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Dystopian Wars – Building & Painting The Titanic Sisters | Part 4


In this final part of Painting The Titanic Sisters, John finishes off the historical trio with the last of the sisters, the Britannic. Designed as a hospital ship during World War I, she now gets a new chance to return to the tabletop in Dystopian Wars with the miniatures from the Fortune And Glory Starter Set for Dystopian Wars.

Dystopian Wars – Building & Painting The Titanic Sisters | Part 3


John paints up the RMS Olympic which saw service in World War I under the name HMT Olympic and now finds a new lease of life as part of the Fortune And Glory Starter Set for Dystopian Wars alongside the rest of the Titanic Sisters. This time, we're diving into dazzle camouflage!

Dystopian Wars – Building & Painting The Titanic Sisters | Part 2


John continues working on the Titan Class Heavy Conveyor Ship from the Fortune And Glory Starter Set for Dystopian Wars and blends them with his first Historical love, the Titanic and her sister ships.

Dystopian Wars – Building & Painting The Titanic Sisters | Part 1


John takes some of the new Titan Class Heavy Conveyor Ship sprues from the Fortune And Glory Starter Set for Dystopian Wars and blends them with his first Historical love, the Titanic and her sister ships.

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