Sergeant BlackArt show off some of their 'new' miniatures that are back in very, very, very limited quantities. It's such a shame because they look awesome!
What do you get when you mix both Sergeant BlackArt and their amazing looking sculpts with DUST and their brilliant world? The awesome Red Ace of course!
See what you make of this awesome 54mm miniature by Sergeant BlackArt. Kaheron is towering over his foes ready to strike them down with his awesomely wicked looking sword.
Sergeant BlackArt have just released a new 75mm sculpt which is sure to give you nightmares. Behold their brutal Butcher!
What do you make of this masterful Barbarian Dude that's ready to slay thanks to Sergeant BlackArt?
Dive in and see what you think of Sergeant BlackArt's latest addition to your 54mm collection.