Darrell and Andy have a look at another of the older codex's from Games Workshop, this time we have the classic army that almost everyone will have had at some point... that's right! The might of the Emperor's finest... the Space Marines.
Darrell takes a look at the starter box for the Skarrd faction of Dark Age, looks like these guys might like going under the knife a little too much...
Kromlech get your orcs to take a knee with these new orc legs.
Hi Guys... it's Thursday night so it's time for another TURN 8! Tonight we're going to be discussing tournaments, terrain and how to promote gaming to get new players onto the scene. We've also got some cool exclusive shots of some upcoming sci-fi stuff and an update to the 40K Titan Challenge! So join us here at 10:00pm BST (GMT +1 hour) or check us out on Twitch TV.
If you would like to see the Heavy Gear Starter Sets close up then here's the post for you! These are probably the best pics you’ll find on the net!
Here’s the latest Printable Terrain Download FREE for Backstage Pass holders, the Watch Station from Dave Graffam Models and a video free for all to watch showing what a Multilayer PDF is.
Darrell Has a look at fighting in close combat with multiple units.
Scibor have a new range of Sci-Fi space knight style of figures for you to use in your wargames. Here's the three new additions to their range.
Darrell gets his hands on the new Nemsis Dreadknight and lets us know just what you get in the kit.
It's time for another 3 Colours Up series and this time, Romain has fearlessly decided to tackle a much bigger model than he's used too... an Imperial Dreadnought! Of course it wouldn't be Romain, if the Dread wasn't going to be fabulous. So it's going to be a Imperial Fist's Dread, in a snazzy golden yellow.
Darrell finds a Grey Knight character he likes. Its Grand Master Mordrak and he's not alone... he see's dead people....
Tor Gaming have put up the company lists for their new skirmish game Unbridled Fury. Here's a couple of them.
MaxMini have some new releases for us all to get excited over, ranging from Neo-Brit heads to jump packs.
HiTech have a new addition to the Gear Cult Alpha Corporis unit. Take a look at their new standard bearer.
Black Library are bringing out the first in a new range of adventure game books, Hive of the Dead.
Darrell gives us a bit of advice on how to judge range when using heavy weapons.
Lead Adventure have some new minis for you to send out into a bleak, post-apocalyptic world.
Forge World have a new character for the Astral Claws chapter. Meet Armenneus Valthex, Astral Claws' Master of the Forge.
Statuesque Miniatures have put up painted images of their latest miniature, Emilia "Foxy" Foxwell.
Dream Pod 9 have a selection of new army starter sets for Heavy Gear which will become available this October. Take a look and see what you think.
The guys discuss a Grey Knights army list based around Lord Kaldor Draigo.
Here's the new Dark Eldar models for this month, along with some Finecast stuff.
Blight Wheel have put up pics of their newest miniatures, the Pan European Mech Squires.
This month's releases for Dark Age have been posted on the Dark Age website, let's see what we have to look forward to.
Crooked Dice have put some painted images of their new Time Lift Security Force miniatures up. They appear to be wearing some rather familiar colours.
WizKids have got some new Covenant miniatures for their Halo HeroClix range. Take a look at these.
Time for some futuristic gladiators, as Darrell takes a look at the Deflector & Piercer from Dark Art Miniatures.
Darrell and Andy have decided to take a look at some of the Warhammer 40K Codex's, in light of the game as it stands today. First up are Darrell's favourite... Necrons!
Here's the latest pictures of the Man-O-War Bombardiers for the Khador faction of Warmachine.
After yesterdays stunning news that Tor Gaming had picked up the rights to produce more resources for the Unbridled Fury, skirmish game... you can now download the rules for free!
Rebel Minis have got some really nice looking new sci-fi miniatures for all you fans of 15mm scale wargaming.
The paper terrain guru Dave Graffam has created for Beasts of War Backstagers, a unique Sci-Fi Watch Station with an exclusive skin! But the real question is... can we get Darrell to build one?
The latest two pieces of concept art for Wreck Age, the upcoming dystopian sci-fi game, have been put up for all to see. Take a look at these.
Check out the latest releases from Studio McVey for Sedition Wars... the Firebrand Powersuit!
Check out the (almost) final production renders for the Secret Weapon 6x6 Rapid Assault Vehicle and look at all the weapons options for it!!!
HiTech have unveiled the fifth member of the Alpha Corporis Gear Cult EgzeKuthor Squad Member. Here he is.
Some awesome Shock Troopers from Wargames Factory. Prepare the heavy weapons!
Andy checks out the new Cygnar Battle Engine... the Storm Strider!
Black Library have announced the release of Aurelian, a new limited edition Horus Heresy novella to be released this September.
Lucky sods! Click here for a link to a video they made and some stills.
Mantic are now accepting pre-orders for their Warpath Ultimate Army Deal, containing 137 infantry figures and 6 vehicles of Marauders and Forge Fathers. Oh, and a free t-shirt.