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Forge World Let Hecaton Aiakos Out Of His Labyrinth


Check out another masterpiece from Forge World. This time it's the mighty Hecaton Aiakos for the Minotaurs Chapter. He truly is a bit of a beast!

MaxMini Release Their Biker Boyz To The Battlefield


Check out the awesome set of Orc Biker Heads from MaxMini that will no doubt be gracing a whole host of armies over the coming months.

Support Your Warzone Mishima Force With A Mighty Meka


Check out this awesome looking Meka from Warzone: Resurrection. This certainly is a beast of a miniatures and when it gets to the later stages of production I reckon it's going to be snapped up.

Infinity Show Off Their June 2013 Releases!!!


So guys with Infinity Week just around the corner we thought we'd show off the latest of the new releases coming out of the Infinity studios.

Troll Forged Host a New Host


Troll Forged Miniatures seem to have a serious infestation problem as another Host has appeared for their latest selection of alien swarm figures.

Infinity Week 2013 – Starts Monday!


That's right another fun packed week of Infinity goodness kicks off on Monday July 1st 2013!

From Empire To Fall: The Development Of The Eldar Part 4


In the forth part of Lee Trayler's series exploring the history of the Eldar he looks at the exciting and vibrant worlds of the Exodites, the development of key aspects within the Eldar army and their move to becoming a full army alongside newer editions of Warhammer 40,000.

The Kurganova Troopers Take Shape From Raging Heroes


Check out a 3D Print of one of the Toughest Girls in the Galaxy from Raging Heroes. They are looking pretty special right now and it's going to be great seeing how they look as a full army.

What’s In The Box: Afflictor, Briscards & Assault on Normandy


In this episode of What's in the Box we get a look at the Afflictor for Legion of Everblight, some Briscards for Ariadna & the Assault on Normandy box set for Bolt Action.

Prepare to Be Harvested by Dark Age’s Kukulkani


Dark Age Games are gearing up to release some new models for their latest faction, the Meso-American themed Kukulkani. This time they are far more human-like in appearance, but as the name Harvester would suggest they are no less dangerous.

Chapter House Studios Put Up The DarkTech Defences


Check out the next step from Chapter House Studios as they continue in the wake of their court battle against Games Workshop. DarkTech Terrain on Kickstarter!

Mark Your Targets For The Anvil Master Sniper


Check out this new set from Anvil Industry that will be taking the fatal shot from miles away! A neat sniper team to continue their Black Ops line...

Warmachine’s Convergence of Cyriss Gets Colossal


What is more dangerous than an army of killing arcane robots? A giant killing arcane robot!

Painting Astorath the Grim: Part Four


Romain is closing in on the finish line for painting Astorath the Grim. Now he's finished up the last of the main colours, the painting master moves on to some of the finer details.

Princess Leya Joins the Star Bowl Team


When playing contact sports it is important to wear protective clothing and few things will give you the same protection offered by the latest player to appear in Star Bowl, who is sporting a familiar hair style and armoured bikini.

What is Stalking Out of the Fog of Puppets War?


Puppets War have put out a preview showing a couple of strange looking creatures stalking out of the fog. What could these be?

Wild West Exodus’ Secret Backers Make Awesome Miniatures


Check out three awesome looking concept pieces from Wild West Exodus. These have been made in conjunction with Kickstarter backers so it'll be interesting to see what you think of them.

From Empire To Fall: An Iyanden Intermission


Lee takes a short intermission to explore an important game in the history of the Eldar race. Doom of the Eldar was the first real look at Craftworld Iyanden and it paved the way for the infamous Tyranids too!

Warzone Take The Path Of The Wandering Ronin


Check out this awesome looking Ronin Samurai for Warzone Resurrection. He certainly is a bad ass individual and I can't wait to see a painted version!

The Earth Shakes As Kromlech’s Clanking Behemoth Attacks


Check out a mighty machine from Kromlech that mighty make any budding Ork general whimper in happiness.

Max Mini Orc Heads Speed Towards Release


Orcs are well known for their love of travelling at high speeds on devices of dubious reliability, but few things show this mad lust for velocity like Max Mini's new orc heads.

Breaking News from Statuesque Miniatures!


Why aren't their more miniatures of journalists? We are, after all, exciting, tenacious searchers for truth (or new miniature releases, both are awesome). Well Statuesque Miniatures have rectified this with their new miniature of Reporter Tallulah Caine and her trusty camera man.

From Empire To Fall: The Development Of The Eldar Part 3


Grab a cup of coffee or tea and sit down to read the third installment from Lee Trayler as he explores the history of the Eldar. In this part Lee follows the rebirth of the Eldar thanks to Jes Goodwin.

Say Hi to Scibor’s Pretty Elven Faces


Scibor have released some giant Elven faces to help enhance your vehicles or bases.

Eldar Codex Break Down – Heavy Support Section


Time for the last segment! Andy and Lee take a look at the Heavy Support choices for the Eldar to round things off. If we missed anything juicy from the codex then let us know in the comments!

A New Gem Of A Miniature From Euphoria?


Check out some stunning work for both sculpting and painting when it comes to Euphoria Miniatures. How can you turn down an elemental skater punk and a bad ass looking robot?

The Weekender: Heretics, Bombshells & Eldar Week


We hope you've had a great week filled with gaming, we certainly have! Now the weekend has hit us we've got even more to look forwards too and in this episode we chat mighty Fulgrim, the Bombshell Miniatures Maelee Kickstarter and all about Eldar week! Don't miss the Relics Fantasy Football chat too!

New Space Hulk Screenshots Show Genestealer Blasting Fun!


Check out some more screenshots of the Space Hulk video game that will be coming out very soon thanks to the folks from Full Control. What do you make of it so far?

Another Troll Forged Miniatures Swarm Reaches Adulthood


The second Adult Swarm WIP has appeared over at Troll Forged Miniatures, this one sporting a through variants which help show off the changes this thing goes through during its life cycle.

Scibor Summon the Daemon Lord of Sci-Fi


Scibor Monstrous have released another of their heavily armoured heroes of sci-fi. This time we are getting a Demon Lord, depicted in the act of summoning up his malignant servants.

Jungle Fighters Jane & Anne Escape The Wild With MaxMini


Check out the final painted versions of Jane & Anne from MaxMini as their two Jungle Fighters go on sale.

Dauntless Apostles & Guardians Grace The World Of Thon


Check out the world of Thon once more with some designs for both the Apostles and the Guardians in the game.

Eldar Codex Break Down – Fast Attack Section


The guys are feeling the need for speed as they take a look at the Fast Attack choices of the new Eldar Codex. What do you reckon will be their choice as they delve into this high speed section?

AntiMatter Plunge Their Heavy Biomech into Deep Wars


A new green has appeared in the stygian depths of AntiMatter Games. Something is walking through the depths of Deep Wars, towering over all its fellow swimmers. It is of course the mighty Heavy Biomech.

From Empire To Fall: The Development Of The Eldar Part 2


Lee's back with the second part of his article series, From Empire to Fall. In this second part Lee explores the development of vehicles and walkers within the Eldar army and those fan favourites, the Harlequins.

Eldar Codex Break Down – Elites Section


Time for a look at the elites for the new Eldar Codex. How have all the Aspect Warriors fared in the new book? We shall see if they still have a place in your army list, or if they should be relegated to the miniatures shelf to gather dust.

Raging Heroes Hits the Road on Their War Bike


Raging Heroes' Kickstarter campaign for The Toughest Girls in the Galaxy has been a resounding success, so much so that they are bringing out new stretch goals for past the $400,000 mark.

What is This Rising From the Mantic Worktable?


The Kickstarter for Deadzone may be over, but that hasn't stopped Mantic Games from posting up two quick teasers to keep us guessing at just what their sculptors are working on.

Tabletop Art Uncover Some Ancient Machinery


The next set of bases which Tabletop Art will be releasing has appeared and it looks like some Ancient Machinery lies hidden under the feet of your miniatures.

From Empire To Fall: The Development Of The Eldar Part 1


Lee Trayler, who has been exploring the Eldar Codex this week with Andy, has put together a series of articles detailing the history of the Eldar in the hobby and their fluff. Enjoy Part One where he looks at the development of these 'Space Elves'.

Bombshell Are Back On Kickstarter For A Maelee Special!


Check out a return to Kickstarter from Bombshell Miniatures where they are raising money for their Maelee Gen Con Set!

Defiance Unleash The Chinese On Their World Of Alien War


Check out the new Chinese Troops that are now available from Defiance Games for their world of Alien War and beyond.

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