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3 Colours Up: Shaltari Light Cruiser (Part Two)


With the Dropfleet Boot Camp coming around the corner, Romain is finishing up his Romulan inspired Shaltari Light Cruiser.

3 Colours Up: Painting Khador Red Armour


Today Romain whips out the trusty airbrush once more to show us how to paint Khadorian Red Armour using a Man-O-War Shocktrooper.

3 Colours Up: Painting White Armour


Today Romain is covering a tricky subject in painting as he covers techniques for painting white armour.

3 Colours Up: Painting a Bamaka Warrior – Part Two


Today Romain is finishing off Eden's brutal Bamaka Warrior.

3 Colours Up: Painting A Bamaka Warrior – Part One


3 Colours Up: Painting Teal Armour


3 Colours Up: How To Paint Purple Armour


Using the Zuyong Invincibles, Terracotta Soldiers from Infinity Romain is going to show you How to Paint Purple Armour on your soldiers of the far future.

3 Colours Up – Painting Yellow Armour


Catch us for a special 3 Colours Up as we show you how to paint Yellow Armour for your Infinity Soldiers!

3 Colours Up – Kukulkani Part Two


Last time we based the model ready for highlighting and shadowing, this week we're finishing up!

3 Colours Up – Painting Black Armour


Today we're beginning a new painting series to show you how to paint Armour.

3 Colours Up: Blue Alien Skin Tone – Part Two


Today we're going to be finishing off the model in more detail with additional shading and topping things off with a touch of highlighting on some key features of the model.

3 Colours Up: Night Elf Skin Tone


Romain is back again this week to continue the skin tone series. This week he's painting a Dark Elf who commonly have darker blue and violet skin.

3 Colours Up: Painting An ALEPH Skin Tone – Part One


Hello folks! Romain is back to show you How To Paint some pale skin tones. This time we're taking a look at how to paint the skin tones of the ALEPH from Infinity.

Games Workshop Painting Tutorial: How To Paint A Fyreslayer Vulkite Berserker


Join Emma from Games Workshop as she shows you how to paint a Fyreslayer Vulkite Berserker from the new Age of Sigmar range. See what you think of the techniques for painting flesh, armour, weapons and flaming hair...

3 Colours Up – How To Paint An Orange Enamel Stormcast Eternal


Welcome to another of Romain's Stormcast Eternal tutorials. Today sees him painting up a supper shiny orange colour scheme so if you liked his Jade tutorial this might be another one to add to your must watch list.

3 Colours Up – How To Paint A Jade Stormcast Eternal


Welcome back for the new year! Romain has another of his Stormcast Eternal Liberator Tutorials. This time we'll get to see how to paint up a really lovely Jade scheme.

3 Colours Up – How To Paint a NMM Silver Stormcast Eternal


Romain is back with us once again to show us the beauty and genius of painting the Stormcast Eternals for Games Workshop's Age of Sigmar.

3 Colours Up – How To Paint A NMM Gold Stormcast Eternal


We're back with Romain today to learn about how to paint a Non-Metallic Metal Gold version of the Stormcast Eternal Liberators.

3 Colours Up – How To Paint A True Silver Stormcast Eternal


We set up shop again to start painting one of Games Workshops Age of sigmar Models, showcasing metallic technique with yours truly.

3 Colours Up – How To Paint A Star Metal Stormcast Eternal


Welcome back to another metallics tutorial from Romain as he shows you how to paint a Warhammer: Age of Sigmar Stormcast Eternal Liberator in a Star Metal scheme.

3 Colours Up – How To Paint A Steel Stormcast Eternal


We're back with another metallics tutorial where we're showing off techniques to get the perfect Steel look to armour...

3 Colours Up – How To Paint A Copper Stormcast Eternal


We're heading to the Age of Sigmar to show off how to paint the metallic detail on a Stormcast Eternal Liberator in copper. We think this is a particularly great way to make your model stand out on the tabletop...

Star Wars Imperial Assault Painting Guide: How To Paint Gideon Argus


We're back with another tutorial from Sorastro's Painting for Fantasy Flight Games' Star Wars: Imperial Assault. This time he is breaking out the paints to show you How To Paint Gideon Argus...

3CU: How To Paint A Warzone: Resurrection Immortal – Part Two


We're back with another part in the new series showing you how to paint the Immortal from Warzone: Resurrections' Cybertronic faction.

Star Wars Imperial Assault Painting Guide: How To Paint Boba Fett


Sorastro's Painting is back painting up some more of Star Wars: Imperial Assault this time focusing on the Bounty Hunter Boba Fett who is arguably one of the coolest characters in the films...

3CU: How To Paint Halo Fleet Battles – UNSC Epoch-Class Heavy Carrier Part One


We're back with more from Romain as he begins work on another tutorial showing you how to paint one of the UNSC Epoch-Class Heavy Cruisers from Spartan Games' Halo Fleet Battles...

Star Wars Imperial Assault Painting Guide: How To Paint Diala Passil


Sorastro's Painting has another Star Wars treat for us this month with a painting tutorial on How To Paint Diala Passil from Star Wars: Imperial Assault. It's time to embrace the power of the Force with this Jedi...

3 Colours Up – How To Paint Batman (Frank Miller) Part Three


Romain moves on to the next stage of his Frank Miller Batman painting tutorial where we're looking at how to work on the main highlights and deeper shading techniques on this Knight Model's miniature.

3 Colours Up – How To Paint Batman (Frank Miller) Part Two


Welcome back to Romain's 3 Colours Up Tutorial where he shows you how to paint Knight Model's Frank Miller Batman focusing on shading and highlighting today!

Star Wars Imperial Assault Painting Guide: How To Paint IG-88


Sorastro's Painting continues his fantastic Star Wars: Imperial Assault painting guide series with one on the assassin droid IG-88...

3 Colours Up: How To Paint Wild West Exodus’ Lucinda Loveless Part Three


We continue this tutorial on Lucinda Loveless from Wild West Exodus by heading on towards the next step in the process, highlighting.

Games Workshop Painting Tutorial: How To Paint The Baleful Realmgate

9 years ago 19

Duncan Rhodes is back doing something a bit different for Age of Sigmar by Games Workshop this time. The newest video focuses on painting the Baleful Realmgate which is one of their new terrain pieces.

Star Wars Imperial Assault Painting Guide: How To Paint Gaarkhan & Chewbacca

9 years ago 4

We're back with more from Sorastro's Painting where he now shows us how to paint up the Wookies known as Gaarkhan and Chewbacca from Star Wars Imperial Assault by Fantasy Flight Games.

Games Workshop Painting Tutorial: How To Paint Korghos Khul – Lord Of Khorne


Duncan Rhodes is back to finish off his series of painting videos on Age Of Sigmar with a look at how to paint Korghos Khul the Mighty Lord of Khorne from the Starter Set, new from Games Workshop.

Games Workshop Painting Tutorial: How To Paint The Khorgorath


Now for something big and nasty. See what you think of this painting tutorial from Games Workshop for the mighty Khorgorath...

Games Workshop Painting Tutorial: How To Paint Blood Warriors & Blood Secrator


Another Games Workshop Tutorial for you this morning with tips from Duncan Rhodes on painting up the Blood Warriors and Blood Secrator...

Games Workshop Painting Tutorial: How To Paint Bloodreavers & The Bloodstoker


Another painting tutorial for you this morning as Games Workshop have a look at some of the first Chaos models from the Age of Sigmar Starter Set...

Games Workshop Painting Tutorial: How To Paint Lord Celestant Vandus Hammerhand


The painting tutorials for Games Workshop's Age of Sigmar continue with the painting of the main Order character from the Starter Set...

Games Workshop Painting Tutorial: How To Paint Age Of Sigmar Retributors & Ionus Cryptborn


Part two of a new range of Painting Tutorials is also up from Games Workshop. This time, Retributors and Ionus Cryptborn!

Games Workshop Painting Tutorial: How To Paint Age Of Sigmar Liberators & Prosecutors


Games Workshop are back with another set of seven (yes, seven) painting tutorials for Age of Sigmar. Check it out!

Star Wars Imperial Assault Painting Guide: How To Paint Jyn Odan


Check out another painting guide for Imperial Assault by Sorastro where he shows you what do when painting up Jyn Odan!

3 Colours Up Tips: Painting White/Grey Hair


Romain is back for another tutorial teaching you some of the essentials of painting. In this particular episode he'll be taking a look at the techniques you can use to paint Grey and/or White hair on another of the amazing Kingdom Death miniatures.

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