Check out the guide to painting this Axis Gorilla model for DUST Tactics.
This month Games Workshop sees the release of two of the popular models for the Dark Eldar Archon's Retinue... the Medusae and the Ur-Ghul.
Forge World has created some new weapon mods for their Contemptor Pattern Dreadnought.
Hey guys Warren is back to to take you delving head first into the latest wargaming news. This week there is a definite Steam Punk vibe happening with news for both Leviathans and Dystopian Wars.
Iron Wind Metals have put up pics of their new sci-fi drop ship, the Leopard.
We have checked out this model before on Beasts of War when it was in its early stages, but now you can check out the Agency 'Hunchback' APC below in all its painted glory.
Dragon Forge have two new additions to their selection of Omega Prime sci-fi bases. Take a look and see what you think.
Darrell gets his hands on the Soul Grinder for the Chaos Daemons, and gives you his opinions on this mechanical/daemonic monstrosity.
Darrell has a look at some of the best ways to use your IG tanks and transports in Warhammer 40K.
In today's Daily Tip, Andy and Vishal discuss the wisdom of letting your warjack go swimming.
Continuing with their upcoming Halo range for Hero Clix, WizKids have also put up pics for the Covenant miniatures.
Critical Mass have a new robotic addition to their 15mm sci-fi range, the Praesentia Assault RAL.
Things have been in a flurry of activity over at Dark Age, with a selection of miniatures being re-released with the new cards.
Looking to pimp out your dreadnought or any other walker for that matter? Puppet Wars have the answer with these neat looking close combat arms. Not bad I'd say... But what about you guys; do they pass judgement?
Darrell has been busy down in the Cheese Mine again and this time he has unearthed a tasty little nugget that allows his weak units to mess with his opponent's transport.
Fantasy Flight are sending new Heavy Walkers into the world of Dust Tactics. Check out these mechanical monsters.
Yes it the moment you've all been waiting for, the Alpha Rules for Sedition Wars are now available to download.
Ramshackle Games have a new miniature which they've put together from bits and pieces. Metatron, the Scrap Robot.
Here's another instalment of Romain's epic painting of Nomad hero Bran Do Castro... it's well worth the wait guys!
Darrell has a look at how and why you would split your close combat attack when playing Warhammer 40K.
Catalyst Games have a new series of publications for both Battletech and Shadowrun.
Darrell gives some advice on how to play those undersized units that you use to hold objectives.
MaxMini have made some changes to their upcoming jet packs to help make them more generic. Take a look and see what you think.
Reaper Minis' are kicking off the week with a wide selection of new releases, including something rather adventurous for their award winning mousling range.
WizKids have recently put up their first preview for their upcoming Hero Clix range HALO.
If you are unaware of the stuff that Pig Iron Productions make, I urge you to take a look at their website. But in the meantime, check out their new addition to their Feral range... the Feral Blades.
Darrell has a look at the new sci-fi catwalk terrain set from Micro Art Studio. It seems this is a perfect set for Infinity, 40K or any other futuristic or modern game you could mention... it just needs the right paint job.
A massive Prussian Robot is out to stomp its way across the world of Dystopian Wars this month.
Spartan Games have put up a veritable tsunami of new releases for Dystopian Wars, especially the Covenant of Antartica.
The Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine demo is set to hit console and PC at the end of August! Two sequences from the game to enjoy!
Forge World will be bringing out the big guns, with their new Praetor Assault Launcher! Check out this monster.
MaxMini have put up images of their latest Work-in-Progress, a set of rather nice jump packs.
Fiendish Fabrications have a new insectoid creation for all of you steampunk fans to get wound up about. The Clockwork Wasp!
Dragon Forge have put up three new offerings for their Ice World set of bases.
Andy takes a look at the Arcantric Force Generator, one of the new Battle Engines for Warmachine.
What can you do when your vehicle takes a hit and becomes shaken? Darrell takes a look at some of the options.
Here's the brand new supreme from Pulp City... Night Fright!
Now here's something that flew in under the BoW radar... I was browsing through the Dark Age: Apocalypse gallery and spotted these...
Mongoose Publishing are releasing some new Judge Dredd miniatures for their skirmish game this month.
We saw a dreadnought not long ago from Spartan Games, but they have released another concept image complete with intricate designs and a distinctive style. Check out the Relthoza Apex Class Dreadnought. Some awesome up close shots you have to […]
So Mantic got over 3000 likes on their Facebook page... so that means they're finally revealed a sneak peak of the Forge Father model for Warpath!
Some more warriors out of HiTech today. Check these mechanical warriors out below. Not bad at all I think. I like them a lot more than some of their other miniatures in the line. What do you think?