A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.… the crew of the LAZY GUNGAN have been sent on a time-sensitive mission to Mon Gaz in a search and recover mission by a broker for the CRIMSON DAWN crime syndicate.
On this most auspicious of days, three intrepid spacers take to the skies in a Galaxy Far, Far Away... Join Warren, Free, and Gerry as their alter-egos, Hazi San the Mirialan mercenary, Ashdaesha 'Ash' Kairn the Twi'lek pilot, and Gaarkazza the typecast Wookie first mate, as they attempt to earn a few credits and make a name for themselves out on the Fringe among the syndicates on board their ship the Lazy Gungan.
Osprey Games has now released their new roleplaying game, Heirs To Heresy: The Fall Of The Knights Templar. If you're interested in diving into a Historical-Fantasy roleplaying game then this might be worth taking a closer look at.