Mighty HQ Models Join Olmec’s The Drowned Earth Soon

June 24, 2024 by brennon

Olmec Games are going to be coming to the world of The Drowned Earth soon via a new Kickstarter which launches on the 28th June. You'll be able to pick up brand new HQ Models for the different factions in this Post-Apocalyptic skirmish game plus options for jumping in for the first time.

Bertha And Jaxx - The Drowned Earth

Bertha And Jaxx // The Drowned Earth

Bertha And Jaxx Art

The new Into The Wilds Kickstarter introduces HQ Models. They walk, stomp and vroom across the lands and provide you with some safety while traversing the world's ruins. As mentioned above, each of the factions will get new miniatures that provide you with tactical options to resupply and buff you. You will also get combat tricks to play on your foes!

The Artefacters get themselves this wonderful Parasaur who can knock out a Tyrannosaur with that crane platform if required. A great option for these archaeologists and explorers.

The Firm have decided to get snappy with their new miniature.

Oni And Mishuga - The Drowned Earth

Oni And Mishuga // The Drowned Earth

Oni And Mishuga Art

This wonderful set comes with the incredibly deadly Oni who only occasionally eats the patients that come to this mobile pharmacy. Heal up your other Firm companions and perhaps turn your enemies into chow should the need arise.

The Militia get something a little bit different when it comes to their HQ Model.

Growler And Pontius - The Drowned Earth

Growler And Pontius // The Drowned Earth

Growler And Pontius Art

This amphibious vehicle is great for churning through the mud of the jungle, knocking down trees as it goes. A solid option for those looking to hunt down dinosaurs and zoom around for the perfect shot.

The Bondsmen have access to an awesome "Steggo" who is laden with ways to transport your "cargo" around the wilds. It also works well to keep your prisoners "safe". Once strapped to the side of this Steggo, there's no way they are getting loose.

Cage And Jenson - The Drowned Earth

Cage And Jenson // The Drowned Earth

Cage And Jensen Art

I love that this cantankerous dinosaur is mastered by the smallest of fellows in Jenson. I like the idea of painting him to match the Steggo, Cage, and making it look like he has tried to blend in so no one notices him.

Lastly, we have a miniature for The Corsairs who have taken to the open seas.

Crash And Zakk - The Drowned Earth

Crash And Zakk // The Drowned Earth

Crash And Zakk Art

This great firing platform and crow's nest allow you to spot enemies from afar and blast them before they get close. Crash can also submerge and avoid all return fire which is great! I wonder how they keep their power dry? A very fun and thematic "vehicle" for The Corsairs.

All of these miniatures are available for you to scoop up as part of the campaign which will be coming soon. If you've never tried out The Drowned Earth, you can also pledge for a Starter Bundle!

Get Started In The Drowned Earth

This pledge comes with two faction starter boxes of your choice, two new HQ units to match and then the PDF Rulebook and hard-copy Expansion Rulebook. Everything you need to get started.

2 Player Starter Pledge - The Drowned Earth

2-Player Starter Pledge // The Drowned Earth

You also get the swanky official dice from The Drowned Earth to make sure you look good whilst rolling. You will make your choice of faction after the Kickstarter has ended during the pledge manager stage so you've got time to do your research and pick the sets you want.

Into The Wilds Kickstarter - The Drowned Earth

Into The Wilds Kickstarter // The Drowned Earth

Make sure to keep an eye out for the Kickstarter going live at the end of the week. Tell us which HQ Models you like the most and if you're perhaps going to use this as your opportunity to dive in and play The Drowned Earth for the first time.

Will you be checking out The Drowned Earth?

"Tell us which HQ Models you like the most and if you're perhaps going to use this as your opportunity to dive in and play The Drowned Earth for the first time..."

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