John dives into a painting tutorial for Armoured Clash giving you a teaser of the awesome 10mm miniatures Warcradle Studios have coming up for release later this year! John shows you how to paint the Spitfire Rocketeers from The Crown faction in Armoured Clash.
In this week's Gerry Can, we show you how to make Blood & Plunder Ship Sails out of real live honest to god canvas, because when you've rigged your sloop you probably want to make sure the sails don't look like lego marshmallows right?
As part of our ongoing Conquest: The Last Argument Of Kings VLOG series, John has painted up a Minotaur from the City States in the scheme that we're going for. This is a great how-to-paint tutorial for those wanting to make an alternative scheme for their armies.
John shows how to paint the Yakazar, Sharkman Champion RPG miniature from Raging Heroes. This is one of their awesome Heroes Infinite 3D Printable miniatures from the month of July!
Romain joins us in the Hobby Lab to paint Firelock Games awesome Kickstarter Exclusive Captain Morgan.
Today I'm painting up the magnificent Joan of Arc model from Mythic Games.
Today Sam's left me with the fantastic little rodent thief from Oathsworn Miniatures to advance his painting to the next level.
Let's try something new...
We're joined once again this week with Dallas from Privateer Press...
Moving away from vehicles we take a look at Battlefront's tips and tricks for painting your West German Panzergrenadiers from Leopard.
Romain adds the last fine details to his tartan kilt design for Infinity's William Wallace.
Romain adds more layers to his Wallace Hunting Tartan paint scheme, with the first cross bars of the pattern.
Time for something a little more advanced as Romain takes us through the steps to painting tartan cloth with freehand techniques, using none other than William Wallace from Infinity.
Sorastro's Painting is back painting up some more of Star Wars: Imperial Assault this time focusing on the Bounty Hunter Boba Fett who is arguably one of the coolest characters in the films...
Sorastro's Painting has another Star Wars treat for us this month with a painting tutorial on How To Paint Diala Passil from Star Wars: Imperial Assault. It's time to embrace the power of the Force with this Jedi...
We're back with another tutorial from the one and only Romain where he is checking out Agent Lucinda Loveless from the Union Faction in Wild West Exodus!
Part two of a new range of Painting Tutorials is also up from Games Workshop. This time, Retributors and Ionus Cryptborn!
Check out another painting guide for Imperial Assault by Sorastro where he shows you what do when painting up Jyn Odan!
Another painting tutorial has popped up online from Games Workshop showing off how to paint our new favourite Warhammer 40,000 army, the Adeptus Mechanicus, and especially the Skitarii Rangers!
Sorastro's Painting is back with another tutorial for Star Wars Imperial Assault where he shows you how to paint the Imperial Officers from this Fantasy Flight Games board game...
Those red robed and mysterious defenders of the Emperor are the next up for the Sorastro's Painting treatment as he shows you how to paint them for Fantasy Flight Games' Star Wars Imperial Assault...
It's time to finish up this repair job from Romain of Harriet Kinsley from the Micro Art Studio game, Wolsung SSG. Has she made a full recovery?
In the final part of this Weekend with Angel tutorial on the Kum Riders from Infinity we'll be taking a look at some more of the super-detailing and all the work that goes into the bases too!
In part two of this How to Paint tutorial from Games Workshop Duncan Rhodes shows us what to do with all the armour, silver, brass, pipes and also the fabric of Thanquol & Boneripper.
In this penultimate episode of Miniatures ER Romain works on some more of the detail and shading of Harriet Kinsley from Wolsung SSG by Micro Art Studio.
It's time to strap on the surgery gloves and get stuck in some more as we power on with Miniatures ER where we're trying to save Harriet Kinsley from the world of Wolsung SSG.
We're back with Part 2 of this Miniatures ER where Romain and Justin go through fixing the lovely Harriet Kinsley from Micro Art Studios for Wolsung SSG!
Welcome back to Miniatures ER where we have another badly battered miniature from Justin's horde of prisoners Romain will be rescuing a neat Wolsung SSG miniature this time around by the name of Harriet Kinsley.
It's time for the final part of Romain's tutorial on How to Paint The Soldier from Myth! What do you guys think of the finished article and will you be painting up your own boxed set?
We're back for the next stage of painting the fantastic Myth Soldier from Megacon Games as Romain adds the next few layers of colour. What do you think so far?
Our painting guru has sat down with the Soldier hero from Myth and has picked a rather dashing paint scheme for him! Sit down, relax and watch as we take you through how to paint up this great looking hero from Megacon Games.
In the second part of this Games Workshop Painting Tutorial for the Putrid Blightkings Duncan Rhodes takes you through a few of the finishing touches to the miniature including rotting horns, bruised skin, boils and sores and even some poison effects for weapons...
Games Workshop are back with more painting tutorials from Duncan Rhodes and this time around he is showing you how to paint the Putrid Blightkings from The End Times and Warhammer Fantasy range. See what you think of these steps...
In the final part of this tutorial series we get a look at how to work on the super detailing and finishing touches when it comes to painting the mighty Nagash for Warhammer Fantasy...
In part 2 of this how to paint tutorial of Nagash Duncan Rhodes shows us some tips and tricks for painting up the robes and spirits on the miniature...
It's time for another epic painting tutorial from Romain on 3 Colours Up! This time he'll be getting stuck into the first stages of painting the magnificent Forward Kommander Sorscha Kratikoff from the mighty Khadorian army in Privateer Press' Warmachine!
It's time for Romain to add his finishing touches to this Ordic Pistoleer! The only thing I think we can say is this was one amazing restoration job and the results speak for themselves! So many awesome little hints and tips for bringing a miniature to life! So, if you're feeling up for it get in touch and maybe volunteer one or more of your miniatures to go under the expert brush of our miniature savior!
In the second installment of Miniatures ER Romain moves on to the main issues with Justin's Ordic Pistoleer. This time he'll be covering more about the rather unfortunate choice of skin tone and some parts that really shouldn't be blue!
It's time for the doctor to see his patients! We're kicking off the first Miniatures ER where Romain takes a look at a few models that have been through the wars and comes up with a way to save one of them from being relegated to the rubbish bin. Today it's Justin's miniatures!
Download Our Unique Camo Stencil Set Inside!
Romain is back for part 3 of his tutorial on the Twilight Kin Sorceress from Mantic Games. Today we get a lesson on how to paint purple leather on this scantily clad little mini.
Flames of War: Painting Japanese Infantry
11 years ago 1Looking for some tips on painting the WWII armies of Japan for Flames of War? Well look no further than this vid which takes you through the stages of painting and basing these 15mm scale Japanese.