Steel Crown Prove Bigger is Better
April 4, 2012 by dracs
Steel Crown Productions have previewed the prototype for their 15mm Royal Empire Behemoth in their newsletter.
This thing is looking pretty cool and is soon to be followed by the behemoths for the Zho and Marcovian.
What are your thoughts on this mechanized creation?
Damn thats one impressive looking mech.
That must be massive for its scale.
Considering the company does only 6mm and 28mm…I dare say it’s scaled for 6mm. Which of course means it’s usable for 15mm as well, the head looks like it could fit one 15mm driver.
This will make a brilliant Epic Warlord with those shoulder cannons and that torso shape. Skulls are lacking, but transfers and pressmoulded greenstuff half-skulls in certain areas will take care of that. 😉
That’s exactly what I was thinking!
It is a good looking Warlord Titan knock off but a knock off all the same.
yes, because we all know GW invented the following
big robots
big guns
big robots with big guns
GW did not invented it but the thing looks almost exactly the SAME and that is my point. They only changed it enough not to get sued by GW and even then. You look at it and for those that know of GW Titans it screams Warlord.
Is it a bad sculpt? No, its very nice but it is still almost a copy. That is want I was getting at.
I just can’t get excited about a model that looks like a copy of something else made by a different company that is still in business.