Puppets War Show off the Big Kitty Shoulder Pads
May 4, 2012 by brennon
Yes, the Lion Shoulder Pads have been revealed by Puppets War. Take a look at them below and start dreaming up a use for them on the battlefield.
While the first thought it to use it within the other pantheon of Gods inside a Egyptian themed 'Space Knight' army, you could add these to a Dark Angels perhaps to signify the enigmatic Lion El'Jonson and his brethren?
What would you use them for?
Depending on how you paint them, they could be seen as a lion with a mane.
Looking forward to how they pull off the shoulders for the long snouted heads like Sobek and Anubis, they’d look a bit odd sticking far out from the pads.
I think they may extend them down rather than out.