New and looking cool from Antenocitis Workshop comes the mighty Bucephalus Grav Tank.
If you've been waiting for the latest annoucement about Mongoose Publishing's upcoming game A Call to Arms: Star Fleet... then wait no longer!
Paulson Games produce a cool line in conversion part and some whole miniatures, that you could use to bulk out your forces in one of your favourite sci-fi games. Check out their latest range of mech weaponry.
We've managed to get a pre-production version of the brand new Hussar for Heavy Gear... this massive marvel of NuCoal is going to give everyone a run for their money! There are two versions of the model, one in tank model and one walking. Check them out and see what you think.
Romain moves on to some of the finer details of painting Eldar Armour, this time he gives us some advice on how to paint the gems on the armour.
Darrell takes a look at the Sand Carrier... a super little 28mm APC available from Scotia Grendel Productions.
The talented artists at Worthy Painting have been busy painting us a brand new Necron force... we asked them for something dark and menacing... and we want you to name them!
Anyone who has looked into the UFO phenomenon knows of them. They are the secretive agents who work to cover up the alien presence. They are mystery and secret. And they are now in 15mm.
With all the buzz about the new Necrons... don't forget about the new Necron Megalith.
If you need your Orcs to have some up close and personal large-bore fire power... then you need SHOTGUNS!
Today, Privateer Press have launched a trio of eagerly anticipated models, including something of a surprise for long term fans!
Today on Enlisted, Andy and Darrell discuss what seems like the oldest Chaos Marine army list on the block... Twin Lash.
This month some more miniatures will be joining the twisted chaos of Dark Age. Check these guys out.
Beasts of War have joined forces with the mighty Battle Foam to bring you another sensational competition… a conversion competition! We want putty and pinning, reposing and magnificent model mutilation! WE WANT CONVERSIONS!!!
Hi-Tech are bringing out the big guns for the Biotech Covenant with their new war walker, the Megatherion.
Secret Weapon are releasing some new Super Secret Objective markers, perfect for adding a little character to your scenarios.
The master returns with a new mini series of painting tips. This time Romain's going to be working on the different types of armour you might come across in your gaming life and some of the simple yet effective ways to paint […]
OK... OK... they're jump packs, but I like Turbo Packs better. Check out the new retro-style jet packs from MaxMini!
If you're into your starship combat games, then have a look at the latest release from Brigade Models for their Starmada range.
Darrell has a cool strategy for using Heroic Intervention to land in a ruin and assault up the floors to get at the enemy!
One of the Beasts of War members, Starminer posted this interesting article on his blog at: CAUTION: Bonds Skin Instantly. Take a look at it and see what you think... and check out the old Necron concept art... seriously cool!
Want to boost the morale of your Dust Tactics army? How about these two recently announced packs for the Axis and Allies from Fantasy Flight Games. Some very nice looking models and really adding to the flavour of the Dust […]
It wouldn’t be a Games Workshop relaunch without some brand new infantry models and this one will be no exception.
It look’s to me like the Necrons are getting Snipers! Check out the Deathmarks!
All Necron armies needs Warriors, Flayed Ones and Immortals...
If you need a post-apocalyptic style battle buggy for your game... perhaps to mount some nasty greenskinned aliens in it... then check out Puppets War.
It was widely anticipated that in the Necron Codex, Games Workshop would give them some character Necron Lords… and lo… it has come to pass.
You wanted it so you got it! The Necrons are getting a troop transporter... the fearsome Ghost Ark!
Check out this leaked image of the brand, spanking new Games Workshop Necron vehicle... The Command Barge!
It's that time of the week again as Romain continues his master class on painting an Imperial Fist Dreadnought, this time we see some of the final touches where he highlights the armor plates.
DreamForge Games' Mark Mondragon is starting up a Kickstarter Programme to help make his Eisenkern Troopers a reality.
Raging Heroes have put up some new concept sketches for some upcoming sci-fi miniatures. I have to say it is definitely looking promising.
Darrell has a look at the Cuskudo the Combined Army TAG from Infinity... one thing's for sure... a bug that big is gonna take a really big flyswatter!
Mad Robot Miniatures are previewing their next 15mm sci-fi release. Check out the Harook.
We knew that Warpath was going to be updated in a similar fashion to Kings of War... but here's the evidence!
Titan Forge have released some new Demon Slayer Assassins with which to combat all that is malign and demonic in the universe.
It's time for another enlistied video with Andy and Darrell as they look at one of Darrell's favourite army's in all of Warhammer 40K, but from the sound of it these ancient warriors are in need of a re-boot.
Love them or loath them... Cygnar gets one of the best solos in the game... the Journeyman Warcaster. Andy tells us about this most useful of 3 point models.
Have any of you seen this weathering spray from Modelmates? Could this be an alternative to dip?
Looking to get yourself one of Reaper's promotional Halloween Trick or Treat bags? Well here are some new miniatures for you to buy.
Four A Miniatures have got a new team of guys to help fix any wargaming situation. The new Fix-it Team.
If you're looking for an amazing centrepeice to your army, what about this fantastic looking VSF Tunnelling Machine from Ironclad Miniatures.