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Cadian Castellan Astra Militarum Painting Tutorial | Warhammer 40,000


John shows you how to paint a Cadian Castellan from the Astra Militarum of Warhammer 40,000 by Games Workshop. You can use this scheme and replicate it across your entire 28mm Sci-Fi force so they look good as they battle the Xenos!

3 Colours Up: Repairing Damaged Paint


RERUN // Dallas from Privateer Press is back in the studio today to bring you a necessary tip for everyone to pick up on every few years, Repairing Damaged Paint on models.

Dust To Dust: How To Paint Rusty Armour Plates!


In this episode of Dust to Dust our resident Tank God takes us through the process of making run down, rusty, metal armour and plating for your battle hardened miniatures! What do you think of the technique?

How To Add Weathering To Your Guns!


In this episode of Dust to Dust we're showing you a super fast way to darken down your guns and make them look like they've been out in the field getting burnt, battered and beat down!

Dust to Dust: Weathering Axis Armour Plates


The tank god is back for another great episode of Dust to Dust. Get your painting and weathering gear ready as John breaks out his Axis Heavy Walker and shows us how to make a mess of all those armour plates so it looks like it's been in the wars!

Games Workshop Painting Tutorial: Stormfang Part 2

11 years ago 1

In Part 2 of this Games Workshop Painting Tutorial Duncan Rhodes looks at painting up the detail in the cockpit and elsewhere on the Stormfang Gunship. How would you go about making these areas pop?

Games Workshop Painting Tutorial: Sector Imperialis Boards


Games Workshop have broken out Duncan Rhodes once again to show you how to paint up those huge Sector Imperialis Realm of Battle Boards that just hit their webstore.

Games Workshop Painting Tutorial: Morkanaut Part One!

11 years ago 6

It's time for another round of painting tutorials from Duncan of Games Workshop as he starts work on that massive new Ork construct, the Morkanaut! See what you think of Part One where he works on the hull!

Games Workshop Painting Tutorial: Nurgle’s Rot

11 years ago 0

It's time to get oozing and sticky with another painting tutorial from Games Workshop showing off the Nurgle's Rot Technical Paint!

Games Workshop Painting Tutorial: Nihilakh Oxide

11 years ago 1

Want to try and get a verdigris effect on your tanks and armour? See what you think of the Nihilakh Oxide Technical paint from Games Workshop!

Troll Impaler’s Worn Leather Quiver


Romain sits down for another 3CU Tips session where he has found another component for his Troll Impaler that needs painting. This time he teaches a technique for painting well worn and battered leather.

40K Ork Stompa Painting Tutorial – Part 2


Part 2 kicks of with applying Citadel Dheneb Stone Foundation Paint to the teeth on the large front face plate and picking out details on the lights using Citadel Boltgun Metal.

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