More stuff from Scibor
March 25, 2011 by beerogre
You've got to give Scibor some credit, he churns out these Sci-Fi Knights at an impressive rate!
I'll freely admit that these really aren't my cup-o-tea. However, someone, somewhere must be buying these, or Scibor wouldn't keep producing them.
Have you bought a Scibor Sci-Fi Knight?
If you have and you've painted it, why not put a picture of it on minirama... perhaps that might change my mind about them.
However, this is a bit more interesting... theWarbear...
There are quite a few things that you could do with a riding bear... I just haven't thought of them yet!
BoW Andy
Must see less than a silly emo, needs a couple of Periscopes to go arround his shouders.
This is a problem a lot of SMs must have lol
I love Scribor stuff and would love a war bear, but I always think that if the “Space Knight” chaps raised their arms, their heads would be as a walnut in a nutcracker! lol
I love the bear ! I have one at home… I had a plan for removing the saddle. You see, there’s a race of large sentient bears in my D&D home-made world… And, before you ask, there were here long before those golden compass books and movie.
Warbear? Looks more like a WarGuineaPig
Fear the mighty War-Hamster!
I read an article on sculpting monsters/animals a wile ago that mentioned something the writer called baby animal syndrome, were the need to emphasise certain parts an a heroic scale distorts the overall impression of the model, and I think that’s what’s happening with the teeth on the bear, the heft of the armour and bulk of the animal has been over emphasised so it makes it look like its legs and snout are too short to me and the teeth look too big in an effort to be intimidating. The knights suffer from the same problems Scibor’s other knights… Read more »
Although I love these sculpts I would never buy. the simple fact is that I’ve seen one before clean up and painting there are mold line across the details I men intricate details and places where the putty hasn’t even been smoothed sorry scibor up your casting quality and I may change my mind