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Playing Infinity – Face to Face Roll


This video takes a look at how Face to Face Roll works in Infinity.

MaxMini Release New Gothic Back Packs


MaxMini have released a new range of Gothic back packs for 28mm heroic minis and they are looking great.

We’re Live at Q-Con… part three


Lloyd takes his new hat for a walk around the convention and we read out today’s final results for the 40K tournament… only two more rounds to go! Joining us was the ever-lovely Colin from Tabletop North, proving that not all gamers are chubby beer monsters, some are actually handsome love-lions!

Squadron Cover in 40K


Darrell unearths some more tactics with a distinctly cheesy niff.

Playing Infinity – Turns & Orders


This short video looks at how turns work in Infinity and how Orders are used.

The Force Is Strong With Knight Models


Good news for all you Star Wars fans, Knight Models have brought out two new additions to their Star Wars 30mm range.

Scibor Release a New Wave of Sci-Fi… er Knights


Guys over at Scibor have been hard at work with three new sci-fi models now available.

Big Guns from Puppets War


Straight out of Poland comes this collection of gun turrets from Puppets War. These pieces look great and give you many options. The new releases include a Machine Gun turret, a Laser-Plasma turret, a Gatling turret, a Flame turret, a Laser turret and something called a Nuclear Heater turret.

New Kurgan Fleet for Call to Arms: Noble Armada


Here's the latest faction of miniatures due out for Call to Arms: Noble Armada from Mongoose Publishing... The Kurgan!

Relic Knight Kisa from Soda Pop Miniatures


Take a look at this guys, here's the latest (unpainted unfortunately) model from Soda Pop Miniatures... Relic Knight Kisa...

New Faction for Sedition Wars


Coming up for GenCon this year, Studio McVey will be unveiling their latest faction for Sedition Wars.

Finecast Terminator Librarian


Darrell checks out another of the Finecast models from Games Workshop. This time he's got a Space Marine Terminator Librarian.

Painting a Mage Hunter Commander Part Three


You've waited and now here's the finale of Romain's Mage Hunter painting tutorial. He's going to cover, how to do some easy shading, how to do source lighting and much, much more.

How Coordinated Orders Work


Mike and Andy are back again with more Infinity tips. Andy has been having a problem with his guys getting shot down every time he moves... does Mike have a solution?

Finecast Lord Commissar


Darrell has a look at a Finecast Lord Commissar from Games Workshop.

Space Marine Scout Tactics


Darrell's on the hunt for more cheese and he's found a nice tasty bit this time, involving Space Marine Scout's, cover and poisoned weaponry!

Infinity Releases for June


Here a round up of the latest releases for Infinity... hold on to your hats... it's a cracker!

Sneak Peak at some Gothic Tank Traps from Secret Weapon


They're only in the design stage, but they're definitely on the way. Secret Weapon has release a preview picture of their latest terrain piece, the Gothic Tank Trap. Now Includes a New Image!

What do you think of the latest from Scibor?


Now anyone who read my article on Scibor's last releases may now that I had a distinctly low opinion of the Celtic Sci-Fi Veterans. However, I believe this latest string of releases has thoroughly redeemed them.

Next Month in Backstage – Gamescape Downloads


It's on the horizon... Beasts of War will be bringing you downloadable terrain that you can build along with us!

Chimera Process



An article by Gutier Lusquiños

DUST Tactics Painting Competition


Calling all you budding artists out there... do you want to win stuff... and the undying envy of your fellow gamers? Then why not enter the DUST Tactics Painting Competition!

Dark Eldar Reaper from Forge World


Check out the latest Forge World release... it's Dark Eldar... and it's a Reaper!

New Radar Station from Micro Arts Studio


Check this out... brand new from Micro Art Studio.

How to Play Infinity – Impetuous Rule


The guy's at Infinity have given us another one of there great How To Play Infinity videos... can you guess who they asked to do the voice over?

Painting a Mage Hunter Commander Part Two


We're back again to join Romain as he continues to paint the Iosian Mage Hunter Commander.

Marauder Tactics


Video Sponsors:  Infinity - Wayland Games Andy Has A chat about another of the heavy hitters from Khador the Marauder if you read the Forces of Warmachine Book's you'll know the background for the Maruader and all the other cool stuff that comes […]

New Blaster Rifles from Kromlech


Need some hi-tech blaster rifles for your sci-fi troopers? Then check these out from Kromlech.

The Strange Vistas of WarGamma


Usually my internet searches are like the Eye of Sauron... nothing escapes my gaze... Except this it seems! I came across WarGamma and was blown away!!!

Warpath Starter Game Turn Two of Three


Andy And Darrell move on to turn two but is it going to be sweet vengence for Andy or will he bounce off Darrell's wall of Dwarven Steel?

Assaulting Buildings in Warhammer 40K


Darrell has a look at the rules for buildings. These can can add a whole new dimension to your games. So, what do you guys think... are they worth putting on your gaming table?

Infinity Style Concrete Wall & Gate – Updated Pics


Here’s a shiny acrylic Hologate for your Infinity games.

Moonchild – A New Supreme for Pulp City


Here's the latest supreme from Pulp City... Moonchild!

Two Player Starter Box from Privateer Press


I was in one of the Pressganger areas of the Privateer Press website and it seems that Privateer Press may be doing some two player starter kits for Warmachine!

Infinity Terrain – Power Generator


If you're an Infinity player, you'll know the vaule of terrain that blocks line of sight... or is it line of fire! Anyway... nothing blocks those essential lines like a collossal lump of terrain. Check out this Power Generator by […]

Warpath Starter Game Turn One of Three


Darrell And Andy play a bit of Warpath to give you guys an idea of what the Alpha Test version of the game is like... this is only turn 1... there are others to come.

Forgefather Concept Sketches


Have you been wondering what these Forgefathers are going to look like? You've seen the sketches during TURN 8 and you just need to see more... then wait no longer!

New Secret Weapon Competition & Battlefoam Bag


The craftsmen at Battlefoam have been in discussions with the guys from Secret Weapon to bring to you a brand new Battlefoam exclusive, a bag designed sepcifically to carry all those fine Secret Weapon washes, pigments and tools that all you serious hobbyists must have by the... well... the bag-load!

Native American Heads from Puppet Wars


Puppet Wars have created this set of 5 new heads. If you were in the market for some Ratskins for Necromunda or just a unique Guard unit for your 40K forces, then these would make a really eye-catching addition.

Call to Arms – Star Trek


Going where a few games have gone before... but hey... it's Star Trek!

New Cultist Heads from Tabletop Art


Are you looking for some unique heads to use on your 40K Inquisitorial troops? Then check out these new Cultist Heads from Tabletop Art.

Warpath Alpha Rules Now In Backstage


It's here guys... Warpath is live and ready to playtest. Download the rules, print out the markers, grab some proxy models and get to it!

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