Quality German Terrain from Gelaendestuecke
October 1, 2011 by beerogre
Here's a new German terrain manufacturer, Gelaendestuecke. Have a look at this video showing one of their medieval castle sets.
These guys have combine forces with Eslo Scenery to bring you both products on their website. If you're in the market for some pre-made terrain in 15-30mm then check them out.
Nice, and can be used for just about everything from a Viking Raid to WWII or even Infinity
This is the sort of stuff I’m always trying to find for our Brushfire boards/displays.
sorry, but this work is not realized with tital german items…
but with an our old item. realized by Manorhouse Workshop an italian company
link to old site manorhouse Workshop
images of the our abbey with cloister used for creating the scenery in the video: http://manorhouseworkshopmindstalkers.files.wordpress.com/2011/10/abbazia01.jpg?w=431
this images present our new abbay with cloister.
link to new Manorhouse Workshop blog:
regards, Lorenzo