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Download Free Campaign Supplement For Blood & Steel


Firelock Games and Edgar Pabon have created a free supplement for you to download for use with their 28mm Historical wargame, Blood & Steel. Blood & Steel gives you rules for playing out Victorian Age Combat on the tabletop and the new Into The Fireline download allows you to link those battles together with campaign rules.

Community Spotlight: Dweghom, Deathwatch & Daring Afghans!


Come and check out some stunning #PathOfConquest army painting, amazing Deathwatch Space Marines and the building of a big Afghan army for 1880s wargaming.

Cult Of Games XLBS: Not Enough Space To Hobby?!


We have lost Gerry to something mystical called...a holiday?! In his place, we've brought Justin back into the fold to talk about the hobby and try and work out how to make enough space to hobby and game!

Let’s Play: Nanty Narking


The guys from Phalanx Games are in the studio to show us Nanty Narking - a Victorian London re-imagining of beloved board game Ankh Morpork!

Perry Create Commanders For Your Zulu Wars British


Perry Miniatures has released two new sets of metal miniatures for those engaging in the Zulu Wars.

Add The Dear Boss Expansion To The Letter’s From Whitechapel Board Game


Fantasy Flight Games have expanded upon the murderific world of Letters From Whitechapel with a new board game expansion, Dear Boss.

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