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Grey Knights Fast Attack Choices


Warren And Darrell sit down to chat about the fast attack choices for the new Grey Knights.

MiniWarGaming Builds a Command Centre… First Part


OK... so it's my turn to pick a MWG video and I thought I would show you something a bit more recent... check out the MiniWarGaming Imperial Guard Command Centre... great stuff!

NuCoal for Heavy Gear Blitz… check out the entire range!


You saw a recent teaser for the new Heavy Gear: Blitz faction last week, but now we can officially announce the imminent launch of the NuCoal forces!

Games Day UK 2011 Round-up


So Games Day is over for another year. Here is a quick run down of what was on offer on the day with my likes and dislikes. Have a read, view some of the pictures from the day then comment below with your personal thoughts on the massive event.

Codex Breakdown: Tyranids


It's time for another codex breakdown with Andy & Darrell, this time they take a look at the Tyranid codex.

Blight Wheel Review New Robot Arms


Blight Wheel Miniatures have announced that they will be making changes to some of their kits to deal with some design flaws. As such the Blight Wheel Brotherhoods will be receiving new arms. Check these out.

15mm Aliens From Blue Moon


Blue Moon Miniatures have got a wide selection of 15mm aliens, spacemen and vehicles. Take a look at these and tell us what you think.

Armorcast Ride Out On Their New Sturmwolf


Armorcast have got a new sci-fi mount available, the Battle Armour Sturmwolf Warbeast.

Zombiesmith Wedding Hunters


Here's a new one for those of you that like to play some survival horror games... the Wedding Hunters from Zombiesmith.

Building the New Man-O-War for Warmachine


Andy builds the new plastic-resin Man-O-War Shocktrooper Leader from the recent Warmachine 2 Player Starter Box.

New Mutant from Ramshackle Games


Ramshackle Games have a new Mutie Man for you to include in your post-apocalypse games.

Raging Heroes’ SF Asharah Now Available


Yes she is finally here! Raging Hero's Sci-Fi Asharah is now available to all!

Laughing Monk Miniatures New Female Russian Kit


Laughing Monk have launched a new Sci-Fi Female Russian Conversion kit, take a look.

Sneak Preview of new Wall Extensions from Warmill


We featured their epic Battlesnap Fortress previously on BoW, but now the guys at Warmill have sent us a sneak preview of their proposed extensions for their sci-fi pallisade.

Is this the Future of the Necron Codex?


Check out this Necron game that Ben discovered at Games Day... could it be a glimpse of the future Necron Codex?

Crimson Oni hits the Streets!


Here's the latest sensational supreme to bring some two-fisted justice to the streets of Pulp City... Crimson Oni!

New Gribbly Preview for Firestorm Armada


Check out this crazy and quite frankly monstrous vessel for Spartan Games' Firestorm Armada... This ship, the Aquan Medusa Class Dreadnought is one hell of an interesting piece. A multi-part resin and pewter model, it should look pretty snazzy on […]

New Confederate Orc Heads from Kromlech


If you fancy having some Orcs from the Deep South of the galaxy (is there a south in a galaxy?)... then why not check out these new heads from Kromlech...

Forge World Publish Imperial Armour Apocalypse


Forge World are now selling the second edition of Imperial Armour Apocalypse. Now you can kit your armies out with all the best from Forge World's range.

Battle Foam P.A.C.K 720


Lloyd & Darrell get there hands on another of the kick-ass bags from Battle Foam... this time it's the P.A.C.K. 720.

Warmachine 2 Player Starter box: Building a Khador Juggernaut


Andy gets out his super glue and has a go at building a Khador Juggernaut with a cool action pose.

Let’s take a look at the September Infinity Releases.


Here’s a quick look at all the Infinity Goodness that arrived this September.

Antenocitis’ New Infantry WIPs


Antenocitis Workshop have put up some Work-in-Progress images for the NRF (Novaya Rossiyskya Federatsiya) Infantry Trooper.

Studio McVey Release Limited Edition Miniature


Studio McVey have a new addition to their Limited Edition Resin series. Meet Katya.

Jake has a look at the Orx Sprues from Mantic


Our good pal Jake Thornton (alias @quirkworthy) has smuggled out a couple of Orx sprues from Mantic HQ to have a look at.

Exclusive Jerboa & Chasseur Concept Sketches!


The guys at Dream Pod 9 have sent us these exclusive concepts sketches for two new models for Heavy Gear: Blitz! The Jerboa and the Chasseur.

Get Wyrd With New Malifaux Releases


Wyrd Miniatures have a new collection of, strange, bizarre and just downright disturbed releases for Malifaux.

Sneak Peak at Micropanzer’s Soviet Combat Armour


Micropanzer have put up some pictures of their Work-in-Progress heroic scale Soviet Heavy Combat Armour.

HeroClix Klingon to Star Trek


WizKids have a Star Trek board game for all you to boldly go where no man has gone before.

My Recent Thoughts on Heavy Gear


Just a quick update to tell you all what I'm getting up to with Heavy Gear. I'm waiting for my models to arrive, but in the meantime have a look at some of the stuff I'm reading.

Grey Knights Infantry Unboxed


Darrell opens the new Grey Knights Infantry box, let's see what he thinks of these 5 new silver warriors.

Warmachine 2 Player Starter Box: Building the Warcasters


Andy has a go at building the Warcasters from the new 2 player starter box.

Enter Our Amazing Warpath Competition!


It's a themed weekend, so it wouldn't be the same without a competition... we've got THREE fantastic 2-player Warpath Starter Sets to give away!

Objective Markers for Warmachine


Privateer Press have some new objective markers for Warmachine.

Ammon Miniatures Two New Figures


Ammon Miniatures have two rather strange new releases. Check out this odd duo.

Puppets War are Heavily Armed


Puppets War have some new close combat weaponry for your sci-fi miniatures.

Dust Tactics Command Squads


Fantasy Flight Games are sending the officers out into the field with these new command squads for Dust Tactics.

Soda Pop Miniatures New Releases


Soda Pop Miniatures have some great new sculpts available for you. Take a look at these.

Dark Age: Dragyri Warband Unboxed


Darrell checks out another of the Dark Age Starter boxes. This time it's the alien Dragyri... it seems Darrell might be plotting something to do with an Ice Elemental!

Heavy Metal Mayhem with the Warmachine 2 Player Starter box!!!


Time for something thats going to rock your world! As Andy takes a look at the new 2 player starter box for Warmachine.

Stay Tuned this Week As Andy builds some of the contents

PK-Pro’s New Alien Bases


German company PK-Pro have some new bases for your sci-fi xenos. Take a look and see what you think.

Grand Master Mordrak Army List


We have another army list for Grey Knights Week and today its Grand Master Mordrak’s… Darrell loves this one!

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