In this painting tutorial Romain joins us in the Hobby Lab once again to bring you some beautifully shaded light green armour.
Dallas from Privateer Press has been with us in the studio with his beautiful sultry voice that could carry you off to Valhalla itself. *swoon*
See how things wrap up as we finish work on the Longhorn from the Nasier faction in Wrath of Kings.
The sky is a beautiful thing during the day and even better at night. It's even more miraculous when it's explored!
Today Romain is painting a Freehand Wood Techniques on the Warmachine shoulder pads of the Man-o-War Shocktroopers from Privateer Press.
Romain will be showing you how to paint gold coloured metals today without the use of any metallic paints!
Today Romain is covering a tricky subject in painting as he covers techniques for painting white armour.
Catch us for a special 3 Colours Up as we show you how to paint Yellow Armour for your Infinity Soldiers!
Today Romain's going to show you how to base coat the Kukulkani, blends the skintones together and delving into some Mayan history too.
Today we're beginning a new painting series to show you how to paint Armour.
Today we continue our series of learning how to paint skin tones with a look at Blue Alien Skin...
I'm continuing on where I left off on the Alien Vs Predator model from Prodos Games; the Predator!
Join Emma from Games Workshop as she shows you how to paint a Fyreslayer Vulkite Berserker from the new Age of Sigmar range. See what you think of the techniques for painting flesh, armour, weapons and flaming hair...
Welcome to another of Romain's Stormcast Eternal tutorials. Today sees him painting up a supper shiny orange colour scheme so if you liked his Jade tutorial this might be another one to add to your must watch list.
Welcome back for the new year! Romain has another of his Stormcast Eternal Liberator Tutorials. This time we'll get to see how to paint up a really lovely Jade scheme.
We're back with another tutorial from Sorastro's Painting for Fantasy Flight Games' Star Wars: Imperial Assault. This time he is breaking out the paints to show you How To Paint Gideon Argus...
Sorastro's Painting is back painting up some more of Star Wars: Imperial Assault this time focusing on the Bounty Hunter Boba Fett who is arguably one of the coolest characters in the films...
The makers of Age Of Tyrants, an upcoming 6mm Sci-Fi game, have teamed up with IL NANO NEFASTO Painting Studio to show off how to paint one of the Junker vehicles, the Draco Artillery Platform...
We're back with more from Romain as he begins work on another tutorial showing you how to paint one of the UNSC Epoch-Class Heavy Cruisers from Spartan Games' Halo Fleet Battles...
Sorastro's Painting has another Star Wars treat for us this month with a painting tutorial on How To Paint Diala Passil from Star Wars: Imperial Assault. It's time to embrace the power of the Force with this Jedi...
Romain moves on to the next stage of his Frank Miller Batman painting tutorial where we're looking at how to work on the main highlights and deeper shading techniques on this Knight Model's miniature.
Welcome back to Romain's 3 Colours Up Tutorial where he shows you how to paint Knight Model's Frank Miller Batman focusing on shading and highlighting today!
We're back with more on painting Lucinda Loveless from Wild West Exodus. In this part Romain finishes applying the base colours and then moves on to the next stage, shading.
Duncan Rhodes is back to finish off his series of painting videos on Age Of Sigmar with a look at how to paint Korghos Khul the Mighty Lord of Khorne from the Starter Set, new from Games Workshop.
Check out another painting guide for Imperial Assault by Sorastro where he shows you what do when painting up Jyn Odan!
Romain is back for another tutorial teaching you some of the essentials of painting. In this particular episode he'll be taking a look at the techniques you can use to paint Grey and/or White hair on another of the amazing Kingdom Death miniatures.
Welcome back to another Skin Tone Tutorial where today Romain is breaking out Kano from the Bushido miniatures game and shows off how to paint up one of the trickiest skin tones out there; Demonic Red.
We're back with the final part of this Skin Tone Tutorial where Romain adds the final level of shading and highlighting to this lovely little Kingdom Death Miniature.
Romain breaks out his paints and gets ready for another Skin Tone Tutorial this time focusing in on how to paint the skin tones of the Middle East.
On this May the 4th day we have another Painting Tutorial from Sorastro's Painting! In this episode he shows how to paint The Nexu from Fantasy Flight Games' Star Wars Imperial Assault...
Romain is back to finish up showing you How to Paint his Barbarian from Gaspez Arts by adding the final touches to the hair and moving on to that hairy chest!
We're back for another 3 Colours Up Tips where Romain is showing us how to paint Red Hair and also (since Barbarians don't tend to wax) some Body Hair too.
Another Star Wars Imperial Assault Painting Guide for the FFG Board Game By Sorastro's Painting! This time it's the Trandoshan Hunters who are some of the most interesting models in the game to paint...
Sorastro's Painting gets stuck in and paints up the master of the Force that is Darth Vader from Star Wars Imperial Assault by Fantasy Flight Games!
Another painting tutorial has popped up online from Games Workshop showing off how to paint our new favourite Warhammer 40,000 army, the Adeptus Mechanicus, and especially the Skitarii Rangers!
Romain moves on to the stages of painting his technique for a beautiful African Skin Tone on our little Kingdom Death Pin-Up miniature, adding in another level of deeper shading and highlights.
Welcome to another of our Skin Tone Tutorials where Romain has taken on the challenge of painting up an African beauty in the form of the White Speaker from Kingdom Death's Pin-Up range.