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Games Workshop Painting Tutorial: How To Paint Grey Hunters!

10 years ago 0

In another painting tutorial on the Space Wolf Grey Hunters Duncan Rhodes takes you through the techniques in another spiffing 'how to' from Games Workshop...

3 Colours Up: Forward Kommander Sorscha Kratikoff!


It's time for another epic painting tutorial from Romain on 3 Colours Up! This time he'll be getting stuck into the first stages of painting the magnificent Forward Kommander Sorscha Kratikoff from the mighty Khadorian army in Privateer Press' Warmachine!

Flames Of War: Painting The M26 Pershing Tank


It's time for another painting tutorial today and this one's from the folks behind Flames of War. They'll be showing you a quick and easy way to paint up an M26 Pershing Tank for the battlefield. Looks like a very simple scheme with good tabletop results!

Games Workshop Painting Tutorial: How To Paint Ork Skin!


Duncan is back for another Games Workshop painting tutorial. This time, in the wake of so many new Ork models, he is going to be showing you an easy way to paint their green skin as well as their faces, teeth and eyes...

Miniatures ER: Saving An Ordic Pistoleer Part 1!


It's time for the doctor to see his patients! We're kicking off the first Miniatures ER where Romain takes a look at a few models that have been through the wars and comes up with a way to save one of them from being relegated to the rubbish bin. Today it's Justin's miniatures!

Games Workshop Painting Tutorial: Morkanaut Part One!


It's time for another round of painting tutorials from Duncan of Games Workshop as he starts work on that massive new Ork construct, the Morkanaut! See what you think of Part One where he works on the hull!

Games Workshop Painting Tutorial: Base Paints


Games Workshop are continuing the painting expertise with another tutorial on how to use your Base Paints to give that first layer of awesomeness to a model. Did the tutorial help?

Games Workshop Painting Tutorial: Undercoating!


Games Workshop have added a whole new selection of painting tutorials to their website and we'll kick things off with their Undercoating tutorial using their spray paints. See what you make of this one...

Games Workshop Painting Tutorial: Wood Elf Treeman Durthu #1


Games Workshop have been doing a lot of very good painting tutorials of late and their latest is for the Wood Elf Treeman Durthu which is an epic model in every regard. See what you think as they work on the body...

Games Workshop Painting Tutorial: Cadian Shock Troopers


Games Workshop help you work through all those rank and file soldiers as they present a tutorial for the Cadian Shock Troopers you'll be using to make up the majority of your Astra Militarum force...

Games Workshop Painting Tutorial: Tempestor Scion Part 1

11 years ago 0

It's time to get stuck into the infantry for the Imperial Guard and more specifically the Tempestor Scion! Check out part one of this tutorial where they work on basing and shading the miniature...

Games Workshop Painting Tutorial: Taurox Prime Part 1

11 years ago 1

It's time to get stuck into painting the Taurox Prime for the Astra Militarum. See what you think of the work Games Workshop have done on this nifty new tank for the Imperial Guard...

Speed Painting 40K Tyranid Warriors


John takes us step by step through Warren's Tyranid paint scheme.

Games Workshop Assembly & Painting: Imperial Knight Part 2


With the Imperial Knight built it's time to start painting and they begin by working on the skeleton of this mighty walker for the new and improved Imperium...

Mantic Hobby Tips: Painting Deadzone Terrain!


Dave gets his brush and water out and gives you a run down of the tips and tricks you'll need to know when painting your Deadzone Terrain. See what you think of the finished products within...

Flames of War: Painting Japanese Infantry


Looking for some tips on painting the WWII armies of Japan for Flames of War? Well look no further than this vid which takes you through the stages of painting and basing these 15mm scale Japanese.

Painting A Cygnar Trencher Part 1


Time for a bit of Warmachine painting where Romain breaks out a Cygnar Trencher and shows us how to work on these boys in blue!

Flames of War Painting Finnish Infantry

11 years ago 1

The battles of WWII went on all year round, so the guys from Flames of War have taken the time to show us how to paint their Winter War Finnish Infantry and base them in the freezing snow.

Flames of War Painting Japanese Tanks

11 years ago 2

The Japanese of Flames of War have their own tanks to take on the Allies with and a new video has gone out to help you to paint their camouflage on.

Painting A Relics Britanan Foot Soldier Part 1


It seems our master painter has found a lost little Britanan Foot Soldier and, kind soul that he is, he's taken the fellow in and is giving him a nice little paint job.

Painting The PHR Colour Scheme On A Triton


Time to give Dropzone Commander some more love. We unleash Romain on the Post-Human Republic with a painting tutorial using a rather cool looking Triton Class Strike Dropship.

Painting High Paladin Dartan Vilmon – Lava Glow Part 1


Time for our master to pick up his tools and begin work on Dartan Vilmon! In this first part Romain gets to grips with the basics of what he wants to achieve with this miniature.

Painting Astorath the Grim: Part One


Romain has found an Astorath the Grim miniature to paint up and he's going to show you exactly how to make it stand out on the gaming table. To kick off Romain gets his main colors down on the miniature in preparation for all the lovely detail to come in the later parts of this series.

Painting a Tau Piranha Part One


It's the start of Tau Week and our buddy Dave has taken out a Tau Piranha to show us how to paint the basic tau color scheme.

Painting an Aquan Stingray Class Destroyer


The painting master Romain brings out an Aquan Stingray Class Destroyer from Firestorm Armada by Spartan Games and takes advantage of its beautiful flowing sculpt to paint up in a fantastic teal paint scheme.

Painting a Trollblood Pyre Troll… part 1


Romain kick's off a fiery new miniatures painting tutorial with a flaming hot Pyre Troll for Hordes from Privateer Press!

Painting a USCR Commissar Part 1


Romain breaks out his master painting kung fu to paint up one of the USCR minis from Mercs. In this one we see the beginnings of the base colours for this kick ass future warrior.

Flames of War Painting German Grenadiers


The German Grenadiers of Flames of War go under James' brush as he shares his tips on painting up these plastic minis from the Open Fire! starter set.

Romain Paints Aleph White


Romain takes a look at the paint scheme used on Aleph white, by the Infinity studio.

Flames of War Painting Sherman V


The guys at Flames of War share their tips on how to quickly paint up those Sherman V tanks from the Open Fire! box set.

Romain Paints Aleph Black


Romain gives some advice on painting the three main colour blocks for the Aleph Faction in Infinity. First he shows us how to get that opalescent black of the Aleph armour.

Chaos Space Marine Week: Painting a Bloodletter of Khorne


Blood for the Blood god...!!! Paint for the Frenchman...!!! Romain needs some allies for the Chaos Marines and what better than a fearsome Bloodletter of Khorne!

Painting a Nomads Crazy Koala… Part 1


Sit back and enjoy as Romain begins painting one of those cute killer robots from Infinity... the Crazy Koala

Painting a Fiery Dwarf Beard


We've been asked to show how to paint some hairy little Dwarves... OK then... here you go!

Yu Jing Imperial Agent: Pheasant Rank… Part 1


After becoming a more important leader for the Yu Jing, the Pheasant Rank Agent is one all you Yu Jing players will be looking for. Romain shows us how he paints this glorious warrior of the Emperor!

Painting an Ugdru-Rashaar… Part 1


Romain begins work on a Carnevale miniature... one of those slimy & sinister Deep Ones... the Ugdru-Rashaar!

Painting a Black Legion Terminator Lord… part 1


It wouldn't be a themed week on Beasts of War if we didn't have a painting tutorial for a Warhammer 40K model. So, for this week, Romain has chosen one of the classic models for Chaos Space Marines... the Chaos Terminator Lord/Sorcerer.

Painting Blood Red Silk… part 1


Romain begins to a paint an opulent silk cape, using the sinister Duke model from Carnevale!

How to Paint Sci-Fi Armour infinity Style


Have you always wanted to know how to get that cool white plastic sci-fi armour that you see on all the Infinity studio models? Well Romain is about to show you.

Painting: Sanguinary Guard | Seven Days of Sanguinius


John Paints the Sanguinary Guard for the new Blood Angels

Painting Lizardman Scales… part 1


Painting: Blood Angel Death Company | Seven Days of Sanguinius


John goes through the processes of doing a Death Company Marine

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