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Brother Vinni’s Latest Sci-Fi Selection


Brother Vinni have updated their selection of Sci-Fi miniatures. Take a look at what's on offer.

Announcing the Hook from Zombiesmith


The Hook are the new cute alien race from the fertile minds at Zombiesmith. See what you think of the models and a little of the background of this new range.

Mongo the Biggest Brute in the Badlands!


Darrell has a look at Mongo, the mightiest Brute the world of Dark Age has to offer... it looks like those Outcasts grow em' big out in the wasteland.

Grey Knight Terminators and Paladins


Darrell has the Grey Knight Terminators to show you guys, this is a dobble kit that can build you the Grey Knight Terminators or some Grey Knight Paladins.

Mash an Ork & R2-D2 together & you get… Aaargh2D2


Check out Scibor’s Halloween mini Aaargh2D2 and their new fantasy miniatures too.

Infinity Templates from Micro Art Studio


Darrell takes a quick look at the acrylic templates for Infinity, available from Micro Art Studio.

Bionic Arms from Blight Wheel Miniatures


If you're looking for some bionic conversion pasts to use on your 28-33mm miniatures, then Blight Wheel Miniatures has knocked up a sprue of resin add-ons that might just fit the bill!

Land Raider Multiple Assault Tactic


It's the poster-boy for the super-tough in the world of Warhammer 40K, but are you using it as little more than a hammer? Darrell discusses some cool ideas to help new players get to grips with their Space Marine mega-tank.

3 Colours Up: Painting an Imperial Fist Dreadnought Part 2


Here's the second part of Romain's epic tutorial where he paints an Imperial Fist dreadnought.

New Tesla Canon From MaxMini


MaxMini have a new weapon to blast away with in your sci-fi battles. Nikola Tesla would be proud.

Inquisition Elites – Inquisitorial Henchmen Discussed


Justin and Darrell sit down to chat about the Inquisitorial Henchmen and its looking as if this is where Darrell is going to be doing most of his cheese hunting!

New Gas Mask Heads from Kromlech


Brand new from Kromlech, comes these sci-fi Gas Mask heads, just ready to grace your faceless legions of death!

Effigy Miniatures Needs YOU!


Tom Mason, who has sculpted miniatures for the likes of Reaper, WizKids and MERCS Miniatures, is setting up a Kickstarter programme to get support for his new miniature company Effigy Miniatures.

We Examine the Orks Codex!


Darrell & Andy discuss the Orks Codex and whether it's good for a new gamer or an experienced tournament player.

Painted Ivanka from Raging Heroes


We've seen her before, but now she has a coat of paint! Check out the fantastic sci-fi model from Raging Heroes... Kaptain Ivanka.

Dystopian Wars Takes to the Skies


Some fantastic new previews for the steampunk world of Dystopian Wars announced today. Spartan Games really have gone to town on these two new behemoths of the sky.

Dark Age: Brood Warband Unboxed


It seems like the Brood to crawl, slither and snake their way out of the wastelands as Darrell takes a look at another starter box for Dark Age: Apocalypse.

Mantic’s Warpath Army Deals


With Warpath's release fast approaching, Mantic have got some new army deals for the Marauders and Forgefathers available to pre-order.

On the Table 01 Oct 2011


As Cutlass week draws to a close and Games Day fades from our minds it is time to see what else has been happening in the wide world of tabletop wargaming.

Necrons are Imminent! But what would you change?


Every source we have (both those on the inside, and those who ... shall remain nameless) have been telling us that we need to be stocking up on gauss weaponry and dusting off our mighty Megalith! If true... what updates would you like to see?

Pig Iron Release Trooper Command Squad


Pig Iron Productions have released the command squad for their System Troopers. Take a look at these guys.

Expanding your Cygnar Battlebox


Andy & Darrell chat about how a new player would go about expanding their Cygnar force using the Battlebox as a starting point.

Iron Minion from Fiendish Fabrications


Fiendish Fabrications have a brand new steampunk style robot to bring onto the streets of Victorian sci-fi.

Studio Miniatures Halloween Zombies


Studio Miniatures are celebrating Halloween with some rather unfortunate trick-or-treaters.

Baelor Sculpting’s Robot Reaver


Baelor Sculpting have unleashed a robot war hound onto the table tops of science fiction. This is the Reaver, pray it doesn't come for you.

New Villains Join 7TV’s Cast


Crooked Dice have put up painted images of the two latest villains to make an appearance on 7TV.

Dark Art Miniatures: Brutal Di-sector & Breaker


Darrell takes a look at another of the blister packs from Dark Art Miniatures. This contains the Di-Sector and the Breaker, two more gladiators for the post-apocalyptic arena of Brutal!

Grey Knights Elite Choices Part One


Warren and Darrell have a look at the elites section of the Grey Knights codex and let you know just whats good for the Knights.

Dream Pod 9’s Golden Gear Competition


We've mentioned this a couple of times and the guys from Dream Pod 9 have asked us to post a few more details about their Golden Gear Competition.

Quality German Terrain from Gelaendestuecke


Here's a new German terrain manufacturer, Gelaendestuecke. Have a look at this video showing one of their medieval castle sets.

Anvil Industry goes Mainstream


Moving on from their successful eBay store, Anvil Industries have launched their own website, selling their range of Steam Lords and custom Steam Lord sets.

Andy Builds an Exemplar Cinerator for Warmachine


As the final build from the Warmachine 2-player starter box, Andy assembles the leader of the Exemplar Cinerators unit from the Protectorate of Menoth.

Now with Restored Footage!

Mad Robot Miniatures 15mm Sci-Fi Soldiers


Mad Robot Miniatures have put up pics of their latest 15mm sci-fi figures, the TMC Jump Troops!

A Call to Arms: Star Trek From Mongoose Publishing


Mongoose Publishing will now be letting you take your Call to Arms games where no man has gone before (well maybe a few have by now, but not Call to Arms anyway). Star Fleet, the game of space combat in the Star Trek universe is now available to pre-order!

Ruin Bases From PK-Pro


PK-Pro have a new selection of bases to take your miniature battles to the junk strewn ruins of a city. Take a look and see what you think.

Black Library Limited Edition Audio


Black Library have a new limited edition audio box set of Horus Heresy novels.

MiniWarGaming Builds a Command Centre… Final Part


You tuned in yesterday for part one of the Imperial Command Centre build... now here's the final part.

BoW Adam was at Combat Patrol


If you’ve been missing BoW Adam then check out this short video with the main man himself from a tournament called Combat Patrol.

Antenocitis Workshop Sci-Fi Vehicles


Antenocitis Workshop have previewed some work-in-progress sci-fi vehicles.

Building A Menoth Heavy Warjack


Following on from the last build video, Andy has a bash at building one of the Menoth Heavy Warjacks from the new Warmachine 2-Player Starter Box.

Man-O-War, Plastic Demo Corps!


Privateer Press have just announced the release of the brand new set of plastic-resin Demo Corps for the Khador faction of Warmachine.

5th Anniversary Scibor Miniature


It may not be a new one, but it's certainly a good one... Scibor Monstrous are celebrating their 5th Anniversary and as a result are throwing in a copy of this miniature, when you order more than $30 worth of stuff from their website.

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