Don’t Shake Hands With Spellcrow’s Latest Orcs
December 20, 2012 by dracs
Spellcrow have a new torso set for your orcs, as well as a bunch of clawed hands for you to shake hands with.
Combined, these ork torsos and combat claws will make for some formidable miniatures. After all, who wants to face a bear chested green skin waving a big metal claw in your face?
Spellcrow has a wide selection of ork accessories, all of which are well sculpted and provide a good level of individuality and character to your army.
Orks have bellybuttons? 😀
It looks like some Orks are in the hood. Paint some tats on them 😛
Where else can their fungoid morning fluff grow?
I like them though, those claws look great.