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Infinity Unveil The Superb Sophotects And Wildcats for 2013


Time for the first offerings of 2013 from the guys over at Infinity, and as always they never disappoint.

Meet THON’s Keeper Of The Living Library


THON has another piece of concept art out to enjoy. This time it's for a stern looking matriarch...

The Wild West Exodus Outlaws Send Out A Call For Gunfighters


Wild West Exodus has another preview for you. This time it's for the Outlaws Hired Hands...

Dreadball:Copperbowl – Post Tournament Write-Up!


Sunday 27th January saw Rich Jones run a fantastic one day tournament for Dreadball called Copperbowl. He organised it for the charity 'Help for Heroes' and hoped to get a few like-minded friends turn up and play a few games. […]

It’s the 31st Millennium at Tabletop Nation


The idea of Warhammer 40,000 as a historical game is probably a strange one for many of you. Those of you who have been watching the Weekender (and if not, why not!) will probably recall us mentioning the Horus Heresy, an exciting setting for several events coming up at Tabletop Nation over the coming months.

Gun Fighters Of All Shapes & Sizes From Lead Adventure


Lead Adventure have a preview for both their Sci-Fi and Fantasy range...

Raging Heroes is Taking Its Ladies to Kickstarter


Raging Heroes have announced that they will soon be heading over to kickstarter to get some crowd funding for three possible projects!

Prepare to Dock Your Spacecraft with GameCraft


GameCraft have released some new terrain pieces in their Tomorrow's War range to help you to land your space craft safely.

MaxMini Release Ogres in Spaaaaaaaace!


A rather large sci-fi lout is stepping out of MaxMini's webstore. Please welcome the sci-fi ogre. Or else he'll eat ya!

Micro Art Build the World of Wild West Exodus


If your like us than you are really excited by the new weird wild west game Wild West Exodus, an excitement which can only be fuelled by the news that Micro Art Studio will be producing the terrain!

Help Anvil Industry Rename Their Steam Lords


What name would you give Anvil Industry's Steam Lords?

Dr Carpathian’s XIII Shoots Up Wild West Exodus


The Wild West is getting weird and slowly filled with nicely painted monsters!

Dark Angels Codex: Heavy Support


The guys get to grips with the last section of the new Dark Angels Codex with the Heavy Support section will this be the one so set there world on fire or will it be a bit of a wet squib?

The Forge Fathers Lay Down Some Withering Firepower


Check out this awesome new option for the Forge Father's Iron Ancestor...

The Weekender: Our Thoughts on The Wargaming Week


It's been another mad week here at BoW HQ what with Dark Angles and all the other cool stuff that's been going on, this week were joined by Templars Crusade 01 (A.K.A, Brian) from you tube to share his thoughts.

Dark Angels Codex: Fast Attack


We've checked out HQ, Troop and Elite choices for the Dark Angels but now we look into the Fast Attack options. Of course this means Bikes, Land Speeders and more! Will you be bringing any of them with you when you head off to battle?

Puppets War Take To The Skies In Their New Dragonfly


Check out a new flyer from the folks at Puppets War...

Justin and I Ask What Has Armorcast Been Smoking?


Ok, I know this isn't really news, but I wanted to share it with you guys anyway. While researching the previous article Justin and I came across a couple of minis in Armorcast's range that raised a few eyebrows.

Goth Up Your Board With Armorcast’s Buildings


Armorcast have announced that they are re-releasing their popular Gothic building selection.

The Mighty Cerberus Roars Out of Forge World


A mighty new weapon has joined the arsenals of Forge World, the mighty Cerberus Heavy Tank Destroyer!

Victoria Miniatures Jazz Up Their Pith Helmets


Victoria Miniatures take a look at their Pith Helmets and give them some upgrades for the new year.

More Artwork Illuminates The World Of THON


Check out more concept art for the Sci-Fi world of THON.

Kromlech Have You Kneel Before Their Legionaries


Kromlech show off their new Legionaries Legs for use in your Sci-Fi games.

Spellcrow Releases the Latest in Ork Style


This week Spellcrow released the selection of Ork torsos that help give your green skins that real tough guy look.

The Lord Inquisitor has a Word with Aaron Dembski-Bowden


It has been a a while since we last heard about The Lord Inquisitor, the fan made Warhammer 40k. Well I was looking at it today and found this interview with the film's writer, Aaron Dembski-Bowden.

Dark Angels Codex: The Elites


Now for the real meat of this codex with the Elites, and maybe a rant or two over the Games Workshop errata coming out 4 days after the release of the new book...

Dark Age’s Kukulkani Are Starting to Look a Little Green


Are you excited over the up coming appearance of the Kukulkani in Dark Age? Well you should be, as these new greens demonstrate.

Cheese Hunters: Truly Immortal Necrons


Darrell, Swampy and Andy have found yet more cheese this time for Necrons, but can you kill them quick enough to keep this tactic at bay?

Anvil Add More Bionic Limbs To Your Sci-Fi Soldiers


Anvil Industry are getting a little obsessed with the Bionic attachments it seems!

Fantasy Flight Preview The Deadly Slave I For X-Wing


Check out one of the deadliest ships in the sector for X-Wing!

The Warrior Nations Get Ready For The Wild West Exodus


Wild West Exodus warms up for its Kickstarter with a look at the Warrior Nation Hired Hands.

Hansa is Ready to Step Beyond the Gates of Antares


The kickstarter for the new sci-fi game Beyond the Gates of Antares is progressing along well and as a reward we have been shown the final sculpt for the mini of Hansa Nairoba.

Micro Art Build Their New Desert Base


Micro Art have added some new bases to a couple of their existing ranges. Not just the desert bases, I just called the article that because I like the pun.

Puppets War Power Up the Gatling Guns


Few weapons are quite as evocative and cool as the Gatling Gun. Now Puppets War are offering a set of side mounted Gatling Guns to give your vehicles even more fire power.

Meet Andy and Darrell at Huddersfield Games!


Hey guys, ever wanted to play a game of 40k against Darrell and prove him wrong? Well that's nice, keep dreaming kid. But you could get the chance to at least try as he and Andy will be going to the Huddersfield 40K Slam Tournament this April!

What’s in the Box: Dark Angels – Time For a Look at The New Toys!!!


The guys sit down to have a peek at the new Dark Angels kits the Ravenwing Dark Talon, the Land Speeder Vengeance, the Deathwing Command Squad and last but not least the Ravenwing Command Squad.

Salute General Grant’s Arrival In Wild West Exodus


Wild West Exodus is closing in fast and with it comes General Grant.

Pardulon Get You To Guard Their New Pump Station


Check the water is still running fine with Pardulon Models new Pump Station.

Dark Angels Codex: HQ Choices


The guys move to the second part of the HQ section of the new Dark Angels Codex to have a look at the custom build characters.

Painting Dark Angels Power Armour


Time for a look at a new way to paint your Dark Angels' Green Power Armour with our good buddy Dave here at Tabletop Nation.

Dark Angels Codex: Troops & Transports


Time for a look at the back bone of your beautiful looking new Dark Angels Army.

During An Apocalypse Never Forget The Entrenching Tool!


Lead Adventure show that even with a shovel you can kill effectively.

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