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Orc Authority Wears a Kromlech Greatcoat


As I have said before and will say again, greatcoats make everything more awesome. This is proven by Kromlech's new Orc Officer, sporting the latest in Kromlech fashion.

Warzone Resurrection Gets a Behemoth of a Stretch Goal


The Kickstarter for the Mutant Chronicles miniatures game Warzone Resurrection is working for their 90k stretch goal. Such a massive goal deserves a massive aim and Warzone Resurrection is definitel providing that.

Scibor Provide Your Space Elves With a Firm Footing


Scibor have a new range of bases in their store which depict a graceful architecture only achievable by mystic space elves. Did I just type the words mystic space elves?

Become Enslaved to Taban’s April Releases


This April will see the latest influx of releases for the strange game of Eden and Taban Miniatures have just given us our first glimpse of what to expect.

Something Mech-Like This Way Comes From Defiance


A mighty looking foot has appeared on Defiance Games' Facebook Page. Could this be the Mech we've all been waiting for?

Raging Heroes Preview a Priestess of the Dead


Raging Heroes are gearing up towards their Toughest Girls in the Galaxy kickstarter and to build up our interest they have released the latest lovely lady. Well, this time not so much lovely as disturbing.

Ninja Division Prepare to Take Robotech to Kickstarter


Ninja Division, one of the collaborating companies working to bring the game of Robotech RPG Tactics to reality, have published some new previews on their Facebook.

Games Workshop Tease The Coming Of The Tau


Grab More Single Pack Heavy Gears From Dream Pod 9


Check out some more Mechs in single packs thanks to Dream Pod 9. Which one of these will be your favourite and get added to the roster?

This Year Prepare for a Shadowrun Miniatures Game!


Catalyst Game Labs have announced that this year is going to be "the year of Shadowrun." There have been a bunch of announcements regarding the popular tabletop game, not least of which is the upcoming skirmish game Shadowrun Sprawl Gangers!

We Enter the Final Hours of Empire of the Dead Requiem


Yes gather round one and all for the final hours of Empire of the Dead Requiem, this is your last chance to get in on this great kickstarter.

Puppets War Fly in the Troops


Some of you may remember Puppets War's latest flyer the Dragonfly Aircraft. Now Puppets War have announced that the troop carrier version will soon be appearing in their store.

Blight Wheel Miniatures Unleash A Komodo Warrior At Salute


Check out this Salute promotional miniature from the folks at Blight Wheel Miniatures.

Infinity Show Off Their March Releases


It's that time of the month again as the guys from Infinity break out another set of amazing new miniatures.

Anvil Industry Design A New Take On Their Autocannon


Check out a re-design for the Autocannon by Anvil Industry. What do you think of the changes and are they for the better?

Get Post-Apocalyptic Bargains from Wreck Age’s Vendor Cart


In games such as Fallout a common sight in the post-apocalyptic ruins is vendors, making their way around the settlements to sell supplies. Now such stalwart representatives of capitalism have made their way to Wreck Age with the new Vendor's Cart.

The Weekender XLBS Throwing in the Tau


On this weeks XLBS the guys get a chat about the games that their planning to play in the near future, and also take a look at the new Tau images and get a little chat about some of the cool kickstarters that are tempting them.

Forge World Take You to the World of the Necrons


Forge World have now released their Necron Realm of Battle tiles as a set to help you create the Necron Tomb World Complex!

The Weekender: Myth & Dropzone Commander Terrain


Well it's been another week of ups, downs, and turnarounds and as always we're here to keep you guys up to date on all the goings on from another week in our gaming world.

A Bizarre Ship Joins Dystopian Wars’ Russian Coalition


The Russian Coalition of Dystopian Wars is getting a rather strange looking new ship for their fleet; the Veliky Class Escort.

Feast of Games: Libertalia


Time for another new show! Warren has been itching to get some more gaming under his belt, so he's grabbed Stu, Gav and Jim to play a game of Libertalia. This high stakes, high seas adventure should have the guys running for the nearest port (and I don't mean the local dock's!).

When it Comes to Steampunk Empire of the Dead Travels in Style


Well there are only five more days left for the Empire of the Dead kickstarter and one of the great things this project has brought to the smog shrouded streets is transport! Check out these cool sets of wheels. You'll like the rest of the mini too.

Anvil Industry Preview Upcoming Heavy Weapons


Check out a preview of the upcoming heavy weapons kit to help give some suppression to your advancing Black Ops team.

Modiphius Return Us to the Classic RPG Mutant Chronicles!


I come bearing good news for all fans of sci-fi carnage and chaos as Modiphius, the guys behind the great Achtung! Cthulhu have announced that they will be rebooting the classic RPG Mutant Chronicles!

Battle Orks on the Move as Roadhouse Develop 40k Game


Another company is making a deal with Games Workshop to turn the world of Warhammer 40k into a game. This time Roadhouse Interactive are set to make a Space Marine game for your smartphone and tablet.

On the Table s5 ep9: Infinity, Dragons & Flames of War!


In this episode: Dystopian Wars, the return of DRAKE to Kickstarter, another Infinity exclusive & a HUGE Gale Force Nine give away!

Cheese Hunters: Secondary Objectives


With 6th edition Warhammer 40K well and truly settled in the guys have a look at one of the fundamental changes to the main game and how its going to affect your tactics against your friends when playing secondary objectives.

Darkest Star Games Add To The Venturian Vehicle Range


Check out this pair of new vehicles from Darkest Star Games. See what you think of their 6mm offerings.

YouTuber Pydracor Brings Their Cygnar Stormwall to Life!


This afternoon Justin pointed me in the direction of this vid which was just so awesome I had to share it with you guys. The R.E.C.O. (Ridiculous Electrical Components Overkill) Stormwall!

This Week Explore MiniWargaming’s Dark Potential


MiniWargaming have announced that this week (18th-22nd) is being given over to their sci-fi game of Dark Potential.

AR Workshop & Puppets War Mount Up On Jetbikes


Check out some images of the work-in-progress Jetbikes for Puppets War.

The Epic Sci-Fi Kickstarter THON Gets Cancelled


The THON Kickstarter has been cancelled! Take a look at what the creators say within and fear not as they do still want to bring those fantastic miniatures to the tabletop.

Learn of the Fall of Fulgrim at Black Library


The Emperor's Children have started to take their first steps towards damnation and decadence in Black Library's upcoming novel Fulgrim Visions of Treachery!

Miniatures of the North Head Out into the Desert


Miniatures of the North have previewed some newly sculpted miniatures for a new selection of desert insurgents.

What’s in the Box: The Leviathan Crusader


This week on What's in the Box, Gav has bought in his Leviathan Crusader from Dreamforge Games for us to have a look at! He and Justin sit down to go through what comes in this monstrous kit.

Another ArchFather From HiTech Begins To Preach


HiTech Miniatures are back with another of their ArchFathers. See what you think of Theodor and does he split the mold when it comes to others of his ilk?

The Rotting Features of Spellcrow’s Plague Knights Take Shape


Spellcrow's Plague Knights are continuing to take shape with a number of different pieces currently in the process, including these head options.

MERCS – CCC – Faction Tips


With the MERCS Global Event not far off we thought it a wise idea to take you though some of the finer points for each faction. Today Lucas has joined Justin in the studio to talk about the tips and tricks the CCC can employ during a firefight.

Drop in on the Cityscape of Dropzone Commander


As you may have heard on the Weekender terrain plays a very important part in Dropzone Commander. Well Hawk Wargames have just announced that they will be releasing Cityscape, a customisable card battle field set!

Learn Of The Greater Good With Black Library’s Shadowsun


Check out the details of an upcoming novella from Black Library that might just work with that new army you've been thinking of collecting.

Join Statuesque Miniatures Resistance With New Eva


Check out this new member of the Resistance from Statuesque Miniatures. With a rocket launcher in hand she can do some serious damage!

MaxMini Preview Some Greenskin Hell’s Angels


Hop on your bike and get ready to ride out as MaxMini have just previewed a bunch of heads for a mean looking Orc biker gang.

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