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Infinity – Impetuous Orders


Andy and Mike have a look in to the Impetuous Orders and try to clear up some of the confusion.

Feel Menoth’s Wrath… the Vessel of Judgement


Check out the painted version of the Vessel of Judgement.

Third Sci-Fi Asharah from Raging Heroes


This is the preview of the third variation of an amazing looking miniature from Raging Heroes. She's the sci-fi version of Asharah and she's going to be released in 28mm scale. I love the sculpt, but I have to be […]

How to Get More from Close Combat in 40K


Darrell takes a look at the close combat rules in Warhammer 40K and thinks he has found a way to get that little bit more out of them.

More Shoulder Pads From Scibor


Scibor have some new shoulder pads to spruce up your warriors of the distant future.

Ammo and Otto for Dust Tactics


Players of Dust Tactics will be pleased to see they'll be getting two new additions to the range.

New Concept Sketches from Soda Pop Miniatures


Soda Pop Miniatures are renowned for their brilliant anime themed sculpts and awesome design. So here are a couple of their latest ideas... Hasami & Navarre...

New Sci-Fi Halberds From Puppets War


Looking for something to give your sci-fi minis just that little extra hitting power? Well Puppets War have just what you need with their new Sci-Fi Halberds.

Mega-Mutants from Ramshackle Games


Check ou the new collection of nasty mutants from Ramshackle Games.

New Sci-Fi Terrain Pieces From Frozen Planet Studios


Frozen Planet Studios have some new retro style sci-fi terrain pieces ready for pre-order.

Valour Skills: Dogged


Andy and Mike discuss the next skill in the Valour tree... Dogged.

Here’s the Exclusive MERCS Mini for Gen Con Indy


Mercs have a rather nice new mini to take with them to Gen Con Indy.

Using a Monofilament CCW in Infinity


Click here to find out how to kill Achilles...!

New Rezolution Vehicles From Aberrant


Aberrant have some new offerings ready to drive out into the 20mm dystopian world of Rezolution.

Warmachine Wrath – Khador Forces


Andy gets out the Warmachine: Wrath book, for another look at the shiny new models and stats. This time he's looking to the son's of the Motherland... Khador.

Get your free Dark Age Downloads now!


If you're interested in Dark Age Apocalypse (and why wouldn't you be), then you can get on over to the Dark Age website and download their forces lists... for FREE!

Loup Garou from Pulp City


Coming Soon from the guys at Pulp City... this superheroic werewolf... Loup Garou!

New 3 Colours Up Tips: Painting Red Cloth


It's time for the first in a new series of Backstage painting tips, today we have how to paint red cloth on a Space Marine.

HiTech Viking Lord… On a Wolf!


It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a weapon must be in want of a wolf.

Brand New O-Yoroi Paint Scheme… this time in Red!


We showed you the brand new O-Yoroi model for Infinity last week... but check out this conversion!

Fleeing When You’re Not a Space Marine


Darrell has a look at the basics of what happens when a unit flees from combat... and they ain't Space Marines!

ArtCrime Productions Preview New 15mm Ha’dai


ArtCrime are bringing out a new leonine addition to their 15mm sci-fi range. Let's take a look at the Ha'dai.

On The Table 8 July 2011


This week's On The Table is proudly brought to you by the all-mighty Cthulhu. Oh and look out for the 6x6 Rapid Assault Vehicle from Secret Weapon!

6X6 from Secret Weapon


You may have seen this in On the Table, but it bears repeating... look at this new Armoured Car due out from Secret Weapon!

Micro Art Studio Housing Module Unboxed


Darrell gets his hands on a cool Housing Module from Micro Art Studio. It's made from hard foam (as Darrell ably demonstrates) and could be perfect for your gaming table.

How to Save Fleeing Troops


Darrell has some Blood Angel Terminators running from a pack of Genestealers.... but how is he going to save his team this time?

Critical Mass Have Gone Critical


Critical Mass have some new 15mm robotic infantry in the works, ready to be sent marching across the battle fields of the future and with their release set for August that future may just be closer than you think.

Impact Miniatures and their Orc Rock Band!


It seems that even Orcs play Rock Band!

Warpath – The Corporation


Andy, Ronnie and Alessio have saved the best for last as we get an exclusive look at some of the first concept art for the basic Corporation Trooper's.

New Agent Foxy Foxwell from Statuesque Miniatures


Now here's one sexy pulp agent fit to grace the table of any modern, pulp or sci-fi game you care to mention... Foxy Foxwell... from Statuesque Miniatures.

Warmachine – Drago

14 years ago 25

Andy takes a look at Drago, the mighty Khadoran character warjack, this big-bad-beserker is armed with twin ice axes and to put it simply is one of the coolest looking models in the entire Privateer Press range.

Warpath – The Zz’or


We have something special for the Backstagers, we've gotten Ronnie and Alessio to chat about the Zz'or these sound like there going to be some big, nasty bugs!

Twisted Iron Industries and their New Craters


Here's an example of the type of terrain being produced by Twisted Iron Industries.

Assaulting Vehicles & Getting Cover

14 years ago 15

Darrell has a look in to how he thinks you should be assaulting vehicles and grabing a little cover, after you're done smacking the enemy.

Second Update for Raging Heroes Asharah


Check this out... it's the second Sci-Fi update to the Raging Heroes Asharah miniature... now this one does look like a Dark Eldar.

Steampunk Characters from Lead Adventure


There's not much else to say... they're titled 1881 Steampunk Adventurers, they're from Lead Adventure... and I just bought them!

Failed Experiment from Crooked Dice Games


No not an actual failed experiment, but a miniature of a failed experiment... see English is a cool language!

Warpath Beta Week – Sneak Peek – Race Overview

14 years ago 42

Andy chats with Ronnie and Alessio as they discuss some of the background for the other races in Warpath.

Lord Kaldor Draigo Character Breakdown

14 years ago 73

Darrell and Justin discuss Lord Kaldor Draigo, one of the Grey Knights’ eight grand masters. Traped in the warp, battling unending hordes of daemons he never gets a tea break and ventures forth to battle the chapter’s greatest foes.

Warpath – Orx… or is that Marauders?

14 years ago 34

They're green... they're vicious and they're ready to fight... if you have the cash! Andy, Ronnie and Alessio discuss the Marauders and what those green-guys like to do for fun. Also... check out the Marauder Concept Pics.

Warpath – Forgefathers

14 years ago 23

Andy, Ronnie and Alessio discuss the Forgefathers... what do you think about these Mantic Dwarves... in Spaaaace!

Ferocious Bear Now Available from Ramshackle Games


Last time we looked at the sinister wolves from Ramshackle Games... this time around we're treated to their ferocious Bear!

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