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The Weekender XLBS: Lord Inquisitor & Our Future Gaming Plans


Now for a sit down about some more topics that have got us excited. We're discussing the news about Lord Inquisitor, a quick look at some other parts of geek culture and a reflection from Justin on some games that we're looking forwards to playing over the coming months.

The Weekender: The Mantic Open Day & Gaming In the Gaps


We're back for another episode of The Weekender where we discuss all things DreadBall Academy, talk about the Mantic Open Day and of course the very sad passing of Ray Harryhausen.

What’s Been Going on With The Lord Inquisitor?


It has been quite a while since we last saw a proper update on the progress of the fan-made 40k film The Lord Inquisitor, but now the project's creator has put out a video to let us know where things are currently standing.

Knight Models Unveil Their Immortal Liam Neeson


He is one of Batman's deadliest enemies. Cunning and ruthless, he knows the identity of the great detective and commands the forces of the League of Assassins. He is Liam Neeson.

Chaos Daemons Codex Break Down: Heavy Support Choices


It's now time for the guys to get a look at the Heavy Support choices from the Chaos Daemons Codex. Will their mighty engines of destruction be making an appearance on your gaming table?

Hasslefree’s New Hero Is Ripe And Deadly


Check out Hasslefree Miniatures' new hero looks like he might slip up at any time.

Chaos Daemons Codex Break Down: Fast Attack


The guys settle in for another look at the Chaos Daemons Codex, this time exploring the Fast Attack section. There seems to be a lot of good units in here that are worth taking into battle!

The USCR of MERCS Employ a New Gunner


A new miniature will soon be joining the USCR company in MERCS, bringing its skill as a gunner in return for their great dental plan.

Pyre Prepare the Mechs for Inevitable Betrayal


A few days ago we reported on Pyre Studios' upcoming board game Inevitable Betrayal. Well things look to be shaping up for the game as we have just come across the various designs for the mechs the players will be controlling.

Dark Age Turn The Spotlight On The Kukulkani


Check out Dark Age's spotlight on their newest faction to take on the post apocalyptic future of their war torn worlds.

DeadZone Terrain Gets a Pledge Level of Its Very Own


It's exciting times for fans of DeadZone. We have already had our first looks at some of the awesome terrain that will be appearing, and now you can get your mits on it!

Chaos Daemons Codex Break Down: HQ Choices


Now it's time to have a look at the mighty leaders of your Daemon horde. Will you follow the path of the Blood God, unlock the mysteries of the Changer of Ways, spread vile filth at the feet of Nurgle, or revel in the pleasurable company of the Dark Prince?

Protect Your Catwalks With Micro Art Armour


Micro Art have a new upgrade available for their Infinity terrain sets, some armour plating to help protect your minis as they traverse the Catwalks.

Conquer The Earth In All Quiet On The Martian Front


Check out these awesome looking Martians from Alien Dungeon and their new Kickstarter project, All Quiet On The Martian Front.

Dress For Tech Success With Miniatures Of The North


Check out these new look robes from Miniatures of the North. They might not even go on general sale, but they do look nice.

Drive Out in Defiance’s Jack Rabbit


When you want to get your troops to the fighting quickly and safely an armoured vehicle is the best way to go about it and Defiance have released just such a vehicle. Introducing the UAMC Jack Rabbit Fast Armoured Vehicle.

Chaos Daemons Codex Break Down: Troop Choices


Day two of the Chaos Daemons Codex Break Down and the guys are moving on to have a quick look at the troops section of this monstrous tome before delving into the darker secrets of the Warp!

Achtung! Cthulhu International Tabletop Day Characters!


The folks at Modiphius present the International Tabletop Day Achtung! Cthulhu characters that you can now use in your fight against the darkness!

Meridian Miniatures Start Up The Sci-Fi Drum Beat


Check out some more fantastic looking additions to the Meridian Miniatures line. It all looks very neat indeed!

MaxMini Send In The New Nasty Hounds


Check out some of the latest 3D renders from MaxMini concerning their rather deadly looking dog problem.

Maki Games Show Off More Terrain Due For Kickstarter


Check out some more previews of the new terrain from Maki Games that will be coming to Kickstarter soon.

Preview Deadzone’s Awesome Plastic Terrain


Check out the new plastic terrain and the latest goal that Deadzone are aiming for with their Kickstarter.

Four New Ships For Fantasy Flight’s X-Wing


Check out the new ships for X-Wing! Three of which I'm pretty sure Stu called on the Weekender just gone!

Chaos Daemons Codex Break Down: Special Rules & Wargear


We've been waiting a long time to get around to this codex break down, but it's finally here. Justin, Swampy and our buddy Craig have sat down to take a first look at the Codex Daemons book and give you their first thoughts on it.

The Star Spawn Joins the Side of Cthulhu in Cthulhu Wars


More gribbly creations continue to slither out of the depths of Lovecraft's mind for Cthulhu Wars. Now is the time to quake in fear at the approach of the Great Star Spawn!

Prodos Preview the Ronin of Warzone


The Mishima faction of the upcoming game Mutant Chronicles Warzone Resurrection will soon be getting a new follower of the way of the samurai.

The Weekender XLBS: The World of Wargaming


Warren, Justin and Stu are back for another Weekender XLBS, and this time they get to chat about the way things have been going in the world of wargaming this week, including whats been happening with Games Workshop, a cool new D&D game and the latest on the Inheritance front.

Puppets War’s Jump Packs Take Wing


We have already seen some of Puppets War's new jump packs and now it seems that they are releasing some more stylistic examples, with these Steam Jump WIPs.

AntiMatter Take Your Table Under the Sea With New Terrain


Under the sea is an environment entirely alien, full of strange sights and singing crabs. AntiMatter have previewed a new piece of terrain to help you create this bizarre environment. Hydrothermal vents.

Space Hulk Video Game Developer Q&A Part 1


Check out some more information from the developers about the upcoming Space Hulk video game which aims to faithfully replicate the tabletop experience.

Man’s Best Friend In The World Of Warzone Resurrection


Check out this awesome duo for Warzone: Resurrection that might just have your shiny syndrome going on overdrive.

Give The Big Guy The Gun Says Scibor


Check out this bulky ogre hero from Scibor. Would you talk back to this hulking brute covered in muscle?

The Weekender: The Return!


The guys are back with this week's Weekender. This week we get a closer look at the upcoming Grumpy Old Wargamers Con happening at Tabletop Nation, On top of this the guys give their views on the DeadZone Kickstarter and we announce the winners of the Mutant Chronicles Warzone contest and the great Salute 2013 scavenger hunt!

May Brings More Mini Weapons From Spellcrow


Spellcrow have announced that a bunch of new accessories, particularly sci-fi weapon options, are now available from their webstore.

Compete for DeadZone at Board Game Geek


Board Game Geek and Mantic have come together to provide you with the chance to get your hands on some awesome DeadZone prizes!

Drive Out in the First Vehicle of Wild West Exodus


Wild West Exodus is starting to come to life and we have just been shown the first vehicle sculpt, which is now entering mass production.

Deadzone’s Gaming Mat Is Unlocked Smashing $300,000


Check out new gaming mats, future models and even some gameplay videos from Jake Thornton himself!

Ring Out Belles for Infamy’s Limited Edition Beauty


Infamy Miniatures have announced that they are now selling a limited edition 54mm version of their Belle of steampunk style miniatures, Talullah Belle.

Has Bioware Saved Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine?


Check out this small glimmer of hope for the future of a Space Marine game thanks to Bioware!

Bombshell’s Babes Get Their New Webstore!


Bombshell Miniatures show off their new webstore chocked full of fancy female miniatures!

Cheese Hunters: Space Wolves – Wolf Lord Re-Rolls


The guys are in the studio to show you a new trick with Space Wolves. In particular it surrounds the idea of Wolf Lords and re-rolls. See what you think of this one.

Micro Art Leave You Stranded on Derelict Bases


Micro Art have some new sc-fi style bases to set your minis up in a derelict technological setting.

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