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Hobby Hangout Livestream [Catch Up Now!]


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Army Painter Bring Colour To D&D’s Underdark


The Army Painter have announced an expansion to their D&D Nolzur's Marvelous Pigments range, now bringing a splash of colour to the denizens of the Underdark.

Mantic Launches Their Brush With Death Painting Competition


Get your paintbrushes ready because Mantic has announced their Brush With Death painting competition. Competitors have just under 4 months to ready their entries for a chance to win exciting prizes on Mantic Open Day!

Adepticon Is Right Around The Corner


Your OTT crew will be at Adepticon for all the gaming goodness March 27th-31st. What are you hoping to see from the show this year? Let the team know so they can get it on their list!

Stream Archives: Flames of War T34s


Join me in painting some cute T34's for our upcoming Flames of War coverage.

3 Colours Up: Painting Bronze Skin Tone


Today I'm back in the Hobby Labs to paint a beautiful Dwarven female from the Massive Darkness range.

3 Colours Up: Painting High Elf Skin Tone


Is Angel Giraldez Adding A Third Volume To Painting Masterclass?


Angel Giraldez, one of the industry's most well regarded professional painters, has already come out with two painting masterclass guides, but could we be in for a third?

3 Colours Up – Painting Bright White Armour


3 Colours Up: Painting Protectorate Gold Armour


3 Colours Up: Painting a Chibi Elf – Part Two


We're back again with Part two of the Super Dungeon Explorer Chibi Miniatures.

3 Colours Up: Painting a Chibi Elf – Part One


It's time we had something different in our painting range, something for the chibi fans out there so we've grabbed our box of Super Dungeon Explorer and began work on the Chibi Elf alchemist.

3 Colours Up: Painting A Glowing Axe Effect


Community Spotlight: Calth Armies, Tattoo’d Orcs & Moving Turbine Engines!


Another week has passed and we've been fishing around the Hobby & Painting forums for some awesome paints, sculpts and general awesomeness from the community.

3 Colours Up: Painting Pale Green Armour


In this painting tutorial Romain joins us in the Hobby Lab once again to bring you some beautifully shaded light green armour.

3 Colours Up: Painting Freehand Dark Angels Emblems


Today Romain is back in the studio to follow up on the Warhammer 40k Emblems for varying factions.

Wrath Of Kings Week: Painting The Longhorn – Part Three


See how things wrap up as we finish work on the Longhorn from the Nasier faction in Wrath of Kings.

Wrath Of Kings Week: Painting The Longhorn – Part One


Join us for an epic painting tutorial this week as we show off how to paint up the Longhorn of the Nasier from Wrath of Kings.

3 Colours Up: Painting Calico Kate – Part Two


Join us this week as Romain continues showing off how to paint Relic Knights' colourful Calico Kate.

3 Colours Up: Painting Calico Kate – Part One


Today Romain is painting some Relic Knights; the beautiful Calico Kate from the Star Nebula Corsairs range.

3 Colours Up: Painting The Convergence Of Cyriss Prime Axiom (Part Three)


We're moving onto the third part of this monster scorpion from Romain as he paints up the Convergence Of Cyriss Prime Axiom converted by Tomas Mennes.

3 Colours Up: How To Paint Galaxy Skies


The sky is a beautiful thing during the day and even better at night. It's even more miraculous when it's explored!

3 Colours Up: Painting Khador Red Armour


Today Romain whips out the trusty airbrush once more to show us how to paint Khadorian Red Armour using a Man-O-War Shocktrooper.

3 Colours Up: Painting Rackham Spirals


Today Romain is painting up the famed Rackham Spirals.

Community Spotlight: Eco Pods, Air Raids, Royal Guards & The Start Of A Forest


The Beasts of War Forums have been overflowing with some amazing projects to show off.

3 Colours Up: Painting Blue Marble


Today Romain is sculpting out a marble sheild for us.

3 Colours Up – How To Paint Blue Armour


It's time to get out the trusty airbrush again and show you some awesome techniques for painting Blue armour.

3 Colours Up: The Kukulkani – Part One


Today Romain's going to show you how to base coat the Kukulkani, blends the skintones together and delving into some Mayan history too.

3 Colours Up – Painting A Viking Shield


This week Romain's painting a Viking sheild which has taken a few hits in it's day.

3 Colours Up – Painting Black Armour


Today we're beginning a new painting series to show you how to paint Armour.

3 Colours Up – Corrupted Flesh Tone


Hello everyone, today we're continuing the flesh tone series and looking at some corrupted flesh.

3 Colours Up – How To Paint A True Silver Stormcast Eternal


We set up shop again to start painting one of Games Workshops Age of sigmar Models, showcasing metallic technique with yours truly.

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