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Blood & Plunder – Amaro Pargo Painting Tutorial | Firelock Games

2 years ago 7

In this video, John dives into painting one of the personalities, Amaro Pargo, from Firelock Games' excellent miniature wargame, Blood & Plunder. Get piratical with one of these excellent 28mm Pirates for use when playing out Historical adventures on the tabletop.

15mm WW2 Typhoon Ground Attack Aircraft Painting Tutorial | Flames Of War


In this painting tutorial, John shows off how to paint a 15mm Typhoon Ground Attack Aircraft from Battlefront Miniatures' World War 2 Historical wargame, Flames Of War. This plane will be doing some tank busting.

TOG2 Heavy Tank Painting Tutorial | Flames Of War

3 years ago 6

Join John as he shows off how to paint a big long Heavy Tank, the TOG2. Follow along with a painting tutorial for this 15mm Flames Of War miniature.

West German UH-1 Huey Painting Tutorial | World War III: Team Yankee


John shows you how to paint a West German UH-1 Huey from Battlefront Miniatures' World War III: Team Yankee 15mm wargame. 

How To Paint Emily Nouguier & The Enlightened | Wild West Exodus – Global Gunslinger League

3 years ago 3

John shows off how to paint Emily Nouguier from the Enlightened for Wild West Exodus. This should give you a good idea of how to apply this paint scheme to all of the miniatures in Showdown At Retribution for the Global Gunslinger League.

How To Paint Nikolai Tesla & The Union | Wild West Exodus – Global Gunslinger League

3 years ago 4

Join John as he shows off how to paint Nikolai Tesla from the Union for Wild West Exodus. This should give you a good idea of how to apply this paint scheme to all of the miniatures in Showdown At Retribution for the Global Gunslinger League.

Master Assassin Painting Tutorial | OnePageRules


Check out our Painting Tutorial focusing on a 3D Printable wargaming miniatures from OnePageRule's Patreon! Here we have one of the Master Assassins from their Duchies Of Vinci range.

Shadowhawk Mech Painting Tutorial | Battletech


Join John for a new Battletech Painting Tutorial where he shows off how to paint one of the Shadowhawk Mechs from the "A Game Of Armoured Combat" Starter Box by Catalyst Game Labs. 

Dragonborn Paladin Painting Tutorial | Dungeons & Diversity

3 years ago 4

This week John is showing you how to paint a Dragonborn Paladin from the 28mm Dungeons & Diversity range by the folks at Strata Miniatures. 

Mythic Battles: Ragnarok Fenrir Painting Tutorial


John shows off how to paint Fenrir from the new Mythic Battles: Ragnarok board game by Monolith Edition. Check out how he paints up the herald of Ragnarok itself.

Painting Tips Perfect For ANY Ork Kit | Kromlech Deffstomper 40K Project


We're back with the second part of our Gerry Can Kromlech Deffstomper 40K Project as he shows off hobby and painting tips that would suit ANY Ork Kit

40K Kill Team Painting Tutorial – How To Paint A Death Korps Of Krieg Veteran


John shows you How To Paint a 28mm Death Korps Of Krieg Veteran from the newest Warhammer 40K: Kill Team boxed set, Octarius. 

Dropzone Commander Painting Tutorial – PHR Enyo Heavy Walker

4 years ago 5

We're back with a simple painting tutorial that will help you paint up your Enyo Heavy Walkers from the PHR faction in TTCombat's 10mm wargame, Dropzone Commander.

Flames Of War Painting Tutorial – American Infantry Team

4 years ago 5

John gets stuck into a Flames Of War Painting Tutorial. This time he is showing off a quick scheme for a 15mm American Infantry Team from Battlefront Miniatures.

Moonstone Painting Tutorial – Jayda


Get stuck into another miniature painting tutorial as John works on Jayda from Moonstone and the Hunting Horns box by Goblin King Games.

Aeronautica Imperialis Painting Tutorial – Marauder Bomber


Join us for another painting tutorial as John shows off how to paint an Aeronautica Imperialis Marauder Bomber from Games Workshop's Sci-Fi wargame.

Painting The Mighty Wild Assent Seeker, Koralt! – Full Painting Tutorial #WildAssentWeekOTT

4 years ago 24

Join John for a miniature painting tutorial for Wild Assent as he works on the Seeker, Koralt, from the board game by Lazy Squire Games.

Stargrave Trooper Painting Tutorial #StargraveWeekOTT

4 years ago 96

Join John for a miniature painting tutorial where he shows how to paint a Stargrave Trooper from the plastic kits by North Star Military Figures.

Stormsunder Painting Tutorial – Capac Roca


John shows us how to paint the character Capac Roca from their board game Stormsunder by Lazy Squire Games.

Oathmark Painting Tutorial – Heavy Dwarf Infantry


John breaks out the brushes and starts work on a Heavy Dwarf Infantry miniatures for 28mm Fantasy wargame, Oathmark: Battles Of The Lost Age by Osprey Games.

Bolt Action Painting Tutorial – WWII American Paratrooper


John gets stuck into a painting tutorial for a 28mm WWII American Paratrooper from Warlord Games' Bolt Action. 

Mythos Miniature Painting Tutorial – Abigail (Priory Faction)


John is back with another miniature painting tutorial as he works on Abigail from the Priory faction in Warcradle Studios' 32mm wargame, Mythos. 

Wild West Exodus Miniature Painting Tutorial – Plague Doctor Longtree


John paints up a new 35mm Wild West Exodus miniature in this painting tutorial as he looks at the Plague Doctor known as Longtree from the Dead Or Alive Outlaw Posse. 

Wild West Exodus Miniature Painting Tutorial – Ghost Wolf


John picks out one of his favourite models from the Warrior Nation in Wild West Exodus by Warcradle Studios and gives Ghost Wolf a tabletop standard paint job. 

Warcaster Miniature Painting Tutorial – Coalition Weaver


Today we're doing a miniature painting tutorial for the Coalition Weaver figure from Warcaster: Neo-Mechanika by Privateer Press.

Frostgrave Miniature Painting Tutorial | Frostgrave Wizard #FrostgraveWeekOTT


John gets stuck into a miniature painting tutorial where he explores painting up a Frostgrave Wizard to lead your warband in the 2nd Edition of the game!

3 Colours Up: Painting Joan of Arc


Today I'm painting up the magnificent Joan of Arc model from Mythic Games.

3 Colours Up: Freehand Wood Technique


Today Romain is painting a Freehand Wood Techniques on the Warmachine shoulder pads of the Man-o-War Shocktroopers from Privateer Press.

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