Studio McVey release the Colonial Vanguard in Metal
March 2, 2011 by lloyd
As the title suggests the Studio McVey peeps have been hard at work and have released 7 minis for their Sedition Wars in metal.
These all fall under the Colonial Vanguard and I like what I see. The minis are very interesting to look at with sharp details and have a good range of variation between each other while still being identifiable as the same force.
Here’s a link to the Sedition Wars section on the Studio McVey site where you can get pricing etc. and see other minis in the range.
So what do you guys think, is this range shaping up to be something special or are there other minis in this style you prefer?
BoW Lloyd
Now THOSE are some beautiful models!
I wouldn’t mind having a few of those to paint up.
i like the pose on the sniper chick
I wasn’t immediately attracted to the Sedition Wars range, but this changes everything !
Damn… They’re good !
Ahh.. studio McVey, they do do some lovely stuff.. anyone know if they come with those bases or just plain ones?
I think its just the regular bases.
If I wasn’t set on doing my own Necromunda gang they would be high on the want list *
Guess they can also be used for Sedition Wars as well! lol
*they are high on the want list with all the other shiney stuff!
What scale are those actually ? Because if it’s 28mm Corpsman Morgan Vade (3rd pic) would make a perfect proxy for Guardsman Marbo ! :O
If those were 28mm them would make brilliant additions to an Imp Guard army, they would.
Approximately 30 mm, from what i can gather after a bit of google-fu and they are veeeeeery nice.
nice figures
My favorite is Kara Black, I think I will use her as an Imperial guard Commander. She reminds me of Jenit Sulla from the Ciaphas Cain series.