When it Comes to Steampunk Empire of the Dead Travels in Style

March 22, 2013 by dracs

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Well there are only five more days left for the Empire of the Dead kickstarter and one of the great things this project has brought to the smog shrouded streets is transport! Check out these cool sets of wheels. You'll like the rest of the mini too.

Now one thing you can of course expect to see in the streets of London is horse drawn carriages and West Wind have minis of them in all manner of shapes and styles.

Empire of the Dead Black Mariah

Empire of the Dead Cabs

Empire of the Dead Hansom

Empire of the Dead Metropolitan Fire Engine

These minis are great, not just for Empire of the Dead, but also for any other tabletop game taking place in Victorian England. The models are well sculpted and look pretty authentic, as far as I can judge, so if nothing else they will really bring to life the city of London on your table.

Yet if you are like me you may be hankering for a mode of transport which a little more, well, crazy. Well you are in luck as my beloved wheel chair styled steam gyrocopter has appeared!

Empire of the Dead Steam Gyrocopter

Finally, I can send the Gentlemen of my Prometheus Club up, up and away over the rooftops of London, Hunting Rifle in one hand, brandy flask in the other.

Yet it won't just be the Gyrocopter taking to the skies as funding is currently working towards the stylish ornithopter.

Empire of the Dead Steam Ornithopter

But wait, that's still not all! Not only will you be able to traverse the streets of London and the fog filled skies above, but you will also be able to explore the fourth dimension with this awesome Time Machine!

Empire of the Dead Time Machine

Hmm, I don't know why, but it looks strangely familiar to me.

At any rate I think you will agree that these are some well sculpted and imaginative designs which will be more than welcome in Empire of the Dead.

If you want to get in on the kickstarter better hurry up, not long to go now.

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