Shaking off Effects
February 17, 2011 by dignity
Andy and Vishal have a quick work about how to get rid of some of the nasty effects your opponent can put on to your Warjacks.
BoW Justin
February 17, 2011 by dignity
Andy and Vishal have a quick work about how to get rid of some of the nasty effects your opponent can put on to your Warjacks.
BoW Justin
That seems super useful in some cases… Not just as such, but as a way for someone to force the other player to spend focus in order to get his forces together.
We just found out a really noteable thing about that rule in todays game: The standing up happens during the control phase even before the jack or caster is beeing activated. In our case that meant that my own Slayer went from nice obstacle to fully active helljack even before I could use the straight LoS through him…
Other than that, this is really one of the biggest advantages in Mk2 at all AFAIC! You are able to survive Sorshas feat. now. 😉
Thats a good point. Kommander Sorsha’s feat is about hitting Stationary targets hard on your turn, and focus deprivation for your opponent’s warcaster on their turn. Every point they spend to shake the Stationary effect is one less they can use to boost attacks or cast spells, but if they don’t shake the effect, they will be unable to activate at all. It’s a tricky feat, and a good example of how important the Shake Effect rule is.