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How To Paint Khador Razor Warjack For Warmachine | Steamforged Games

2 months ago 0

John shows off how to paint a Khador Razor Warjack from Steamforged Games' new Starter Set for Warmachine. John explains all of the steps that go into painting one of the Khador Warjacks for Warmachine and the techniques used here can be replicated on other miniatures from the Khador.

How To Paint 10mm Armoured Clash Jezzails (The Empire) | Warcradle Studios


John dives into a painting tutorial for Armoured Clash giving you a teaser of the awesome 10mm miniatures Warcradle Studios have coming up for release later this year! John shows you how to paint the Jezzails from The Empire faction in Armoured Clash.

How To Paint 10mm Armoured Clash Spitfire Rocketeers (The Crown) | Warcradle Studios


John dives into a painting tutorial for Armoured Clash giving you a teaser of the awesome 10mm miniatures Warcradle Studios have coming up for release later this year! John shows you how to paint the Spitfire Rocketeers from The Crown faction in Armoured Clash.

15mm WW2 Typhoon Ground Attack Aircraft Painting Tutorial | Flames Of War

2 years ago 1

In this painting tutorial, John shows off how to paint a 15mm Typhoon Ground Attack Aircraft from Battlefront Miniatures' World War 2 Historical wargame, Flames Of War. This plane will be doing some tank busting.

Sons Of Horus Space Marine Painting Tutorial – Warhammer: The Horus Heresy


In this painting tutorial, John shows how to paint one of the Sons Of Horus MKIV Space Marines from the new edition of Warhammer: The Horus Heresy by Games Workshop.

Steampunk Adventurer (Marquita Mendoza) Painting Tutorial | Raging Heroes


John builds on his 3D Printing VLOG from last week by showing off how to paint the 32mm Steampunk Adventurer, Marquita Mendoza from Raging Heroes' June Release on Heroes Infinite. 

3 Colours Up: Cerastus Knight [Part Three]


John has bust down the front door to make sure you get to see the final part of his Cerastus Knight paint job.

3 Colours Up: Painting Freehand Imperial Fist Emblems


We're back once more paint up an Imperial Fist Emblem for your Space Marines!

3 Colours Up: Painting Non-Metallic Metal Freehand Chrome


We've showed you Gold and Silver and now it's time to paint up some 90's style Chrome, perfect for those androids you're looking to paint up!

3 Colours Up: Painting Calico Kate – Part Three


Today it's all about the finishing touches and finer details.

3 Colours Up: Warmachine Emblems – Cygnar


Freehanding emblems can be easy when you have the proper guidelines. In this video Romain is going to show you how to paint Warmachine's emblem for Cygnar.

3 Colours Up: Night Elf Skin Tone


Romain is back again this week to continue the skin tone series. This week he's painting a Dark Elf who commonly have darker blue and violet skin.

Games Workshop Painting Tutorial: Blood Angels Rhino


Duncan Rhodes is back with some more painting tutorials with the release of the Blood Angels. First up he's going to be showing you how to paint up a Blood Angels Rhino...

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