Warrior Women & Epic Tron Guy From Hasslefree

June 13, 2013 by brennon

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Hasslefree Miniatures have showed off a few more additional miniatures coming in the near future. First up we're going to have a look at their warrior women, Gwen and Zetta...



Mighty Gwen looks fantastic and would be a brilliant Paladin or Cleric I'd say. She even has plenty of armour on! Zetta on the other hand is a more typical fantasy warrior woman that has a bit of the Elmore about it. Still, I wouldn't like to face her with that hammer in hand.

Jay Maynard 'Tron Guy'

Next up is something a little bit fun. Jay Maynard was famous for donning his very own 'Tron Guy' outfit and with his blessing Hasslefree have gone on and made a miniature of him. I would love to see him in a zombie apocalypse. Shotgun in one hand and Frisbee in the other!

Do any of these catch your eye?

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