to darken down your guns and make them look like they've been out in the field getting burnt, battered and beat down!
In part 3 of this End Times painting tutorial Duncan Rhodes looks at painting the flesh of the mighty Nagash. With so much dead flesh to paint where would you start?
The tank god is back for another great episode of Dust to Dust. Get your painting and weathering gear ready as John breaks out his Axis Heavy Walker and shows us how to make a mess of all those armour plates so it looks like it's been in the wars!
Games Workshop have broken out Duncan Rhodes once again to show you how to paint up those huge Sector Imperialis Realm of Battle Boards that just hit their webstore.
To finish off Duncan is adding the final touches to his mammoth Morkanaut. He'll be going into detail about how to create great effects for lights and orbs as well as a bit more weathering and a sure fire way to paint horns!
Games Workshop Painting Tutorial: Morkanaut Part One!
11 years ago 6It's time for another round of painting tutorials from Duncan of Games Workshop as he starts work on that massive new Ork construct, the Morkanaut! See what you think of Part One where he works on the hull!
Rounding things off Games Workshop take a look at that all important step, basing your miniature. To do that they have a range of texture paints that actually work pretty darn well from what I've been told! See what you think of this tutorial.
Smash and bash up your vehicles in the fires of combat an environments of death worlds as you see this new Painting Tutorial from Games Workshop...
It's time for another Tank God Tip so John brings out the Crusader Tank from the Bolt Action range to show us how to create some cool paint and rust chipping effects. Make your new tanks look old!
We continue with our series of Tank God Tips as John shows you a quick and easy process for painting tank tracks!
Dave gets his brush and water out and gives you a run down of the tips and tricks you'll need to know when painting your Deadzone Terrain. See what you think of the finished products within...
Our personal tank ace John is back for another tutorial on tanks. Today he's in the mood to show off how to paint up a magnificent burnt and rusted metal technique that will make your tanks really look as if they are in the middle of a battlefield and firing on all cylinders.
Romain shows you how to weather the armour of a Space Marine Rhino using a door hatch.
In the final part John starts with mixing up a little cocktail that creates a nice oil look on the hydraulic rams etc.