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EDEN Objective Markers


Do you need some cool sci-fi/post-apocalyptic objective markers? Then check out these from Taban Miniatures for their EDEN game.

The Next Wave of Dark Eldar… in resin…


Here's the next wave of the Dark Eldar... this time the (almost obligatory) Wracks have been included.

New TPEA Squads and Zebu


Antenocities Workshop have a great range of sci-fi models and vehicles... here's just some of their new stuff!

Space Marine Collector’s Edition & Box Art Revealed


THQ show off the Warhammer 40,000 Space Marine box art and the rather spiffy looking Collector’s Edition.

Space Marine Dev Diary II – Combat System


Get a glimpse of the development decisions of Warhammer 40,000 Space Marine this time focusing on the Combat System.

Dark Eldar Razorwing


So here's the pictures of the Dark Eldar Razorwing from Games Workshop.

New Battlesuits from Critical Mass Games


Do you need some bigger hardware for your 15mm sci-fi games? Then look no further than the latest battlesuits from Critical Mass Games

Khador Gun Carriage


Here's one we've all been waiting for... it's the Khador Gun Carriage!

Cygnar Battlegroup Tactics


Andy has a look in to the the basic tactics for the Cygnar Battlegroup.

Rooftop Rumble in Pulp City


While Pulp City sleeps... high above... stalwart heroes battle against nefarious foes!

Clanker Heads from Kromlech


Here's an interesting head sprue... Klanker Heads from Kromlech.

Dead Men Tell No Tales


Lead Adventure have released another addition to their post-apocalyptic range... this time... those who weren't so lucky.

Are Mantic Going Sci-Fi?


If you missed TURN 8 last night, then you may not have heard about the leaked pictures we have uncovered, that seemed to originate from Mantic Games.

Kara’s Last Stand Limited Edition


New from Studio McVey and limited to 400 models, Kara's Last Stand will be available to those attending Triples Wargames Show this weekend.

Chica-Chica… Arm Your Mexican Orcs!


We reported on the fantastic Mexican Orc Bandito heads from Puppet Wars, a while back... well... now you can tool them up with some typically Mexican weaponry too!

Rangers and Grim Reapers for DUST Tactics


If the Axis powers aren't your thing, then how about some Allies to fill that pulp adventure shaped hole in your gaming agenda.

New Axis Monsters for DUST Tactics


New for DUST Tactics are these new boxes of Axis Zombies and awesome looking Gorillas!

MaxMini Combi-Glaives & Immortal


New from MaxMini... some big weapons and a demon!

Gears of War the Board Game Chainsaws HeroClix in the Face


Necron Lords Rundown


Darrell goes through some of the different bits of cheesy kit you can take for your Necron Lord.

Infinity Walkways from Micro Arts Studio


New from Micro Art Studios... laser cut, wooden walkways.

Fantastic APC


If you're looking for that fantatic centrepiece to your sci-fi force... maybe for Infinity... Imperial Guard... or just hard sci-fi... then here it is!

Sapphire Wars Rabbit Samurai!

14 years ago 4

Take a look at the latest green from Sapphire Wars... A Rabbit Samurai... I think?

New Uth’whei Miniatures from Zombiesmith

14 years ago 4

Here's some new robotic aliens from Zombiesmith... the Uth'whei...

Crooked Dice Are Shipping Scientists

14 years ago 1

Crooked Dice have started shipping their latest models, the Scientists! Breaking the boundaries of knowledge in your games.

Runewood, The New Solo For Cygnar

14 years ago 4

Privateer Press have put up pictures of the latest solo to grace the forces of Cygnar. Say hello to Archduke Runewood!

New Space Marine Armour

14 years ago 16

So... Forge World has made another batch of Space Marine armour...

New Wolf Warrior Sketch From Sapphire Wars

14 years ago 0

For those of you not yet excited about Sapphire Wars, heres another example of their great concept work.

Orc Artillery? A 20cm Schwere Feldhaubitze 38

14 years ago 4

So the guys at Kromlech have launched their latest update to their Orc Wars series, this time its a big gun!

Post-Apocalyptic KGB Agents

14 years ago 0

Well... they're highly trained, ruthless agents... so why wouldn't they survive an Apocalypse?

A Proper Zombie Hunter

14 years ago 2

Masquerade Minis has quite an eclectic mix of horror and fantasy miniatures, but none so overtly cool as this proposed Zombie Hunter!

New Secret Weapon 3D Renders

14 years ago 4

I received word from Justin at Secret Weapon, to say that he had plans to make some cool weapon bits to use to upgrade your vehicles. Here's his first concept... a heavy flamethrower... suitable for a turret mount methinks. Now […]

Darrell Takes a Look at the Venerable Dreadnought


Darrell's got his mitts on a Venerable Dreadnought today.

Dark Eldar Voidraven Spotted


Here's a sneak peek at the new Dark Eldar Voidraven...

Assaulting a Stormraven


Darrell gives us some tips for assaulting skimmers and flyers... including the mighty Storm Raven!

Invasion of the Zombie Germans… in Plastic!


I've been waiting for some plastic zombie Germans for my Weird World War 2 games... and now Studio Miniatures have answered the call to arms!

Tactics for Genestealers & the Broodlord


Darrell has a look at the options and upgrades for Genestealers and the Broodlord.

Erebus… Servant of Scaverous


Have you managed to have a glance at the new Cryx warjack upgrade? If not... here it is.. EREBUS!

Heavy Weapon Shock Troops Preview


Here's the 3D renders of the new Shock Trooper special weapons teams.

Here Come the Looted Dread Knight’s!


Looted Dread Knight by BoW Member Scythican.

New Paper Terrain from Dave Graffam Models


If you're on a budget and you need some hot looking terrain to decorate your game table, then how about some of these cool looking paper terrain kits from Dave Graffam Models.

Exclusive Concept Art from Sapphire Wars


Take a look at the latest concept art sketch from Sapphire Wars... Agent Omicron!

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