Blast Into Freebooter’s Ascending Fate Sci-Fi Skirmish Game

August 6, 2024 by brennon

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Freebooter Miniatures are in the middle of their new 32mm Sci-Fi skirmish wargame Gamefound campaign for Ascending Fate! You can get involved and snag yourself a Starter Box and more.

Ascending Fate Gamefound Campaign - Freebooter Miniatures

Ascending Fate Gamefound Campaign // Freebooter Miniatures

Ascending Fate expands on the game mechanics that you might have become familiar with from Freebooter's other game, the piratical Freebooter's Fate. The core of gameplay is dealt with during a deck of cards which define shooting, close combat, damage and more. Each character within your gang comes with unique mechanics that make them stand out and this is all tied together as part of a game packed with fun Guardians Of The Galaxy-style antics.

The Starter Box comes with everything that you need to get going in Ascending Fate with two teams of Mercenaries, the various components you require and all of the extra gubbins like tiles to play on.

Starter Box - Ascending Fate

Starter Box // Ascending Fate

If you're interested in the core mechanics of Ascending Fate, you can find out more over on the Freebooter Miniatures' YouTube channel. They have done a great job with a series of videos explaining the basics of gameplay.

Ascending Fate - Basics // Freebooter Miniatures

As well as the basic card mechanics which feature a great bluffing element to them, you'll also have lots of ways to try and change the fate of your crew in your favour. For example, you get access to a game mechanic called Orbital Boards which allows you to bring more tactics into play and scuffle away from the board. It all sounds fascinating and as a bonus, the Starter Box has a campaign that you can play through, teaching you the rules bit by bit so you don't get swamped right out of the gate!

Why Back Now - Ascending Fate

Why Back Now? // Ascending Fate

As well as offering the Starter Box and the associated Stretch Goals (which are getting unlocked steadily during the course of the campaign), you can also get faction starters for more of the crews bringing in a wealth of options for you to choose from.

An Dan Faction Starter - Ascending Fate

An Dan Faction Starter // Ascending Fate

The An Dan are a tribal people who can traverse the stars not via spaceship but by the use of teleportation chambers. Rather than all starting on the battlefield, the An Dan can teleport into the chaos and you'll have to use your various special abilities to keep them around as the An Dan only have a limited time before they get teleported back to where they came from.

Compared to the stealthy An Dan, you can also get your hands on the Arvinger.

Arvinger Faction Starter - Ascending Fate

Arvinger Faction Starter // Ascending Fate

The Arvinger are raiders, travelling the galaxy to claim what they can at the blade's edge. They can influence the Fate Cards in your games, meaning you can play around with hits and damage. They can also keep looking at the Fate Card Deck and stacking it in your favour from their ritual chambers on their ships. A great set of miniatures for those wanting to run Vikings in space.

You can also try and instill a bit of law and order with the Komplex.

Komplex Faction Starter - Ascending Fate

Komplex Faction Starter // Ascending Fate

The Komplex get access to loads of free actions due to the drilling and training of their troops. If you play your cards right, you could really get the drop on your opponents. In orbital combat, they also have incredibly well-equipped spaceships that bring additional firepower to bear.

Last but not least, you've got the lovable but incredibly dangerous Murfs.

Murfs Faction Starter - Ascending Fate

Murfs Faction Starter // Ascending Fate

These labour mutants have decided to fight for a bit of freedom in the galaxy and now use their mutated DNA to increase their abilities and get the drop on those normies that would seek to put them down. You have to pay attention to how often you use your mutations though as if you use them too much, harmful mutations might cause critical hits. An interesting balancing act, just like with the An Dan.

All of these faction starters and more are available for you to scoop up for Ascending Fate right now over on Gamefound. Let us know what you think of the game from what you've seen so far and which faction you'd pick!

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