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New Great War French Arrive From Wargames Atlantic


Wargames Atlantic's latest plastic offering returns to the fields of France and the First World War with the French Infantry (1916-1940) box, this being the second set from the War to end all Wars range after last years Germans.

Wargames Atlantic Help Create Boundless Persia With A Flash Sale


I'm a big fan of Wargames Atlantic and their ethos of emptying my pockets as quickly as possible with their plastic kits. 

Wargames Atlantic Bring The Big Guns To Bear For Les Grognards


Wargames Atlantic have been showing off Matthew Leahy's paint jobs for the upcoming heavy weapons sprue for the Death Fields Les Grognards. The sprue is currently being tooled up for production with a December release date pencilled in for them and the test shots look fantastic.

Wargames Atlantic Takes On The Great War In New Previews


Wargames Atlantic have previewed a very interesting pair of renders for their upcoming historic range.

Wargames Atlantic Scout Out Some Elves


As their Halflings start to ship Wargames Atlantic have previewed their next fantasy kit that they are working on and it's a staple of the genre.

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