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Getting Started With Kings Of War


Matt and Rob from Mantic Games are in the studio to talk with us about how new players might get started with Kings of War.

Ascending Conan: The Tower Of The Elephant With Room 17

6 years ago 3

Ricard and Anders from Room 17 join Sam in the studio to talk about their upcoming board game Conan: Tower of the Elephant.

Behind the Board Games: Bruno Cathala


In this week's Behind the Board games, Ryan talks with Bruno Cathala about his approaches to design and how he got a start in the industry.

Designing Blood & Plunder Campaigns


Firelock Games campaign designer Nate talks us through his process for creating the Blood & Plunder campaign system.

Expressing Emotions In Holding On With Hub Games


Ryan and Cass sit down with Rory and Michael from Hub Games to talk about how they made something so important hit the spot in Holding On.

Chatting Up Giant Ninjas & Dinosaurs For Monsterpocalypse


Oz from Privateer Press joins Sam and Ryan to talk about the new version of Monsterpocalypse being released.

Kings Of Kickstarter: Inside The Industry With Room 17 Games

7 years ago 0

Justin is joined by Ricard and Anders from Room 17 Games to talk a little bit about how they got into the industry and the history of Room 17.

Drowned Earth – New Releases On The Way!

7 years ago 7

Justin is joined by James Baldwin to talk about everything new coming to The Drowned Earth: Miniatures Game.

Weekender: Epic ELITE: Dangerous Battle Card Dogfights & Kurage Crisis Infinity Update!


We're discussing ELITE Dangerous: Battle Cards, the ongoing Kurage Crisis Infinity Campaign and Warren falls in love with loads of mats at once!

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