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Can Steamforged Games Bring Warmachine Back From the Brink! #OTTWeekender

7 months ago 29

It's OTTWeekender Time! Following the news that Steamforged Games has acquired the Warmachine IP the folks at SFG have wasted no time in giving a rundown of their plans to reinvigorate the game and how they will bring it to the masses. This includes a new plastic 2-Player Starter Set that is due later this year!

Minairon Miniatures Unveil New Trubia-Naval Tank


Minairons Miniatures are reliving the caos y sangre of Guerra Civil Española with the production of a tiny tank that played a small but significant role in the fight for Spanish control.

Spartan Talk Army Building In Halo: Ground Command


Spartan Games have been talking more about the way in which their upcoming game, Halo: Ground Command, is coming together.

Tanks Roll Onto The World War I Battlefield From Plastic Soldier


Plastic Soldier Company have taken to Kickstarter to fund an expansion to The Great War board game/war game. It will contain rules, miniatures and terrain tiles for bringing tanks to the battlefield of World War I.

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