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Community Spotlight: A Tiny Cemetery, 6mm Napoleonics & Dropfleet Ships

10 months ago 1

In this week's Community Spotlight, we dive into a look at some tiny terrain crafting from you folks plus a look at some epic spaceships!

Community Spotlight: Wild West Gangs, Trench Offensives & Dragon Dioramas

10 months ago 4

We dive into some gunfights in the Wild West, a bit of a Trench Offensive in World War I and a diorama showcasing a deadly Dragon attack!

Community Spotlight: Xenos Rampant, The Macau Incident & A Royal Rumble(slam)

11 months ago 3

In this week's Community Spotlight, we have a look at projects focused on Xenos Rampant armies, a Black Seas scenario and also a brilliant Royal Rumble!

Community Spotlight: Samurai, The Alamo & A Mordheim Graveyard

11 months ago 7

We dive into a bevvy of awesome painting and hobbying covering Samurai, a battle at The Alamo and an exploration of a skull-filled graveyard.

Community Spotlight: Bikers, Snipers, And Old Geezers!

11 months ago 1

Come and join us for another delve into the Projects to find the best of the best from the last week or so. We're going to be getting stuck into lots of great-looking miniature wargaming painting and hobbying this week...

Community Spotlight: Star Trek, Kill Teams & Ancient Chariot Races

11 months ago 10

Dive into another Community Spotlight where we're talking Star Trek, Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team and finally an awesome game of chariot racing!

Community Spotlight: Paladins, Witchfinders & 6mm American Civil War


In this week's Community Spotlight, we have a look at someone inpaitient for The Old World, a neat vignette of witchfinding goodness and some very small American Civil War armies.

Community Spotlight: Horus Heresy Characters, 20mm WW2 & Bushido Heroes


Have a peek at some painting covering The Horus Heresy, a bit of 20mm World War II and a few more Bushido characters!

Community Spotlight: Iconic Chaos Space Marines, Oathsworn & A Brewhouse Bash!


In this week's Community Spotlight, we have a look at some awesome painting from the Grimdark Future, a bit of grim Fantasy and then the world of Warhammer...with a twist!

Community Spotlight: Black Hawk Down, Armada Fleets & 7TV Meets Dracula


Take a peek at this week's Community Spotlight featuring a bit of Black Hawk Down, Armada and 7TV's Dracula. Some interesting projects that might be inspirational!

Community Spotlight: Gloomspite Gitz, BattleTech Terrain & Silver Bayonet Campaigns

1 year ago 2

In this week's Community Spotlight, we have a look at some sneaky gitz for Warhammer Age Of Sigmar, BIG BattleTech tables and The Silver Bayonet as a campaign!

Community Spotlight: BattleTech, The Barons’ War Islamic Armies & New Blood!

1 year ago 3

We have a look at some awesome painting from you folks including some BattleTech, an expanded The Barons' War collection and someone looking to get new blood into tabletop gaming!

Community Spotlight: Moonstone Heroes, A Wizard’s Folly & Pirates Of Legend

1 year ago 5

In this week's Community Spotlight, we dive into the world of Moonstone once more, a wonderful Wizard's Folly for some Fantasy adventures and some Pirates Of Legend!

Community Spotlight: The Old World, American Civil War & Alien Terrain!

1 year ago 4

Have a look at some epic painting for Warhammer: The Old World, the American Civil War and a huge bunch of terrain worth of a Warhammer 40,000 board!

Community Spotlight: A Grimdark Fellowship, Dracula’s America & Sci-Fi Murder Bears!


Join us for a look at a Grimdark Fellowship on a terrifying adventure, a band a Horror killers for Dracula's America and some deadly Sci-Fi murder bears from the world of Star Wars!

Community Spotlight: Scatter Terrain, Assassin’s Creed & Dystopian Tabletops


In this week's Community Spotlight, we're looking at a bevvy of awesome terrain as well as a bit of TINY terrain for some naval wargames. We also hang out with Ezio and join the Brotherhood Of Venice.

Community Spotlight: Bushido, Blood Red Skies & An Undead Stockpile


Get stuck into some more awesome community projects as we take a look at some Bushido, head into the clouds with Blood Red Skies and explore a stockpile of bones!

Community Spotlight: Beginning The Barons’ War, Epic Heresy & Kings Of War Ambush

1 year ago 3

In this week's Community Spotlight, we get a look at some excellent The Barons' War painting, a TINY Heresy army (how apt!) and a quickfire Kings Of War: Ambush army project.

Community Spotlight: Oldhammer Armada, Deadly Maul & The War Of The Roses

1 year ago 3

Get a peek at some naval awesomeness, another peek into the world of Star Wars: Shatterpoint and an adventure into the Wars Of The Roses.

Community Spotlight: Arabian Nights, Transylvanian Mobs & Dusty Dreadnoughts

1 year ago 7

In this week's Community Spotlight, we delve into a look at some more The Silver Bayonet, some mighty Arabian armies and a Dreadnought that got a bit of tender love and care!

Community Spotlight: Star Wars Terrain, Castle Fier & Gangs Of Rome

1 year ago 4

We have a look at the building of some terrain for Star Wars: Legion and Gangs Of Rome as well as a peek at some unfortunates delving into Castle Fier soon for The Silver Bayonet.

Community Spotlight: Gods And Titans, Nerfing Necromunda & An Odd Chaos Army

1 year ago 5

This week, we're looking at some immense Greek Gods and Titans, some impressive terrain crafting for Necromunda and finally, an excellent look at an odd Chaos army.

Community Spotlight: Monstrous Beasts, Shatterpoint & Bringing The Gnarlwood To Life


Some brand new projects to look at this week covering the worlds of Star Wars and Warhammer Age Of Sigmar. PLUS, we also have a look at something dark and spooky hiding in the shadows!

Community Spotlight: Being A Hobby Butterfly, Dark Age Saxons & An Italian Fleet


We dive into what it's like being a hobby butterfly, the start of a mighty Anglo-Saxon army and then a rather impressive fleet of ships for use in Victory At Sea.

Community Spotlight: Star Wars Camper Vans, Vegetable Fodder & Space ‘Nam!


Come and join us for another awesome dive into hobby as we have a peek at a fun Star Wars vehicle, Turnip28 and a bit of Vietnam in space with some hunky individuals.

Community Spotlight: Red Coats, Black Templars, & Golden Beards


Come and join us for another delve into the Projects to find the best of the best from the last week or so. We're going to be getting stuck into lots of great-looking miniature wargaming painting and hobbying this week...

Community Spotlight: Lamenting The Lamenters, Border Reivers & Miller Miniatures


In this week's Community Spotlight, we're having a look at some grimdark brutality, some Border Reivers and a bit of Ian Miller inspired hobby.

Community Spotlight: Verrotwood Creeps, Judge Dredd Scum & Mighty Frost Giants


We have a peek at some of the awesome monsters that you folks have been building and painting for your Fantasy wargames and beyond. There are even some fun miscreants to throw into your Sci-Fi games as well!

Community Spotlight: An Army Worthy Of MY Majesty, Pig Faced Boys & Clan Wren Arrives!


Come and join us for another delve into the Projects to find the best of the best from the last week or so. We're going to be getting stuck into lots of great-looking miniature wargaming painting and hobbying this week...

Community Spotlight: Constructing Terrain, Crusaders & Surviving The Undead!


We dive into some awesome diorama and terrain making plus some Crusaders who are on the road to The Holy Land. Check out more from this week's Community Spotlight!

Community Spotlight: A Penitent Crusade, Oddballs & Warmachine Returns!


Come and join us for a brand new deep dive into the Community Spotlight for this week where we're getting grimdark and bloody, painting up an ace tank and then resurrecting some Warmachine!

Community Spotlight: Lumbering Monsters, A Busty Dredd & Grimdark Assassins


We have a look at some fantastic Moonstone miniatures, a stunning bust for the mighty Judge Dredd and also a deadly grimdark Assassin.

Community Spotlight: Dark Age Heroes, Batman & Magical Glass Constructs


Get stuck into this week's Community Spotlight looking at Dark Age warriors, the Dark Knight himself and also a fascinating idea for bringing the constructs of Frostgrave to life.

Community Spotlight: Deadzone, The Alamo & Terminator Wargaming Reborn!


Join us this week for a look at some Deadzone as well as a battle at The Alamo and also the resurgence of The Terminator in miniature game form.

Community Spotlight: Dusty Undead, Bot War COILS & Judge Dredd!


Build armies of the dead, dive into the awesome world of Bot War with some amazingly well-painted miniatures and finally, get a look at a stunning Judge Dredd project!

Community Spotlight: German Armies, 15mm Necromunda & Raising The Black!


Join us for a look at some amazing Historical wargaming projects and also something a little different for the world of Necromunda!

Community Spotlight: Swedish Soldiers, A First Age Diorama + USMC Tanks & Troops


We delve into a fantastically yellow Swedish army, explore a wonderful diorama from The First Age and then hit the battlefield with the USMC.

Community Spotlight: Starship Troopers, Snowy Beards & Warhammer Fantasy!


In this week's Community Spotlight, we have a look at some bugs battling Starship Troopers alongside some snowy Dwarves and a trip into the realm of Warhammer Fantasy Battles.

Community Spotlight: Bob’s Black Bulls, Malifaux Masters & Old Skool Miniatures


Join us for another Community Spotlight as we're exploring old-school miniatures, the weird world of Malifaux and also some awesome Flames Of War too.

Community Spotlight: A Garden Protector, Mighty Lizards & Glorantha For 2023!


We have a look at a fantastic diorama, some mighty lizardfolk storming forth from the jungle and some mighty heroes from the realm of Glorantha.

Community Spotlight: Cyberpunk Dioramas, Undead & A Final Push!


We have a look at an excellent diorama, some undead that are shambling into Zombicide AND a final push to get a bunch of Kingdom Death miniatures finished.

Community Spotlight: Ironjawz, Cheese Riots & Firefighting Forge Fathers

2 years ago 8

We have a look at some excellent painting for the start of the year including mighty Ironjawz, a Cheese Riot and some Firefight Forge Fathers from Mantic Games.

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