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A Festival Of Gloomhaven On BackerKit – An RPG, Minis & More


Cephalofair Games have now launched their BackerKit campaign for the Gloomhaven Grand Festival. There are not one, not two but three different options available to backers who want to get involved. At the heart of this is the new 2nd Edition of Gloomhaven but you've also got the new Roleplaying Game and cartloads of miniatures for the different 'Haven games in the collection.

Warhammer Age Of Sigmar Combine Firepower & Ogor Might


If you're looking to get a taste of The Old World in The Mortal Realms, take a peek at the new Fusil-Major On Ogor Warhulk which got previewed this week for Games Workshop's Warhammer Age Of Sigmar and the Cities Of Sigmar. 

Ice And Shadow! New Two-Player Starter Set For Kings Of War


Mantic Games have made a new Two-Player Starter Set available featuring both the mighty Northern Alliance and the Nightstalkers. Ice And Shadow offers up a great way for you to dive into playing the 28mm wargame, Kings Of War for you and a friend. 

Cult Of Games XLBS: Resistance Is Futile You Will Be Assimilated Into 3D Printing


In this week's Cult Of Games XLBS, we sit down and chat about some hobby projects we've got in the works including Conan, Warhammer 40,000 and some tanks! We also chat about 3D Printing and if it's becoming far too hard to resist diving in and having a go!

Warning! New Viking Miniatures Will Raid Your Wallet! Ragnarok Is Here! #OTTWeekender


It's OTT Weekender time! Colin Patten has been working on his largest collection ever with one hundred and fifty (150!) individual 28mm Viking miniatures for your Dark Age games. This isn't just a raid, this is Ragnarok and the Sons of Odin are coming for your wallet! If you're interested in Vikings then you must see this range of models.

Armoured Buccephaloi Join The Old Dominion Of Conquest


Some more sneaky pre-orders have popped up from Para Bellum Wargames for those looking to build on the units for Conquest: The Last Argument Of Kings and the Old Dominion. Here we have the mighty armoured Buccephaloi!

Hunt Aliens With Snarling Badger’s New Wargame, Majestic 13


Snarling Badger Studios' Vince Venturella and Adam Loper have released their next 28mm Sci-Fi wargame for you to dive into. Solo and cooperative action awaits in the alien-hunting wargame, Majestic 13, where you'll be combating alien threats that have found their way to Earth!

Community Spotlight: Gods And Titans, Nerfing Necromunda & An Odd Chaos Army


This week, we're looking at some immense Greek Gods and Titans, some impressive terrain crafting for Necromunda and finally, an excellent look at an odd Chaos army.

Travel & Trade On Alien Planets With New Colony 87 Sci-Fi Miniatures


The Colony 87 range from Crooked Dice has expanded with a few beasts of burden from alien worlds. If you're looking to get stuck into a great 28mm Sci-Fi collection then maybe these new Sandtreaders could be a grand start.

New General’s Handbook Coming For Warhammer Age Of Sigmar


Games Workshop might be in the giddy throes of Warhammer 40,000 and its 10th Edition but Warhammer Age Of Sigmar is still getting updated. A new General's Handbook is on the way that will cover you from now through to the Summer of 2024.

Artisan Series Thunder Chieftain For Para Bellum’s Conquest!


A new Artisan Series miniature is now available to pre-order from Para Bellum Wargames for their Conquest world. This hefty new 35mm miniature is one of the Thunder Chieftains from the W'adrhun and would make a formidable leader as well as a fantastic painting project for you to dive into.

New Tyranid Deathleaper Sculpt Stalks Into Warhammer 40,000


Games Workshop have sold out of Leviathan boxed sets after a manic weekend on the internet. That means there are a lot of Tyranid collectors out there looking for more miniatures to add to their Warhammer 40,000 collection. How about a new sculpt for Deathleaper that got previewed this week?

Check Out Infinity’s New Releases For July 2023!


Corvus Belli previewed the new releases coming during the month of July 2023. There are some neat character packs for you to pick up for their 28mm Sci-Fi wargame, Infinity, and expansion packs for those starting out and wanting more list-building options.

Cult Of Games XLBS: A New Perspective – What’s The Focus Of YOUR Hobby?


In this week's Cult Of Games XLBS, we've come back from UK Games Expo and this has made us reevaluate our perspective on what we enjoy out of our tabletop gaming. We discuss the joys of miniature painting and hobby, the want to return to classics from our collections and the way technology might or indeed might not be welcome in the future.

Has Warhammer 40K 10th Edition Got You Hooked Again On The Grimdark? #OTTWeekender


It's OTT Weekender time! With 10th Edition Warhammer 40K coming up for pre-order this weekend as part of the Leviathan boxed set, has this new edition charmed you? Do you think that you're going to get hooked again on the grimdark?

Westfalia Unleash Chaos Warriors On Kickstarter With Dark Tides


Kawe of Westfalia Miniatures and the fantastic sculptor, Boris Woloszyn, have come up with another collection of gorgeous miniatures.

Draco Studios’ Dragonbond: Battles Of Valerna Hits Kickstarter!


Draco Studios' Dragonbond: Battles Of Valerna is now live on Kickstarter. This is a brand new wargame set in Draco Studios' Dragonbond universe that has been penned by Alessio Cavatore and features entirely 3D Printable armies for a range of factions. 

Pre-order Mantic’s Northern Alliance + Soaring Frostclaw Riders!


Mantic Games have fired up pre-orders for the return of the Northern Alliance to their 28mm Fantasy wargame, Kings Of War. These warbands of the North are heading to war across the realm of Pannithor and there are some fun new goodies amongst the older ones.

Pre-Order Warhammer 40,000: Leviathan Set This Weekend


Unless you've been under a rock for the last week, you'll know that Leviathan, the new boxed set for Warhammer 40,000 is coming up for pre-order this weekend. This is going to be your first chance to dive in and get your hands on the newest miniatures and physical rules for the 10th Edition of Games Workshop's flagship Sci-Fi wargame.

Stretch Goals For The Damned! What’s New For Wargames Atlantic’s Gamefound Campaign?


Gerry talks in more depth about The Damned Gamefound Campaign from Wargames Atlantic with Charlie. They discuss some of the new 28mm Stretch Goals getting added to the campaign, allowing you to bulk out your army of cultists.

Wargames Atlantic’s The Damned Now Live On Gamefound


Wargames Atlantic's The Damned campaign is now live on Gamefound. A brand new selection of 28mm hard plastic miniatures are available for you to snap up to use in your grimdark and post-apocalyptic miniature wargames.

Battle Bandits & Manticore’s With New Epic Encounters Sets


The folks at Steamforged Games have put together another two Epic Encounters sets for you to use when diving into some roleplay at the tabletop using the likes of Dungeons & Dragons. This time around, you'll be tackling the Camp Of The Bandit Twins and a deadly Manticore.

40K Traitor Guard Done Right; Harness The Plastic Power Of Wargames Atlantic! #OTTWeekender


It's OTT Weekender time! Wargames Atlantic have got ahead of the game and made some excellent Warhammer 40K Traitor Guard for you to use when looking to make your next Chaos army in the grimdark future.

Build A 40K Traitor Guard Army! Wargames Atlantic’s The Damned On Gamefound


Gerry sits down for an interview with Charlie from Wargames Atlantic to discuss their new The Damned crowdfunding campaign which is coming soon to Gamefound! This could be a great time to collect 28mm miniatures for the Traitor Guard army from Warhammer 40K you've always wanted.

Community Spotlight: Monstrous Beasts, Shatterpoint & Bringing The Gnarlwood To Life


Some brand new projects to look at this week covering the worlds of Star Wars and Warhammer Age Of Sigmar. PLUS, we also have a look at something dark and spooky hiding in the shadows!

3D Print The Gloaming Swamps With Printable Scenery!


Printable Scenery alongside Johnny Fraser Allen and Matt Rauscher have put together a new Kickstarter campaign. You can head down to visit The Gloaming Swamps and explore a new range of 3D Printable terrain that could be used for your Fantasy wargames and some roleplaying adventures too.

Snap Up Statuesque Miniatures’ Cloth Goblins On Kickstarter


Statuesque Miniatures are on Kickstarter right now with their campaign to bring a band of lovely 28mm Cloth Goblins to life on the tabletop. These build on their Left At The Bottom Of The Garden range and offer up a deeper delve into the lore!

New Seraphon Enact Their Great Plan In Warhammer Age Of Sigmar


The Seraphon are getting ready to enact their grand plan in The Mortal Realms of Warhammer Age Of Sigmar. A new range of miniatures plus the new Battletome are going to be coming up for pre-order this weekend allowing you to stick it to the powers of Chaos on the tabletop soon.

Cult Of Games XLBS: From Gloom To Boom! Igniting Your Hobby Passion


In this week's Cult Of Games XLBS, we're looking to find that spark that ignites your hobby. What is it that gets you thinking about new projects, helps you get through your painting or indeed has you thinking about building impressive armies?

Waiting For Warhammer: The Old World? You Could Play The Ninth Age Instead! #OTTWeekender


It's OTT Weekender time! Why would you wait for Warhammer: The Old World when The Ninth Age, an amazing community-led wargaming project, exists and gives you access to all of the mass battle Fantasy goodness that you could want? You also get to play with whatever miniatures you like!

Prove Your Strength In Trials Of Tempus D&D Board Game


There are more WizKid D&D board games on the way for those looking to get your fix away from the dungeon delving. For example, a new board game is on the way called Dungeons & Dragons: Trials Of Tempus where you need to prove your strength as two teams of adventurers.

Full 3D Printable Wargame, Dragonbond: Battles Of Valerna!


Draco Studios are talking about a return to Kickstarter soon with their entirely 3D Printable wargame, Dragonbond: Battles Of Valerna. The world of Dragonbond has been expanding and developing over the years with roleplaying games, board games, comics and more. Now, Alessio Cavatore's Battles Of Valerna is getting set to hit tabletops for mass battle goodness.

Get A Closer Look At Wargames Atlantic’s The Damned Miniatures


Wargames Atlantic are closing in on the Gamefound campaign for their new The Damned miniatures. This 28mm range is going to be coming on 26th May and will focus on a series of new plastic sets that allow you to make a corrupted and twisted army of Sci-Fi soldiers.

New Dungeon Adventures Sets & Quests From Mantic Games


Mantic Games have introduced a whole new set of Dungeon Adventures sets for you to get stuck into over on their webstore. If you're looking to build some interesting dungeon-delving adventures in games like D&D then you've now got a host of ideas for characters, encounters and villainous foes to throw at your players.

Dive Into Black Site’s New Solo Sci-Fi Micro Game, Demon Ship


Fancy blasting your way out of a demon-infested spaceship as the final survivor lost on the edges of the galaxy? Well, you're in luck as Black Site Studios has started taking pre-orders for a new solo micro tabletop game by Malev called Demon Ship! Cue the DOOM music...

Burn Heretics With New Ashes Of Faith 40K Kill Team Boxed Set


Games Workshop are looking ahead to a new Kill Team boxed set going up for pre-order this weekend. Ashes Of Faith puts a twist on the tried and tested Kill Team formula for Warhammer 40,000 and has you diving into a larger narrative Sci-Fi experience on the tabletop.

Cult Of Games: A Cry For Control, Wargames Designed To Unleash Our Freedom!


In this week's Cult Of Games XLBS, we dive into a discussion on game design. Warren and Lloyd are looking for a set of rules that gets out of the way and lets you do what you want with your armies. Warren also goes ALL IN with the idea of using toys in wargames.

Mordheim Creator’s Brand New Grimdark Wargame Revealed, Trench Crusade! #OTTWeekender


It's OTT Weekender time! Tuomas Pirinen, the creator behind the 28mm grimdark wargame, Mordheim, has set his sights on a brand new miniatures game featuring themes of heaven and hell called Trench Crusade. Featuring a brand-new set of  32mm miniatures from James Sheriff and with artwork by Mike Franchina, this is looking like an epic new grimdark wargame.

Get 3D Printing With Mantic Games’ New Vault Subscription


Mantic Games have fired up their newest venture for you to sign up for and get involved with. If you're interested in 3D Printing then you might want to delve into the newly revealed Mantic Vault. 

New Towering Jotnar & More For Para Bellum’s Conquest!


Para Bellum Wargames have revealed all manner of new 35mm scale Fantasy miniatures for those wanting to dive into their games like Conquest: The Last Argument Of Kings and First Blood. We lead things with the impressive new Artisan Series Mountain Jotnar!

First Warlock-Led Battlegroup Previewed For Warmachine!


Privateer Press have fired up pre-orders for their first Warlock-led Battlegroup coming to the 35mm Fantasy world of Warmachine. The Trollbloods (yay!) are on the way as the Southern Kriels Brineblood Marauders find themselves fighting at the shoreside in Immoren.

Tell Legendary Stories With Malifaux In The Month Of May


Wyrd Games have some more awesome releases for you to delve into for the month of May. Malifaux gets two new boxed sets for its 32mm scale skirmish game plus there is also a new expansion for those wanting to get more from Bayou Bash.

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