MERCS welcomes two new factions, the Texico and the ISS.
The Orks were once a strong tournament army, but Darrell is convinced they've taken a big hit. The guys discuss the changes 6th Edition have made to the Greenskins, prior to filming a Front Stage review.
Taking a look at which models lost out, with the change to Warhammer 40K 6th Edition. Have Dreadnoughts taken such a blasting that they're resigned to the bottom of the box?
MayBug Games power through the Wastelands in this awesome looking Buggy.
The world of Warpath welcomes some interesting new Veer-Myn specimens...
Adam stops at the Dark Age stand at Gen Con 2012 to check out the new models for the Core faction.
Find out the latest happenings with the guys Fantasy Flight and the DUST game systems.
If you need to get those critical Assault troops to the other side of the board, quickly and safely... then the Space Marine Librarian is your friend... or at least your ally of choice.
Antenocitis Workshop show off their newest armour suit.
Adam speaks to Soda Pop Miniatures and asks about their recent success, amazing miniatures and future plans.
CP Models Miniatures have some interesting new aliens hanging out with a few Egyptians!
Pig Iron Productions promote some of the Kolony Rebels to Squad Leader.
Spellcrow realise someone has done a rotten stinker!
Adam speaks to Carlos about the Paradiso Campaign book and what's coming up for Infinity.
Get your trousers dirty with these kneeling Guardsmen legs from Kromlech.
Wreck-Age is getting ready for barren wasteland warfare with a new Kickstarter.
Adam gets a first look at the sculpts for Mantic Games latest creation... DreadBall!
Teseum is a rare Ariadnan compound that adds armour piercing abilities to weapons. Romain paints a cool green metal effect on the sword of William Wallace, to represent this stuff!
Spellcrow arm you with the defence of religious zeal!
What do you make of Defiance Games missile toting hardsuit?
Olleys Armies head out to the frozen wastes to find some Scrunt Rangers!
MaxMini finally get the Space Police Heads out!
Darrell give's advice on how to load out your Landspeeder to take on the terrors of 6th edition.
Adam takes time to meet the guys from Dream Pod 9 to ask them what's the future of giant robots, epic battles and sci-fi gaming, in the world of Heavy Gear.
Adam tracks down the guys from Mercs at Gen Con 2012 to have a chat about the games' new factions and the possibility of an expansion.
Forge World tease their first Horus Heresy book, Betrayal.
Hasslefree Miniatures arm Hamlet with some new legs and a gun!
MaxMini have been playing around with some conversions atop the frame of a new release!
Adam has been busy all weekend filming, blagging interviews & having a look at some of the latest and greatest from the world of TableTop Gaming, but before we get to that its time for Adam to take us on a tour of Gen Con 2012!!!
As one of the last races to be updated in 5th edition 40K how will the Necrons stack up with the new rules? The guys give you Backstagers some early access to their thoughts on the matter.
The folks at Infinity show off their awesome new Spec-Ops agents!
The Enforcers are ready to Advance Order from Mantic Games!
Kromlech let their hair down and go all rock-tastic with new Punk heads for the greenskins!
Before setting off on a new series of Codex discussions, Andy & Darrell take time out to give you backstage members a little preview of their thoughts on the 6th edition changes.
The Panzergrenadiers are almost ready to hit the tabletop.
What do you make of these remastered helmets from Anvil Industry?
Worthy Painting give a lick of paint to an undersea beastie!
Studio Sparta allows the Spartan Games team to show off their creativity!
Mighty Mechanical Orc Claws from Spellcrow!
Check out the Toxic Flame markers from Litko ready for the battlefield.
Darrell has advice on lessening the impact of those pesky weapon destroyed results.
Dreamforge Games have headed onto Kickstarter so they can fund their new plastic Crusader kit!