A large heavy weapons platform, used by the Terra Nova military. The Hussar evolved into a Gear and tank hybrid after decades of development.
Andy and Darrell discuss the Legion of Everblight... what dragon-blooded horrors await in the pages of Hordes: Domination? Let's see...
NuCoal’s only locally produced recon Gear... the Jerboa started its design life as an experimental racing Gear!
A fire support Gear, the Chevalier is brutally effective at dealing with infantry and light to medium class Gears.
Based off of the South’s Black Mamba Gear, a few of Cuirassiers have made their way into reserve and county militias.
The Lancier is a specialist Gear, useful in urban warfare. Most city garrisons have at least one section of Lanciers for city defense.
Andy and Darrell discuss what they think you should add to your Cryx Starter box after you've played a few games.
Developed during the Chasseur Mark I’s refit, the Mark II represents the pinnacle of Humanist and PAK design and achievement.
The Chasseur MKI is the basic trooper model for NuCoal. Utilizing a hover system instead of the wheeled system!
Andy and Darrell come to the Circle Orboros section of the new Hordes: Domination book.
Warren and Ben discuss the background to Dystopian Wars and try to find out just what make this fantastic world tick.
Here's one all of you Hordes players have been waiting on, Andy and Darrell take a look at the factions and characters in the new Hordes: Domination book. The first faction... well... it could only be the Trollbloods!
In the second part, Warren and Ben take you through some more of the basics that you'll come across in a game of Dystopian Wars
Warren and Ben take you through the basics of playing a game of Dystopian Wars... the game of Victorian Age Science Fiction where battles take place over land, sea and air.
Warren and Darrell discuss the main HQ choice from the new Necron Codex... the Overlord and his Royal Court...
Warren and Darrell discuss the deadly duo from the new Necron Codex... Nemesor & Obyron.
Darrell and Warren their favourite section of the new Necron Codex... the Fast Attack!
The guys discuss Anrakyr the Traveller, one of the few new Necron Overlords to come out of their long sleep with his mind in intact... but what do you guys make of him?
As always we like to go into more depth when we do our Character Breakdowns, so lets kick off with Imotekh The Storm Lord...
The guys have a look at Trazyn the Infinite... the Necron Overlord with the best collection of stuff... EVER!
Warren and Darrell discuss the elites section of the New Necron Codex.
It's time for a look at the troops section of the new Necron Codex.
Warren and Darrell give their initial opinions of the brand new Necron Codex and give us an overview of just what's changed and if those changes are for the better or worse.
Andy and Darrell take a look at the Chaos Space Marines Codex and discuss what they would like to see updated in a future release.
Time to wrap up the Blood Angels Codex with a look at the Fast Attack & Heavy Support choices.
Andy and Darrell move on the the core of any Blood Angels army... the Troops.
In the second instalment of the Blood Angels Codex, Darrell & Andy look at the elite section.
Darrell and Andy take time to go over the Blood Angels Codex... it's been out for a while, but how do they fare today? First up are the HQ choices.
Darrell & Andy discuss the Orks Codex and whether it's good for a new gamer or an experienced tournament player.
Andy & Romain take a look at the Lone Wolf roleplaying game from Mongoose Publishing.
It's time for another codex breakdown with Andy & Darrell, this time they take a look at the Tyranid codex.
In the last of our Ogre Kingdoms reviews, Andy and Darrell have a look at the magic section.
As we move through the new Ogre Kingdoms book, Andy & Darrell take a look at the rare section and find that there may well be some cheese in.
Andy & Darrell have a look at the special unit choices for the new Ogre Kingdoms army book.
Darrell & Andy continue their chat about the new Ogres Army Book. Today it's all about the mighty heroes who are going to have their enemy for lunch!
With the release of the new Ogre Kingdoms Army Book, Darrell and Andy discuss the updates and Darrell gives us an insight into his favourite WHFB army.
Darrell and Andy have a look at another of the older codex's from Games Workshop, this time we have the classic army that almost everyone will have had at some point... that's right! The might of the Emperor's finest... the Space Marines.
Darrell and Andy have decided to take a look at some of the Warhammer 40K Codex's, in light of the game as it stands today. First up are Darrell's favourite... Necrons!
Andy and Darrell take a look at a cool looking little game called Warheads: Medieval Tales and have a laugh at a funny bit of fluff.
Urban War 2nd Edition
13 years ago 15Andy and Jake are in the studio for a chat about the second edition of Urban War from Urban Mammoth. From what the guy's have said it's looking as if we're going to see a cleaner more streamlined version of the game.
Andy gets another look at Warmachine: Wrath. This time it's the new additions to the holy armies of Menoth.
Andy and Darrell kick off another episode of In the Spotlight. The guys discuss A Call to Arms: Noble Armada