Join John for a new painting tutorial where he shows off how to paint up one of the new 28mm Lizardmen from Wargames Atlantic to fit into a Sci-Fi wargame like Necromunda.
If it bleeds, we can paint it! I'm back to end the tutorial on the Alien Vs Predator model from Prodos Games; the Predator.
We've covered the basics, now it's time for some tone and shading of the model.
Duncan Rhodes is back to finish off his series of painting videos on Age Of Sigmar with a look at how to paint Korghos Khul the Mighty Lord of Khorne from the Starter Set, new from Games Workshop.
Now for something big and nasty. See what you think of this painting tutorial from Games Workshop for the mighty Khorgorath...
Another Games Workshop Tutorial for you this morning with tips from Duncan Rhodes on painting up the Blood Warriors and Blood Secrator...
Part two of a new range of Painting Tutorials is also up from Games Workshop. This time, Retributors and Ionus Cryptborn!
On this May the 4th day we have another Painting Tutorial from Sorastro's Painting! In this episode he shows how to paint The Nexu from Fantasy Flight Games' Star Wars Imperial Assault...
Duncan Rhodes isn't finished with the legions of Chaos as he also shows you how to paint a Khorne Skullreaper, one of the new models from Games Workshop for the Warhammer Fantasy End Times...
With The End Times in full swing from Games Workshop it makes sense that you'll be wanting to paint up some Chaos Warriors for the forces of Archaon The Everchosen...
In the second part of this Games Workshop Painting Tutorial Duncan Rhodes shows you how to go about working on the Bloodthirster's Armour, some more of the work on the Bone and also some tips on making Fire look great...
In part three of this tutorial from Games Workshop Duncan Rhodes takes you through painting the rider of this particular beast, Orghotts Daemonspew, from start to finish. There are loads of techniques here that will be applicable to a whole bunch of Chaos Warriors in your growing army...
Another cracking painting tutorial from Games Workshop has popped up for their Maggoth Lords that will be heralding in the time of Chaos and the supremacy of Nurgle in the world of Warhammer Fantasy. Check out part one where they start work on the skin of the beast...
In the second part of this Games Workshop Painting Tutorial for the Putrid Blightkings Duncan Rhodes takes you through a few of the finishing touches to the miniature including rotting horns, bruised skin, boils and sores and even some poison effects for weapons...
Let's see what goes into bringing that flesh, blood and bone paint scheme up to the next level!
The End Times are approaching and this means that Duncan Rhodes must bend to the will of Nagash and get painting him in an epic four part tutorial. In Part 1 we get a look at assembling this herald of woe!
Duncan is back for another Games Workshop painting tutorial. This time, in the wake of so many new Ork models, he is going to be showing you an easy way to paint their green skin as well as their faces, teeth and eyes...
Games Workshop Painting Tutorial: Morkanaut Part Three!
11 years ago 3To finish off Duncan is adding the final touches to his mammoth Morkanaut. He'll be going into detail about how to create great effects for lights and orbs as well as a bit more weathering and a sure fire way to paint horns!