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Heavy 15mm Fire-Power from RavenstarStudios


Grav-Vehicles to add to your 15mm battlefield with RavenstarStudios.

More Sci-Fi Warrior Bitz from Anvil


More Bitz and Bobz from the guys at Anvil Industry.

Hoo Rah Soldier! 15mm Marines from Khurasan


Hitting the ground running with some more marines from Khurasan Miniatures.

The Lords & Heroes of the Vampire Counts


Andy and Darrell delve into the horrifying depth of the Lords and Heroes section of the Vampire Counts Army Book

More from a Sci-Fi Future Egypt with MaxMini?


More from the future of Egypt from MaxMini.

A Titanic Cruiser from RavenstarStudios


One hell of a powerful cruiser blasting through the galaxy.

Mini-Special Infantry from Dream Pod 9


The tiny army does as much damage as its 28mm cousins!

Arm Yourselves Men! Aliens are Coming!


Laser Rifles aplenty from Victoria Miniatures.

Ulthwe Eldar Army by Worthy Painting


The guys at Worthy Painting have been working on a cool Uthwe Eldar Army... check out the Harlequins!

Lay Down some Heavy Fire-power with DreamForge


Some fantastic 3D Renders from DreamForge Games!

A New Company and New Fantasy Model Taking Shape


New Concept & WIP Model from Sapphire Wars upcoming Sci-Fi Game.

Detailed Bases and New Terrain from Dream Pod 9


New Bases and Stone Head Terrain from Dream Pod 9.

New Frag Launcher Arm & Head Previews from Puppets War


More alternates from the awesome Puppets War.

New Reaper Releases Across the Range


A massive new list of releases from Reaper Miniatures.

Critical Mass Objective Satellite


New Objective for ARC Fleet from Critical Mass Games.

Defiance Show the Assured Outcomes for the Mercs


Defiance Games have published a piece of artwork for the Mercenary army called Assured Outcomes in Alien Wars.

Lead From the Front With Dust Tactics NCO Command Squads


In battle the commanding presence of the NCOs can mean all the difference between victory and defeat. Well now they can really give you an edge in Dust Tactics with the release of these new command squads.

Necron Canoptek Scarabs Scuttle Forth from Forge World


The scuttling swarms of the Necron Canoptek Scarabs are now crawling out Forge World.

A 2000pt Necron Army From Nnighthawknm


Andy & Darrell take a look at nighthawknm's undefeated 2000pts Necron list.

3 Colours Up: Painting a Confrontation Gargoyle… Part Four


Romain adds more detail to his awesome Gargoyle model.

Grey Knights Elite Choices Part Two


Warren and Darrell have a look at the elites section of the Grey Knights codex and let you know just what's good for the Knights.

Smart Max 54mm Morgenstern & Trancheur


54mm Models from Smart Max now on sale!

Mad Robot Miniatures’ New Grey Coat


More Troopers answer the call for duty with Mad Robot.

Inquisitor Coteaz Army List


The Inquisitor that allows you to take your henchmen as troops... this army list won't be cheesy at all then!

Leaked 6th Edition 40K Heretics Rulebook is Real… But…


After a lot of digging and snooping around, the inter-webs and other virtual and real dustbins (did we say how much we enjoy old cheese and jam sandwiches) of the great citadel (or should that be Citadel), we have some very interesting news/theories (you decide) about the so-called Heretics 40K Rulebook… or the 6th Edition Leak for those with little flair for the dramatic!

Are you in the US and want to go to Gamesday UK 2012?


Then you need to check out Geek Nation Tours!

Muzzel Flash from Blue Demon


Darrell check's out these Muzzle Flash parts from Blue Demon. You can add these to your guns to give a cool gunfire effect.

The Force is with You from Knight Models


A whole ream of new releases from Knight Models for their Star Wars range.

The Crimson Fists Celebrate 25 Years of Warhammer 40,000


Will you be celebrating the 25th Anniversary of Warhammer 40,000 with a Crimson Fist?

Fixing Finecast… Part 2


Romain adds the finishing touches to his Finecast Farseer.

Anvil Industry Bitz in the Works


Some new Bits and Pieces previewed from Anvil Industry.

Time to Hire for your Infinity Warbands


Time to get those credits together and hire some more Infinity Mercenaries.

Inquisitor Coteaz – Character Breakdown


The archetypal Inquisitor, what do the guys think of this embodiment of the Emperor's will?

Don’t Poke the Micropanzer Russian Bear


The Russian Bear brings heavy armour to this fight.

Post-Apocalyptic Road Warrior Greens from Wreck-Age


In the not so distant future we are all Road Warriors with Duster Coats!

Who Out There Needs Some Futuristic Gang Members?


If you're looking for some super cool 3D-printed sci-fi Gang Members, then check out Gang War Miniatures!

Cordon Off the Area With Atztech’s Warning Tape


If you are looking for something to really bring to life your urban table tops than you don't need to look much further than Atztech's new Warning Tape.

New Celtic and Egyptian Space Knights from Scibor


A pair of new Sci-Fi Knights are now on sale from Scibor Miniatures.

Space Marines… Transform and Roll Out!


The guys at Worthy Painting have been busy putting together a custom Space Marine chapter... see what you think?

Fly Trap Factory Unveil a Gentlemanly Trooper


Fly Trap Factory have previewed the first concept sculpt for a new mini, The Merovingian.

Visors Down for The G Pilots from Puppets War


Check out these frankly awesome alternate heads!

The Force is Strong with Highlander Studios


Highlander Studios have put up a preview for a strangely familiar sci-fi warrior.

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