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Grand Exemplar Kreoss And His Mega Charge


Andy and Vishal get a look at Grand Exemplar Kreoss from Protectorate of Menoth and show you just how cool his feat is, and how just to use it in your games of Warmachine.

Manual Reload for Rune Shots


Andy and Vishal have a look at how you can keep a genrader fireing and give it some tasty magic bullets.

A Mini Model With an Eye on You as it’s Prey


A little lover or fighter from 15mm Miniatures? You Decide.

Terrifying Little Angels from Puppets War


Freaky little Angel Servitors from the folks at Puppets War.

Defiance Games’ Bugs Are Taking Shape


Checking out the next stage of the Defiance Games Bugs.

Two New Creepy Crawlies Scuttle into Rogue Trader


Fantasy Flight have previewed two of the new xenos menace which will be coming in the Koronus Bestiary supplement for Rogue Trader.

Amazing February Releases from Infinity


You may have seen them dotted around our website, but here they are combined together into one of our cool blasts... so sit back and enjoy the sci-fi extravaganza from Infinity this month.

What to Boost and When


Andy and Vishal discuss one of the key points of playing Warmachine, boosting your dice rolls and the pro's and con's of boosting your attack rolls over your damage rolls.

Basic Tactics for the Cryx Battlegroup


Do you have a Cryx Battlegroup and you're wondering what to do with it? Well, Andy has some ideas to help you out with basic tactics.

Ramshackle Games Keep your Troops Safe


A New Gnu from Ramshackle Games hits the store.

The Only Good Bug is a Dead Bug with Defiance Games


The bugs are coming from Defiance Games!

Puppets War Make a Funny Noise


Puppets War have a new weapon to really leave your enemy shocked. The Bzzt Emitter Pack.

Heresy Miniatures are Looking Smug


Heresy Miniatures have released a new human sci-fi figure. Mr. Smug.

More Space Wolves and Thunderwolves!


That's right... you've seen some of the releases for the Space Wolves and Tyranids due out next month... but would you like to see some more?

New Winged Hive Tyrant in the Latest Kit!


The one model that the Tyranid players have been looking for is the Winged Hive Tyrant... well it looks like you're getting your wish!

Infinity Reinforcements Are Ready to Go


The forces of Infinity get some great looking reinforcements.

Finished Va-Lyn Render from ArtCrime Productions


The final stage of the Va-Lyn concept is ready to go!

New Tyranids & Space Wolves due in March


The Tyranids swarm and the Space Wolves howl as March heralds releases for both armies in Warhammer 40,000.

Blood Bath Painting Competition from Dark Age


If you think you 've got what it takes to join in on thi syears first Dark Age Painting Competition, then here's what you need to know!

Thomarillion Kit Out the Office


Thomarillion have just got in some new office supplies for your 28mm offices.

More Alien Auslanders Join the Fight


Mad Robot Miniatures have put up some more previews for their 15mm alien Auslanders. This time they are a bit more alien than just an extra set of arms.

Model Display Products Starship Sci-Fi Bases


Setting your models on the deck of a Starship with Model Display Products.

Dinosaur Time with Puppets War?


A new sneak peek Work-in-Progress from Puppets War.

A Massive New Wave of Miniatures from Reaper


A crazy amount of models in the newest wave from Reaper Miniatures

Kittin’ out da Waaaaagh! wif Kromlech


Armin' Da Boyz wif Kromlech Miniatures

25pts Khador List from Declan Lowry


Declan has submitted another Warmachine list for us to peruse... what will the guys think of his new Khador army?

Scibor’s Heavily Armoured Nipples


Scibor's have released a new sci-fi knight with this most well armoured nipples in wargaming.

Mad Robot Unveil a Well Armed Auslander


Mad Robot Miniatures have previewed a new and well armed sci-fi trooper, the Auslander.

Necron Battleforce Up For Pre-Order!


Calling all budding Necron players, now is your chance to take that first step towards fielding an army of these undying warriors with the Necron Battleforce set!

Protecting the Emperor with Royal Guard from Knight Models


The Royal Guard come to the defence of the Emperor from Knight Models.

How to Use Speculatve Fire


Andy and Mike sit down to tell us how to use Speculatve Fire in Infinity and how to beat smoke grenades.

Alternate Observer Heads from Puppets War


New Observer Heads from Puppets War.

Kabuki Release their very own Dark Knight


No not Batman, but another Science Fiction Knight this time from Kabuki Models.

How Direct Templates Work in Infinity


Andy and Mike Sit down to chat about a little tip for Infinity this time its how direct templates work and the diffrent types you'll come across.

Heresy Miniatures New Trooper Pack


Storming the enemy with new troopers from Heresy Miniatures.

The Urban War Legion Needs You


Do you have what it takes to join the Legion and thrive in the Urban War?

Puppets War Release Some Serious Fire Power


Puppets War have a new heavy weapons platform to bring some serious destruction to your enemies.

Knight Models Honour the Hutt


The Hutt gets his time to shine with Knight Models.

Mantic Games Unveil the Grim Cargo Tokens


Check out the tokens for Project Pandora: Grim Cargo.

HiTech Mix Flesh With Big Guns


HiTech have released their latest sci-fi space marine style miniature, a heavily armed biological monster of a man.

Nid Week – Build: Heirophant Bio Titan


John rounds off our Nid Week coverage by building the Heirophant Bio Titan!!

Dinosaurs in Spaaaaace!


Yes more things in space, and this time its Dinosaurs.

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