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Star Wars Imperial Assault Painting Guide: How To Paint Gideon Argus


We're back with another tutorial from Sorastro's Painting for Fantasy Flight Games' Star Wars: Imperial Assault. This time he is breaking out the paints to show you How To Paint Gideon Argus...

Star Wars Imperial Assault Painting Guide: How To Paint Boba Fett

9 years ago 2

Sorastro's Painting is back painting up some more of Star Wars: Imperial Assault this time focusing on the Bounty Hunter Boba Fett who is arguably one of the coolest characters in the films...

Star Wars Imperial Assault Painting Guide: How To Paint Diala Passil

9 years ago 3

Sorastro's Painting has another Star Wars treat for us this month with a painting tutorial on How To Paint Diala Passil from Star Wars: Imperial Assault. It's time to embrace the power of the Force with this Jedi...

Star Wars Imperial Assault Painting Guide: How To Paint IG-88

9 years ago 6

Sorastro's Painting continues his fantastic Star Wars: Imperial Assault painting guide series with one on the assassin droid IG-88...

Star Wars Imperial Assault Painting Guide: How To Paint Gaarkhan & Chewbacca


We're back with more from Sorastro's Painting where he now shows us how to paint up the Wookies known as Gaarkhan and Chewbacca from Star Wars Imperial Assault by Fantasy Flight Games.

Star Wars Imperial Assault Painting Guide: How To Paint Jyn Odan


Check out another painting guide for Imperial Assault by Sorastro where he shows you what do when painting up Jyn Odan!

Star Wars Imperial Assault Painting Guide: How To Paint The Nexu


On this May the 4th day we have another Painting Tutorial from Sorastro's Painting! In this episode he shows how to paint The Nexu from Fantasy Flight Games' Star Wars Imperial Assault...

Star Wars Imperial Assault Painting Guide: How To Paint Trandoshan Hunters

10 years ago 3

Another Star Wars Imperial Assault Painting Guide for the FFG Board Game By Sorastro's Painting! This time it's the Trandoshan Hunters who are some of the most interesting models in the game to paint...

Star Wars Imperial Assault Painting Guide: How To Paint Darth Vader

10 years ago 15

Sorastro's Painting gets stuck in and paints up the master of the Force that is Darth Vader from Star Wars Imperial Assault by Fantasy Flight Games!

Star Wars Imperial Assault Painting Guide: How To Paint An AT-ST!


It's time to roll out the big guns this time as Sorastro's Painting goes into detail about how to paint the AT-ST from Star Wars Imperial Assault by Fantasy Flight Games...

Star Wars Imperial Assault Painting Guide: How To Paint Imperial Officers


Sorastro's Painting is back with another tutorial for Star Wars Imperial Assault where he shows you how to paint the Imperial Officers from this Fantasy Flight Games board game...

Star Wars Imperial Assault Painting Guide: How To Paint Royal Guard


Those red robed and mysterious defenders of the Emperor are the next up for the Sorastro's Painting treatment as he shows you how to paint them for Fantasy Flight Games' Star Wars Imperial Assault...

Star War Imperial Assault Painting Guide: How To Paint E-Web Engineers


This time Sorastro's Painting is going to show us how to paint up the E-Web Engineers for the Empire in Fantasy Flight Games' Star Wars Imperial Assault...

Star Wars Imperial Assault Painting Guide: How To Paint Probe Droids


Sorastro's Painting is back with another tutorial showing you how to paint up the Imperial Probe Droids from the Star Wars Imperial Assault board game by Fantasy Flight Games. Do you want to try out some cool metallic techniques?

Star Wars Imperial Assault Painting Guide: How To Paint Stormtroopers


Sorastro's Painting takes us through a step by step guide to painting the Stormtroopers from the Star Wars: Imperial Assault game by Fantasy Flight Games...

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