Stoking the Steampunk Boiler

December 2, 2010 by beerogre

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As a fan of Warmachine and a dabbler in all things Steampunk, I couldn't pass up an opportunity to show you some of the latest work from Ratnik Miniatures, a company dedicated to the creation of some of the most characterful miniatures I've seen in quite a while.

As a fan of the Iron Kingdoms RPG... and my own version that I roughly converted for D&D 4th edition... I thought some of these models would make ideal characters for some of the more "civilised" adventurers that populate that world.

This isn't the full extent of the miniatures available from Ratnik, there are more Steampunk sculpts on the way and they also produce a line in modern-day and Post-Apocalyptic designs, suitable for those who like their 28mm games with a bit more automatic gunfire!

If you're interested in having a look at the currently available models in the Victorian Steampunk and Post-Apocalyptic range, why not pop over to Lead Adventure and check out their catalogue.

BoW Andy

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