Pardulon Models have released two new Freight Containers to set out on your table top.
It waits in the shadows, ready to pounce out on the unwary. No I'm not talking about Warren. Check out these new and exclusive images Mantic provided us of the Veer-Myn from Warpath!
It's the end of the week and Ronnie from Mantic has arrived to show off some of his new minis but while he was getting ready Justin had a sneaky look in his bag and found something rather interesting...
Puppets War have released their latest robotic creations, the Cyber Arthropods.
Will you be buying any of these marines from Defiance Games?
Infinity gets some more reinforces with a new waves of releases!
The Neo Iskandrian Power Armour moves into the next stages of production...
Fiendish Fabrications have a new Victorian style figure to study the skies. Meet Ogilvy the Astronomer.
Naming a rodent from spaaaaace with Mantic Games!
A creepy guide to either help or hinder you from Anakron Miniatures.
Going fishing for massive mutant fish? These guys could certainly help.
Some very creepy little retinue members from Puppets War
HiTech have released a new winged sci-fi knight figure to lead your forces. This time he's a bearer of good news, the ArchFather Gabriel.
The ships of Firestorm Armada charge the lasers and get ready to take over the Galaxy.
The Sci-Fi Knights of Scibor get a new toy to play with.
Darrell looks at the Vanguard Veteran special rule Heroic Intervention and how you can use it better.
Puppets War have put up some preview images on their Facebook of their upcoming Cyber Wraiths. Check slithering cyber monsters out.
Post-Apocalyptic soldiers for the near future with Lead Adventure.
Red Knight Entertainment bring you some interesting looking Sci-Fi paper terrain.
Darrell tells us how you can get away from a unit that's chasing you off the board, when you fail your leadership test and have to fall back.
If you missed it then what are you waiting for, the latest Gear Up E-Zine for Heavy Gear is available for download.
A whole bunch of Sci-Fi bikers from the folks at Puppets War.
Darrell and I have a look see at what can and can’t Tank Shock in Warhammer 40K. Sounds simple but it’s worth checking that someone isn’t trying to run you over when they actually can’t.
Darrell checks out Ork Boarding ramps in Warhammer 40k in this daily tips. He has a look at what they do and if they are effective for the points cost.
The Veer-Myn scuttle out from the shadows with Mantic Games.
Darrell talks us through the ins and outs of the rage special rule in Warhammer 40K.
Crooked Dice have put up some images of the Daredevils, fully painted and ready to take on the baddies.
Masses of painted previews for the new releases from Spartan Games!
The Dark Age crew show off some shots of their new faction for the Post-Apocalyptic future.
More Work-in-Progress shots from the folks at Blight Wheel Miniatures.
Here's some very hot pics we just got in of the forth coming Hafza with Spitfire for Infinity from Corvus Belli.
Cool Mini or Not have another Limited Edition model on the way, this time its a Sci-Fi Chick!
Some more Dakka Dakka from Puppets War?
Next up at Salute 2011, lets have a look at the glorious sci-fi world of the Governance of Technology from Antenociti's Workshop... enjoy!
Another couple of weeks have flown by and it’s now time to have another look at what’s been going on in the world of Tabletop gaming.
Darrell takes a look at the Necron Ghost Ark... but which does he like better the Ark or the Annihilation Barge.
Some new painted pics of the Vasa KV72 Starfire battlesuit have been published on the Urban War Facebook page. Check it out!
Anvil Industry have released some new bionic arms to make your minis real hard hitters.
The new Sci-Fi Bikers are ready to roll from Puppets War.
CorSec fence off the area, but to keep something out or in?
Fantasy Flight have released the second wave of painted monsters for use in games of Arkham Horror. Check out these gribbly beasties.
The bell tolls through Scibor with the release of their latest sci-fi hero, the Angel of Death!