It's OTTWeekender time! Fed up of being taken out by try hards on Call Of Duty? Have a look at the awesome new modern warfare era 28mm miniatures from Spectre Operations which could totally get more video gamers stuck into some tabletop wargames.
Modiphius has announced that they are going to be releasing a new retail edition of the Full Spectrum Dominance rules from The Lazy Forger. As one of those games that totally wowed us back in 2022, it's great to see a physical set of rules coming to the tabletop soon alongside Modiphius.
In this week's Community Spotlight, we dive into a look at some tiny terrain crafting from you folks plus a look at some epic spaceships!
As part of this week's Cult Of Games XLBS, we dive into an discussion on the greatest of all time! What game do you reckon is the greatest you've ever played and why? We also get stuck into hobby including a fun excursion from John where he found himself a new toy to play with!
Privateer Press might have been doing a lot of Warmachine of late but that hasn't meant that Monsterpocalypse has completely fallen by the wayside. You can pick up the mighty Archipelagon for use with your Tritons!
In this week's Community Spotlight, we have a look at someone inpaitient for The Old World, a neat vignette of witchfinding goodness and some very small American Civil War armies.
As part of this week's Cult Of Games XLBS, we dive into a discussion on making history and historical wargaming (more) fun. Sometimes you find yourself getting bogged down by the boring bits when it comes to historical wargames and it might just be easier to cut out said boring bits! Does this make for a better game? We have a particular look at Warren's plans for wargaming in Acre during the Crusades.
On this week's Cult Of Games XLBS, we dive into a little bit of hobby discussion about rules and what grinds our gears when playing games. Could some rules be improved immeasurably by simply tweaking or removing a single rule? Gerry doesn't rant and no one is more surprised than I?!
It's OTT Weekender time! In this episode, we're looking at a HUGE wargame that is absolutely free for you to dive into. If you've wanted to get stuck into some Weird Wild West wargaming or a set of rules that cover Fantasy, Sci-Fi and Near Future settings, Gangfight Games and Blackwater Gulch are well worth looking at.
A little while back, Little Wars TV created a set of rules called Ravenfeast which could be used for Dark Age wargaming. A lot of people play the game in 28mm but Little Wars TV also created a set of rules for playing out BIG battles using tiny miniatures. Well, Baccus 6mm have now created packs that you can use to play out those engagements!
In this week's Community Spotlight, we have a look at some sneaky gitz for Warhammer Age Of Sigmar, BIG BattleTech tables and The Silver Bayonet as a campaign!
Gale Force Nine has yet another pack of 6mm Sci-Fi terrain coming to the Hextech range soon. Wave 2 has already introduced Highways but you can also get your hands on the Atlean Steppes for your battles outside Trinity City.
As part of this week's Cult Of Games XLBS, we dive into a little bit of hobby discussion but also the evolution of WAR and what we're thinking when it comes to some game mechanics that Warren has been working on. Will you be trying these out in one of your games this weekend?
We have a look at some awesome painting from you folks including some BattleTech, an expanded The Barons' War collection and someone looking to get new blood into tabletop gaming!
Wave Two of the Hextech collection by Gale Force Nine is coming soon and their team has been showing off some of the 6mm Highways that you'll be able to pick up! These offer a good way to build on your terrain collection for games like BattleTech.
As part of this week's Cult Of Games XLBS, we dive into the one of the big questions of the tabletop gaming world. What is that attracts you to a game? Is it the art, the rules, the world building or perhaps something entirely different?
Vikings VS Zombies! A Marriage Made In Hel? Raybox’s Next Zombie-Slaying Board Game #OTTWeekender
32It's OTT Weekender time! Raybox Games might have done it again! Gates Of Niflheim is their next board game they are going to be bringing to Gamefound in 2024 but you can give this zombie-slaying board game a go RIGHT NOW and dive into this awesome Vikings Vs Zombies battle on the tabletop.
The Lazy Forger has been dropping some previews of some amazing 6mm Sci-Fi miniatures for their wargame, Full Spectrum Dominance. Draconian Minipainting over on Instagram has been sharing some of the early work on the miniatures for the third faction for the game, The Union.
Brutal Cities have released some new terrain for you to use in your 28mm wargames, be they Sci-Fi or Near Future. We start with the update for the Trapper Biotech range which is their 28mm terrain collection that you could use for games like Infinity for example.
It's OTT Weekender time! In this episode, we're having a look at the last set of Cities Of Sigmar miniatures for Warhammer Age Of Sigmar. Are they the best-looking army yet for The Mortal Realms or has Games Workshop jumped the shark with this one? Let us know!
Gerry and John break out the BattleTech miniatures and review the awesome new HexTech Terrain that you can now get from Gale Force Nine to use when building your gaming tables!
It's OTT Weekender time! The best Pulp game has returned with 2 massive new adventures available from Flying Frog Productions for Shadows Of Brimstone over on Kickstarter. Dive in and play out some amazing Pulp campaigns with a host of brilliant new miniatures and adventures in an Egyptian tomb or aboard a train that is bound for Hell!
Mantic’s Firefight = The Best Sci-Fi Wargame? New Book, Rules & More Coming Soon! #OTTWeekender
2 years ago 20It's OTT Weekender time! Mantic Games' Firefight is looking like it could end up being a serious contender to Warhammer 40,000. Their 28mm scale game of the year Sci-Fi wargame set in the Warpath universe is getting a brand new expansion taking it to the next level with new miniatures, vehicles, rules and more. Is it the best Sci-Fi wargame out there?
In this week's Community Spotlight, we get a look at some excellent The Barons' War painting, a TINY Heresy army (how apt!) and a quickfire Kings Of War: Ambush army project.
In this week's Cult Of Games XLBS, we dive into some of our hobby that we've been up to but also have a discussion about fair play, cheating and the "spirit of the rules". We also ask about what kind of house rules you use with your friends in order to have the most fun at the tabletop.
It's OTT Weekender time! Colin Patten has been working on his largest collection ever with one hundred and fifty (150!) individual 28mm Viking miniatures for your Dark Age games. This isn't just a raid, this is Ragnarok and the Sons of Odin are coming for your wallet! If you're interested in Vikings then you must see this range of models.
The Lazy Forger are back with some more awesome releases for those seeking to battle through tiny (and exquisite) terrain in 6mm scale. This time around your mechs, vehicles and troops of the Sci-Fi future are going to be battling through Favelas.
We delve into a backlog of BattleTech goodness, see some Witches on holiday away from the Discworld and check out some stylish Blanchitsu-style Eldar.
We dive into what it's like being a hobby butterfly, the start of a mighty Anglo-Saxon army and then a rather impressive fleet of ships for use in Victory At Sea.
Mordheim Creator’s Brand New Grimdark Wargame Revealed, Trench Crusade! #OTTWeekender
2 years ago 39It's OTT Weekender time! Tuomas Pirinen, the creator behind the 28mm grimdark wargame, Mordheim, has set his sights on a brand new miniatures game featuring themes of heaven and hell called Trench Crusade. Featuring a brand-new set of 32mm miniatures from James Sheriff and with artwork by Mike Franchina, this is looking like an epic new grimdark wargame.
GHQ Models have dropped a whole host of new 6mm and 1/2400th scale releases for you to have a peek at if you're looking to dive into some Modern wargaming from throughout the 20th Century.
If you're looking for some excellent 6mm Sci-Fi terrain then you can't go too far wrong when it comes to The Lazy Forger and their offerings. These terrain pieces would be brilliant for the likes of BattleTech or their own game, Full Spectrum Dominance.
Battletech Mercenaries! NEW Big Mechs For Hire In Resurgent Wargame & Undead Unearthed #OTTWeekender
31It's OTT Weekender time! This week, Warren gets into the Spring Clean Challenge by unearthing a cemetery's worth of undead fiends for gaming with his kids and the Battletech Mercenaries provide some big guns and more for the hard Sci-Fi tabletop wargame.
Catalyst Game Labs have taken to Kickstarter to expand their BattleTech range with a new set of miniatures and more. BattleTech: Mercenaries comes packed with lots of content for those wanting to dive deeper into this Sci-Fi wargame.
Gale Force Nine has announced a new addition to their Battlefield In A Box range. A new partnership has come together as they have worked with Thunderhead Studio to produce a new fully painted Sci-Fi terrain for use in your smaller-scale mech games like BattleTech, Steel Rift and the like!
Join us for a new episode of Cult Of Games XLBS! In this episode, we're exploring the awesome range of Bot War miniatures that Gerry has been painting AND asking the question; could you ONLY buy miniatures ONCE a year?
It's OTT Weekender time! We have a look at the excellent new Starter Set coming up for Mantic Games' Deadzone. This is turning out to be a perfect alternative to Warhammer 40K and their Sci-Fi skirmish game, Kill Team.
Wargames Illustrated has, in their latest issue, shown off a brand new Ancient Naval Wargame called Thalassa! Take on the role of Ancient Greek commanders taking to the Aegean Sea with their Triremes and Penteconters as part of a fun new wargame.
It's OTT Weekender time! We think we might have found the finest dragon miniatures for use in your fantasy wargaming. We have a look at some stunning miniatures from Cast N' Play for use in your Fantasy wargames and roleplaying adventures like Dungeons & Dragons.
The Lazy Forger are currently over on MyMiniFactory raising funds to bring the first digital edition of Full Spectrum Dominance to life on the tabletop. This is their 3mm to 15mm Sci-Fi wargame featuring awesome troops, vehicles, walkers and more battling it out on small tabletops packed with stunning terrain.
Get stuck into a Let's Play of the awesome Full Spectrum Dominance from The Lazy Forger as Gerry clashes with Jack in this small-scale Sci-Fi wargame.
Microworld Games continue the release of fun 6mm wargaming miniatures with another peek into the realm of the Historical. A new set of "Generic Renaissance" miniatures have been added to their webstore to be used alongside various empires, factions and the like during the period.